
  1. 技术创新复杂性初探

    The Complexity of Technological Innovation

  2. 技术创新复杂性是近年来关心技术创新和管理组织建设的学者提出的概念。

    The complexity in Technology Creativity is the concept advanced by the scholars , who care about Technology Creativity and architectonic construction in administration in recent years .

  3. 同时,随着企业技术创新复杂性和不确定性的增加,仅仅依靠企业自身的有限资源无法满足企业技术创新的需要,农业科技企业管理者的社会网络对资源获取和整合过程具有非常重要的影响。

    Meanwhile , with the complexity of enterprise technology innovation and uncertainty increases , relying solely on their own limited resources cannot meet the needs of enterprise technology innovation , agricultural science and technology enterprise managers ' social network has a very important impact on resource acquisition and integration process .

  4. 客户协同创新的复杂性及主体刺激&反应模型

    Research on the complexity of customer collaborative product innovation and innovation agent stimulus-response model

  5. 技术创新系统复杂性与自组织

    Complexity and Self-organization of Technology Innovation System

  6. 试析战略创新的复杂性

    Analyzing the Complexity of Strategy Innovation

  7. 技术创新的复杂性思考

    Complex thinking on technology creativity

  8. 然而产业共性技术创新的复杂性却对制定有效的相关政策造成了障碍。

    However the complexity of industrial generic technology innovation is an obstacle to set down effective innovation policy .

  9. 第三章,在分析技术创新过程的复杂性和不确定性的基础上,就中国技术创新政策提出建议,促进中国技术创新能力的建设,提升对外贸易竞争力。

    Finally , on the base of analysis of complexity and uncertainty on the process of the technology innovation , the thesis will give the suggestions on China 's technology innovation policies .

  10. 然而,由于创新活动的复杂性及风险性,必须寻求一种新型组织形式整合创新资源,推动知识和技术的创新,而产学研合作就是适应这一要求的创新模式。

    However , due to the complexity and risk of innovation activities , a new organization form is needed to integrate innovative resources , knowledge and technology innovation , while industry-university-research cooperation is just the right innovative model .

  11. 技术创新进化过程与复杂性

    The evolutional process and complexity of technological innovation

  12. 由于创新扩散因素的复杂性,在以往的研究中,不得不只考虑扩散的特殊情形。

    Because the complexity of the diffusion of innovation , the scholars have to just think the special case of the diffusion , in the past .

  13. 在多元共生,快速变化的复杂环境和时代背景中,梅恩的创作反映环境特质,在变革和创新中呈现出复杂性和矛盾性的特点。

    In the multiplex and rapidly variational condition and times , Mayne 's design reflects the nature of environments and display complexity and contradiction which appear in variation and innovation .

  14. 本文还尝试从复杂科学与科技哲学相交叉的独特视角出发,揭示出科技创新的一系列复杂性新特征。

    This paper attempts to discover a series of new features of scientific and technical innovation from the unique joint angle of the philosophy of science and the science of complexity .

  15. 创新活动具有高度复杂性和不确定性,这为追求创新的企业家带来了重重障碍与困难,但也为企业家在创新活动中发挥更大的作用提供了更为广阔的空间。

    Innovative activities are of a high degree of inherent complexity and uncertainty , which both have brought insurmountable obstacles and difficulties to entrepreneurs in pursuit of innovation , but also provided a wider space and room for maneuver for entrepreneurs to play a greater role in innovation activities .

  16. 集群创新模式因集群创新的复杂性和动态性逐渐向网络化转变,从而构成集群创新网络。

    The complexity and dynamic nature of industrial clusters makes the model of cluster innovation change to the network and form a cluster innovation network .

  17. 经济全球化、竞争国际化和持续创新的发展,更进一步加剧了高新技术企业持续创新的复杂性和不确定性。

    With the development of economic globalization , the competition internationalization and innovate continually , the further intensified the high technology enterprises ' continually innovation of the dynamic , the complexity and the uncertainty .

  18. 在明确冶金企业技术创新的内涵的基础上,研究了冶金企业技术创新系统的复杂性及协同学特征。

    On the basis of explicating the connotation of technology innovation of metallurgy enterprises , the complexity and coordination features are studied .

  19. 其特征主要是:创新过程的多变性、创新主体的多元性、创新方式的复杂性等。

    Its main features are : the volatility of the innovation process , the diversity of innovation subjects , and the complexity of innovation ways .

  20. 但是技术创新的高风险性让很多企业望而却步,技术创新的难度及复杂性、外部环境的影响、企业自身的实力等多个方面都会对技术创新带来风险,导致其不能达到预期目标。

    But the high-risk prevents many companies to make technological innovation , because of the difficulty and complexity of technological innovation , the impact of the external environment and the enterprise s ' own strength , the desired goals of enterprises can not achieved .

  21. 通过一学期的教育实践,在分析了学生测验结果后,本论文认为在物理教学中培养学生的创新能力是可行的,但同时指出了培养学生创新能力的复杂性和长期性。

    After a semester 's education practice and analyzing the test results of students , we conclude that it is feasible to cultivate students ' creativity in physics teaching . However , at the same time we point out it is a complex and a long-term task .