
  • 网络Export-Oriented Economy;export oriented economy
  1. 中国近年来的出口导向型经济发展对于提高GDP增长起到了很大作用,全球化在给中国带来巨大经济利益的同时,也带来了一些负面的影响,可能潜伏着一些不易被人们察觉的危机。

    In recent years , export-oriented economy of China has played a great role in increasing GDP . The globalization not only brings great economic interests to China , but also brings many negative effects and crisis which is not easy to be conscious .

  2. 她表示,德国是一个负债过高的出口导向型经济体,人口不断老化和减少。

    Germany , she says , is an over-indebted , export-oriented economy with an ageing , shrinking population .

  3. 此前的局势已经削弱了德国的出口导向型经济:德国第一季度GDP只比4年前高出1%。

    What has already happened has weakened its export-dependent economy : German GDP was only 1 per cent higher in the first quarter of 2012 than four years earlier .

  4. 投资银行德利佳华(DresdnerKleinwort)的彼得塔斯克(PeterTasker)表示:高附加值制造业之于日本就如同金融服务业之于英国。这种说法可能适用于亚洲许多出口导向型经济体。

    High value-added manufacturing is to Japan what financial services are to the UK , says Peter Tasker of Dresdner Kleinwort , the investment bank , in a remark that could apply to many of Asia 's export-oriented economies .

  5. 据接近谈判的官员们介绍,德国财长沃尔夫冈朔伊布勒(WolfgangSchäuble)在说服中国同行接受妥协方面扮演了关键角色。朔伊布勒同样反对为了限制出口导向型经济体的贸易盈余而设定精确目标。

    Wolfgang Sch ä uble , German finance minister , who was equally opposed to any precise targets to limit the trade surpluses of export-led economies , played a key role in persuading his Chinese counterpart to accept a compromise , according to officials close to the talks .

  6. 中国经济属于出口导向型经济也是个过时观念。

    China as an export-led economy is a similarly outdated concept .

  7. 我国出口导向型经济增长假说的适用性分析

    Applicable Analysis on the Hypothesis of Export Oriented Economic Increase in China

  8. 大力实施出口导向型经济发展战略

    Energetically Implement the Developing Strategy of Export Leading Economy

  9. 实施出口导向型经济发展战略,是一个整体性与层次性相结合、循地域逐次推进的过程;

    The implementation is a process of combination of the whole and the level ;

  10. 出口导向型经济模式已经不管用了。

    The export-led model has outlived its usefulness .

  11. 中国在出口导向型经济政策的指导下,对外贸易有了迅速增长,产品出口数量日益扩张。

    Under export-oriented policy , China has witnessed a dramatic growth in its international trade volume .

  12. 数以百万计的男女农民工曾经充当中国出口导向型经济增长背后的“肌肉”。

    Millions of migrant women - and men - provided the muscle behind China 's export-driven economic rise .

  13. 在英国,制造商利用英镑汇率低企之机实现出口导向型经济复苏的希望,更是增加了人们的信心。

    For Britain , hopes that manufacturers will ride the low pound towards an export-led recovery lent particular reassurance .

  14. 因此,我国经济发展必须依赖于内需拉动型经济发展模式及中高端产品出口导向型经济发展模式。

    Therefore , economic development in China must rely on domestic-demand-pulled economic development model and high-end product export-oriented economic development model .

  15. 我国为出口导向型经济增长国家且外国直接投资对国际贸易具有促进作用。

    That China is an export-led growth country and the conclusion that FDI can promote international trade can also be concluded .

  16. 地方保护主义对地区产业结构的影响&理论与实证分析中国出口导向型经济增长假说的实证检验

    Local Protectionism and Regional Specialization : & A Model and Econometric Evidences On the Export-led Growth Hypothesis : The Econometric Evidence from China

  17. 与亚洲其它出口导向型经济体一样,台湾也受到了美欧消费者需求骤降的打击。

    Like other export-oriented Asian economies , Taiwan has been battered by the sudden slump in consumer demand in the US and Europe .

