
fēn lí dù
  • Resolution;degree of isolation;separating capacity
  1. 在各项参数中,色谱柱温度和N2压力对各含硫物质响应和分离度影响最大,汽化室和检测器温度及空气压力对它们的影响相对较小。

    The influences of column temperature and N2 pressure on sulfur compounds responding area and degree were the best .

  2. HPLC可以同时测定原料中的草苔虫内酯4、5、10和18,峰形和分离度良好。

    A good resolution of bryostatins 4,5,10 and 18 were obtained when assayed by HPLC .

  3. FM立体声广播发射设备声道分离度因素分析

    Analysis of Factors about the Degree of Channel Separation of FM Stereophonic Broadcasting Transmitting Apparatus

  4. 精甲霜灵与其荔枝果肉添加样品中的杂质峰最小分离度R为1.668,与相邻组分能完全分离。

    With the new method , the minimal resolution ( R ) of impurity peak was 1.668 , and the adjacent components could be separated completely .

  5. 在最佳条件下制备的MIP对芦丁显示了良好的特异识别性,得到的最大分离度为5.0。

    MIP prepared at optimum conditions presented favorable adsorption of Rutin with a maximal separation degree of 5.0.2 .

  6. 在pH值10.5硼酸缓冲液中加入1%的乙胺,能提高芯片电泳检测尿液蛋白的分离度、重现性,电泳结果与REP全自动电泳仪结果一致。

    Introduction of 1 % ethylamine as additive could improve separation efficiency and reproducibility of urinary protein electrophoresis which was consistent with results of REP.

  7. 当进样量为3-18μg时,试样与杂质峰面积呈良好的线性关系,且主峰与杂质峰分离度好。

    When feed is 3 - 18 μ m. the sample has a good linear relation with impurity peak area , and the main peak can be nicely separated from the impurity peak .

  8. 结论:大豆低聚糖是双歧杆菌的有效促生因子,HPLC方法是一种快速、准确、前处理简单、分离度高的含量检测方法。

    Conclusion : Soybean oligosaccharide is an efficient growth promoting factor of Bifidobacterium , and HPLC has the advantages of rapidity , simplicity for pretreatment , accuracy and good separation effect .

  9. 通过比较模糊C均值和基于本体的模糊C均值结果的有效值,发现基因本体的应用有助于取得具有更好的类内紧凑度和类间分离度聚类结果。

    By comparing the validity of the results of fuzzy C means and ontology-based fuzzy C means , we found the application of gene ontology helps to achieve clustering with better compactness within cluster as well as better separation between clusters .

  10. 声道分离度是FM立体声广播系统的一项重要指标,它是整个广播系统立体声听觉质量的一个决定性因素。

    The Channel separation degree is an important index of the FM stereophonic broadcasting system , and itis also a decisive factor of aural quality in the whole system .

  11. 基于分离度的步长自适应EASI算法

    Adaptive Step-size EASI Algorithm Based on Separating Degree

  12. 森林景观嵌块体密度和分离度按I、II和III区的顺序依次增加,耕地、园地和居民工矿用地则分别依次减少。

    The density and isolation of landscape mosaic patches increased along the rank of I , II and III , while the contrary results were detected in cropland , orchard land and residential and mining land .

  13. 本文分析了FM立体声广播发射机中锁相调频环路参数与立体声分离度的关系,给出了环路参数的设计原则。

    This paper analyzed the relation between parmeters of FM PLL and stereophonic separative degree in FM stereophonic broadcast transmitter . Design principle of PLL parameters is given in the paper .

  14. 结果:测定组分具有较好的线性关系和分离度,两种生物碱的回收率分别为97.82%,97.00%,RSD分别为0.81%,1.10%。

    Result : The average recovery was 97.82 % and 97.00 % , the relative standard deviation was 0.81 % and 1.10 % for evodiamine and rutaecarpine respectively .

  15. 实验结果表明,混合算法PPO-EO在三个聚类评价指标均方差函数、类内紧致性和类间分离度方面获得了比K-means、PPO算法更好的聚类结果精度。

    The experiment results indicated that hybrid algorithm was better precision than K-means and PPO algorithm in three cluster evaluating indicators that mean square error , homogeneity and separation .

  16. 方法:进行色谱筛选研究,用分离度Ks,选择因子a确定色谱离析系统。

    Methods : Research on chromatography conditions was carried out , resolution and relative retention were used for determining the chromatography system .

