- 网络rental right;Right of Rental

Reflections on the work rental rights & A simultaneous discussion on improving the Copyright Law
The article says the subject of the Rental Right of Works should contain the owner of copyright and neighboring right .
There 's a certain distance of judicial provisions between our civil Copyright Law and TRIPS treaty in many aspects , such as neighboring right , proper usage , rent right , right limit and law enforcement measures .
There are commons and differences between PLR and other similar rights such as lending right , rental right , public performance right , copyright levy .
A Comparative Study of the Lease System of the Copyright
Hereby the rental right doesnot belong to the right of communication .
Study on the Lease System of the Copyright
On Product Lease Right in Intellectual Property Right
On the Books for the Rent Right
The contents of the rental right refer to the capacities of the rental right .
The subject of the rental right is the person who enjoys the rental right on copyright .
A holder of buildings or lands by any kind of title ( as ownership or lease ) .
The rental right provides the use of the work temporarily for commercial interest in business , without transmitting the ownership .
With the aspect of legal system , the copyright law amended in 2001 , making rental right to be an independent right .
The right of lease for the owner of copyright is not an exception to the theory of " exhaustion of rights " .
In this paper , four patters for practice to the realization of the leasehold of the intellectual product have been put forward .
The limit to rental right is the law , under certain conditions , stipulates the restrictions to or exceptions for the rental right .
Meanwhile , the relationship between ownership and rental right is close ; we can define the priority according to the object in practice .
The expansion of economic power refers to the right of distribution right , the right of rental , the right of providing information network .
Through analyzing the international treaties and the legislation of countries and regions , we can define the subject and the object of the rental right .
On the basis of the clarity on the subject and object of the rental right , the article inquires into the content of the Rental Right of Works .
The object of copyright is the works , but the object of rental right in the copyright law cannot be taken for granted to be the works , too .
The content of the rental right decides the way of the exercise of the rental right ; the exercises of the rental right refer to how to implement the rental right .
In consideration of the original idea about the legislation of most countries and the practical necessity of the balance of benefit , we must restrict the scope of the object of the right .
To be exact , all the copyrights concerning copying , loaning and renting , online information should be used in a lawful way in order to ensure the maximum benefit for the readers .
Although the copyright laws of our country have already stipulated clearly that the lease right of copyright is an independent proprietary of the original author , the correlative prescript is still not perfect .
Through the discussion on the modes of the infringement to the Rental Right of Works , the author has put forward some problems which should be paid into attention and get the constitutive requirements of the tort .
In common law system , it includes at least the rights to occupy , possess , use , abuse , use up , let out , lend , transfer in security , sell , exchange , gift , bequeath , and destroy .
The object of rental right in the sense of copyright law cannot be treated as the same . The object of the rental right is divided into two categories : the object of the rental right of the works property and that of neighboring rights .
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