
pàn duàn lì
  • judgment;sense;understanding;faculty of judgement
判断力 [pàn duàn lì]
  • [understanding;judgment] 分析决断的能力

  1. 她谈到职业女性的悲哀:与男性相比,她们的判断力更易遭人质疑。

    She spoke of the professional woman 's lament that a woman 's judgment is questioned more than a man 's.

  2. 这位企业家的成功很大程度上是因为他卓越的判断力。

    The entrepreneur 's success was largely due to his excellent judgment .

  3. 他达到目的主要是靠运气而不是靠判断力。

    He achieved his aim more by luck than judgement .

  4. 她把这工作交给马克表明她缺乏判断力。

    She showed a lack of judgement when she gave Mark the job .

  5. 要鼓励学生培养判断力,而非不加质疑地接受各种观点。

    Students are encouraged to develop critical thinking instead of accepting opinions without questioning them .

  6. 他相信她的判断力。

    He trusted her judgement .

  7. 不是我把规则给你就行了,你得运用自己的判断力。

    It 's not something I can give you rules for ; you 'll have to use your judgement .

  8. 该法律意图保护那些年轻且无判断力的电视观众。

    The law is intended to protect young and impressionable viewers .

  9. 他很有见识,能保持正确的判断力。

    He was clear-sighted enough to keep a sense of perspective

  10. 心头涌起一阵强烈的感情,模糊了他的判断力。

    A tide of emotion rose and clouded his judgement

  11. 她一直都有很强的直觉判断力。

    She always had a lot of common sense .

  12. 新总统到目前尚未表现出对未来发展的判断力。

    The new president has so far evinced no such sense of direction .

  13. 到了快下班的百无聊赖的时候,他对自己的判断力从未有过信心。

    He never had much confidence in his judgement at the fag-end of the working day .

  14. 这位伯爵既没钱也没有良好的判断力去雇用一名管家替自己管理这所房子。

    The Earl didn 't have the money or good judgement to employ a steward to manage the place for him .

  15. 你会失去自己的判断力。知道吗,就是变得疑神疑鬼?这正是我努力想避免的。

    You can lose your perspective . You know , get paranoid ? Well , that 's something I really try and avoid

  16. 一方面我羡慕他的才华,而另一方面我却怀疑他的判断力。

    On the one hand I admire his gifts , but on the other I distrust his judgment .

  17. 他判断力很强。

    He is a man of good judgement .

  18. 即使在目前的状态下,互联网也提升了我的记忆力和判断力。

    Even in its current state , the Internet has extended my memory and judgment .

  19. 关于判断力:互联网让我在大大小小的事情上变得更聪明。

    Regarding judgment : The Internet has made me smarter in matters small and large .

  20. “老板错爱综合症”是指当一个高管迷上某个员工时,失去所有判断力,拒绝听取旁人意见,然后麻烦肯定随之而来。

    Boss crush refers to the situation when an executive falls for someone , loses all judgment1 , refuses to listen and ensures that trouble will follow .

  21. 后者则指一个人连续几天或几周不合眼。长期处于睡眠负债的状况中,不但会影响情绪、工作表现、还会减低记忆力、警觉性、注意力和判断力、并且加速老化,甚至引发其它疾病。

    Total sleep deprivation means being kept awake for days or weeks . A long-term sleep debt may cause emotional upset , compromise work performance , weaken memory , alertness , attention as well as judgment . It may also speed up one ’ s ageing process and lead to other types of diseases .

  22. microsoft会保留其特有的判断力以便随时终止或修改您显示该徽标的权限。

    Microsoft reserves the right in its sole discretion to terminate or modify your permission to display the logo at any time .

  23. Delphi方法提供一个系统的交互预测方法,关注并量化项目领导的判断力。

    The Delphi method provides a systematic , interactive forecasting methodology that focuses and quantifies the judgment of project leads .

  24. Aureus是世界各地无数小型黄金开采公司中的一家,持有矿藏执照&借助运气、判断力和财务支持,这些矿藏有朝一日可能会变成一座开采出黄金的金矿。

    Aureus is one of countless small gold mining companies peppered across the planet , holding licences for deposits that with the right mix of luck , judgment and financial backing might one day become a functioning gold mine .

  25. Aureus是世界各地无数小型黄金开采公司中的一家,持有矿藏执照——借助运气、判断力和财务支持,这些矿藏有朝一日可能会变成一座开采出黄金的金矿。

    Aureus is one of countless small gold mining companies peppered across the planet , holding licences for deposits that - with the right mix of luck , judgment and financial backing - might one day become a functioning gold mine .

  26. 你知道你有令人敬畏的判断力和项目管理能力。

    You know you have awesome estimation and project management skills .

  27. 知识越来越多,判断力却越来越差。

    We increase our knowledge but reduce our ability to judge .

  28. 它占有你的生活和判断力。

    It can take possession of your life and your senses .

  29. 译文:判断力将使你免遭伤害,理解力可以佑你无灾。

    Discretion will protect you , and understanding will guard you .

  30. 如果您和其他的官员有敏锐的判断力。

    Lf you and other civilian authorities had demonstrated as much .