  17. 在比较不同条件下的分离度、峰形、提取率基础上,建立了高效、灵敏的SPE-HPLC提取检测MC的方法。

    Compared the separation , peak shape , extraction rate under different conditions , and then an highly effective and sensitive SPE-HPLC method was established .

  18. 在所制备的手性固定相上,用配体交换色谱法研究了pH值、温度、中心离子浓度及流速对α氨基酸对映体拆分的选择性和分离度的影响,选择了合理的色谱分离条件;

    On this new stationary phase , the effects of pH , temperature , concentration of Cu 2 + and flowrate on the selectivity and res ˉ olution R s of α - amino acids enantiomers have been studied under the ligand-exchange model .

  19. 利用本方法可将茚满合成产物中的轻组分顺利分开,所有组分的分离度均大于1.5,相对标准偏差(RSD)小于6%。

    Using this analytical method the primary components of indene synthetic reaction are completely separated . The resolution of all components is more than 1.5 , RSD was less than 6 % .

  20. 该方法具有良好的线性关系和分离度,重现性好,平均回收率为10043%,RSD为182%。

    The method demonstrates good linear relationship , separation drgree and reproducibility . The average recovery rate of Lovastatin is 100 43 % and RSD ( Relative Standard Deviation ) is 1 82 % .

  21. 研究结论如下:①通过类别的可分性(J-M距离)计算了不同地物的最佳分离度窗口。

    The study results are as follows : The study calculated the best separability window of different objects through J-M distance .

  22. 采用四极质谱仪在线测定了CD4和CH4同位素色谱总分离度(K1)与色谱条件、进样量之间的关系。

    The total separating size ( K1 ) of CD4 and CH4 was detected by quadrupole mass spectrometer on line , and the relation of K1 and vary chromatographic conditions and sample volume were tested .

  23. 用PDV法建立了高基因频率STR线性判别模型,具有良好的分离度和稳定性,对预测集样本的判别完全正确。

    The linear PDV discriminant model of STRs with high gene frequency was established , and owned good separability and stability , the prediction rate of 100 % .

  24. 通过大量的严格法模拟计算和归纳总结,提出了更为合理的相对费用函数F以取代分离度系数,进一步提高了探试法用于分离序列合成的实用性、可靠性和适用性。

    Through a large amount of strict simulated calculation and induction , a more reasonable relative cost function F is proposed to replace CFS . Hence the practicability , reliability and suitability of the heuristic method in the establishment of separating column series can be improved .

  25. 该法简便、准确、灵敏,对黄酮类化合物分离度良好,可用于TFLC的含量测定。

    This HPLC analysis method is simple , accurate , sensitive , with good separation of flavonoids , so it is suitable for content determination of TFLC .

  26. 结果:在本色谱条件下,6种降压药有很好的分离度,检测灵敏度,及最小检出量均为2ng;

    RESULTS : Under this condition , there was a good resolution among the 6 antihypertensives , and the maximum detection quantity of every species was 2 ng .

  27. 1,4环己烷二异氰酸酯(CHDI)分子高度简洁、规整和对称,合成的聚氨酯弹性体相分离度极好,有着优异的机械和物理性能。

    Due to the high compactness , regularity and symmetry of the 1,4-cyclohexane diisocyanate ( CHDI ) molecular , the CHDI based polyurethane elastomers have extremely good phase separation , which leads to excellent performances of the polymer system .

  28. 以2002年2月的Landsat-TM影像为数据源,应用景观生态学原理,采用分离度和类型破碎度指数从土地利用现状和空间结构上对元江县河谷区的土地利用格局作了分析。

    Based on Landsat remote sensing image of February 2002 and landscape ecology principles , four indices , i.e , area , patches , fragmentation and isolation were chosen to analyse spatial structure and present land use of river valley in Yuanjiang .

  29. PS-ODNs的18~19mers及19~20mers样品的平均分离度分别为1.23及0.81。

    And the average resolution s for the separation of 18-19 mers and 19-20 mers of PS-ODNs were 1.23 and 0.81 , respectively . The relative standard deviations of the migration time and the resolution were all less than 5 % .

  30. 转杯纺纤维分离度与成纱质量关系

    A Relation between Fibre Separation and Yarn Quality of OE Spinning