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Calculation of Safety Allowance of Ship 's Initial Stability
Visiting Dunhuang for the first time Determination and Error Analysis of Initial Stability of General Ships
A simple method of getting an optimized value of initial stability is provided based on analysis on the demand of stability about container ships .
The thesis primary interpreted the shipping propulsive force , shipping obstruction force , shipping manoeuvre and steady modeling especially , and interpreted the principle of PID control algorithm properly .
Plotting of Critical Metacentric Height Curve in Accordance with IMO 's Intact Stability Criteria and Weather Criteria
Critical Metacentric Height-Equivalent Criterion for the Stability of Bulk Grain Carrier
Computation of Floating State of Ship and Its Initial Stability in Large Trim Condition
The attention is focused on the counter-flooding scheme optimization while the initial stability height is positive .
Optimization Method for Computation of Intact and Damage in Floating State of Platform and Its Initial Stability
We use two methods to deal with the righting problem and then analyze the result in detail .
A theoretical method is developed to analyze the static stability of air floated bucket foundation structures with small rolling angles .
Study on the stability of ship is divided into two aspects , initial stability and stability at large angles of inclination .
A Study of the Accurate Method to Determine the Dividing Plane of Ship 's Initial Stability Height and That of Ship 's Comprehensive Stability
The equipment can experiment with different wave height , wave period , water depth , swing the body displacement , and the response status under different metacentric height .
By calculating the date of several type of container ships in different size , show the fact that the optimal initial stability calculated by using the model is well in accordance with the practical require .
It also discusses the initial stability of unit with pontoon 's compartment damage , finding that the damage of forward or after compartment has a great effect on initial longitudinal stability of unit in transit condition .
Main contents and conclusions obtained in this paper are as follows : The method for the calculation of metacentric height fluctuation is derived for ship sailing in longitudinal and oblique seas , considering the impact of wave profile and assuming quasi-static equilibrium of heave and pitch motions .
A method to calculate ship 's added height of allowable initial metacenter height GMc and then to give ship safety allowance is presented in this paper by applying theories of ship principle and ship motion in waves , ship model test data and ship 's stability criterion .