
  1. 基层公共图书馆引导农民创业致富的思考

    Thoughts on Guiding Farmers to Enterprise Pioneering and Becoming Rich by Public Libraries

  2. 该商会企业界人士在外创业致富,仍念念不忘家乡,心怀对家乡人民的深情厚谊。

    The Chamber of Commerce , business people start out to get rich , is still obsessed with his hometown , home harbor of the profound friendship of the people .

  3. 创业作为农民致富的有效途径,一方面可以极大的缓解农民工就业压力,增加农民的个人收入;另一方面可以加速农村劳动力向城市转移,统筹城乡社会经济发展。

    Venture as an effective way of farmer a-mass , on one hand , can greatly alleviate employment pressure and increase farmers ' personal income ; on the other hand , can accelerate rural labor transfer to the city , coordinate social economic development of urban and rural .

  4. 农村公路是农村重要的公益性基础设施,是农民创业创新、致富奔小康的重要基础条件,尤其是对于欠发达地区的群众来讲,交通就是大民生。

    Rural highways , the found mental public basic infrastructure in rural area , are the base and premise for peasants to experience entrepreneurship and innovations and to get wetly and enjoy the better-off life . Particularly for the people in less developed regions , traffic is their major livelihood .