  18. 在由沿海各个城市带动起来的出口导向型经济发展路径上,加工贸易增长迅速,使得我国被冠以世界工厂的称号。

    With the export-oriented economy developed first , the processing trade grows quickly , making China known as " the world factory " .

  19. 这些措施使得中型公司&德国出口导向型经济的脊梁骨,最易受信贷紧缩的折磨。

    That leaves the Mittelstand , the mid-sized firms that are the backbone of Germany 's export-driven economy , most exposed to a credit squeeze .

  20. 新加坡作为一个新兴的工业化国家,其现代化的过程具有自身的特点,尤其是制定了适应自身发展的出口导向型经济发展战略。

    The modernization process of Singapore , a new industrialized country , bears its characteristics , especially the selection of the appropriate developing strategy of export-oriented economy .

  21. 受世界金融危机的影响,我国经济发展速度明显下降,包括福建温州在内的东部出口导向型经济遭到比较沉重的打击。

    As the global financial crisis , development of our country economic has an inevitable recession , and the impacting to eastern export-oriented economy is more serious .

  22. 但是长期的出口导向型经济为当时的中国积攒了2.5万亿(现在这个数字已经更高)的外汇储备,这为中国企业在海外并购资产奠定了雄厚的资金基础。

    But the long-term export-oriented economy in China was the accumulation of the 2.5 trillion ( now the figure has been higher ) of foreign exchange reserves .

  23. 实行改革开放以后,我国循着经济特区沿海地区内地这样一个开放开发顺序,确立起出口导向型经济发展战略。出口导向型经济发展战略的实施,使我国出口强劲扩张,经济迅速发展。

    After reformation , China has opened and developed , one by one , economic zones to coastal area to interiors , and set up export economic strategy .

  24. 这些问题是出口导向型经济增长方式的产物,也是政府主导的市场化改革的副产品。

    Partly , these problems are a product of " export-oriented " mode of economic growth , and they are also a by-product of " government-led " market-oriented reforms .

  25. 谢清海表示,自己想买“消费类”股票,因为他认为,中国在未来10年将从出口导向型经济、转向内需驱动型经济。

    Mr Cheah says he wants to buy " consumer " stocks because he thinks China will transform itself from an export-led economy to one driven by domestic spending in the next 10 years .

  26. 由于我国长期以来基于廉价劳动力的出口导向型经济,许多产品在差异化中的定位呈现出较大的共性&低质量跟随的定位策略。

    For a long time , our country follows the export-oriented economic development which based on cheap labor . Many kinds of product show great generality in the quality location & low quality competition strategy .

  27. 在外需不足,我国出口导向型经济增长方式难以为继的情况下,为保持经济稳定健康发展,必须扩大消费拉动内需以促进经济增长,而增加居民消费的比重尤为重要。

    To maintain the stable and healthy development of our economy , we must expand consumption stimulating domestic demand to promote economic growth , and increase the proportion of residents ' consumption is particularly important .

  28. 我们可以选择自己的说法,例如,在东亚和一些其他国家利用出口导向型经济扩张积累外汇储备之际,美国的消费挽救了全球经济增长,使其免于下降。

    We can choose our narrative tone – for example , that US spending saved the world from a decline in growth as the east Asians and some others built up their reserves through export-led expansion .

  29. 他说:你能接触到切实参与中国下一轮经济增长的企业,中国正在从出口导向型经济向消费驱动型经济转型。

    You are getting exposure to the companies that are really going to participate in the next wave of Chinese growth , in the move away from an export-driven economy towards a consumer-driven economy , he says .

  30. 台湾的出口导向型经济增长迅速在从全球金融危机中反弹之际,去年的增速达到近10%已迫使台湾央行自去年6月以来3次上调利率,给新台币带来了上行压力。

    The island 's booming export-oriented economy , which grew by almost 10 per cent last year as it re - bounded from the global financial crisis , has already led the bank to raise interest rates three times since June – putting pressure on the currency to rise .