
jiǎn zhèn
  • Damping;vibration attenuation
减振[jiǎn zhèn]
  1. 试验结果表明,发动机弹性悬置具有很好的减振效果。

    The test result shows that the elastic engine mount has a good effect of vibration attenuation .

  2. 设计了一种全新的减振方案,即用直线电机推动一个质量平衡块来抑制制冷机的振动,采用基于前馈的自寻优控制器,控制算法由DSP芯片实现。

    A new kind of vibration attenuation project is designed , in which only one motor is used to push the mass balancer and restrain the vibration . A self-optimization arithmetic based on feedforward control is studied and realized by the DSP ( digital signal processor ) .

  3. 舰船V型高压空压机平衡减振研究

    Equilibrium and vibration control research on marine high-pressure V-type air compressor

  4. 将时滞线性系统H∞控制的近似方法应用到结构减振主动控制中。

    Second , the approximate method is applied to the structural seismic response control .

  5. ER技术在摩托车减振装置中的应用

    The Application of ER Technique to the Damper of Motor

  6. 高阻尼无加强U形减振波纹管研究

    Research for High-damping Unreinforced U-shaped Vibration Reducing Bellows

  7. 转K2弹簧是货车转K2型转向架上的重要配件。它主要起承载、减振作用,是保证货车正常运行、避免发生灾难性事故的重要配件。

    K2 type interior helical spring is one of the important fittings on K2 type bogie for freight car .

  8. 第一章,以大量的国内外文献为基础,全面综述了MR材料、MR阻尼器和高速电梯减振系统的研究现状。

    The first chapter according to large sums of documentation and information , overview the development of MR , MR damper , high speed elevator .

  9. 利用ANSYS模拟分析软件对树脂复合减振钢板的弯曲成形性进行分析。

    The author makes analysis of the bending formability of the resin composite buffer plate with the ANSYS simulation analysis software .

  10. 建立了精镗孔挤压液膜阻尼减振系统的动力学模型,运用MATLAB语言编程,对精镗孔挤压液膜阻尼减振系统进行了模拟计算分析。

    Setting up a dynamics model of damping system of damper , and programming with the MATLAB language to calculate and analyze the damping system .

  11. 介绍采用ER流体的筒式半主动座椅减振器车辆的平顺性模拟。

    A robotic sliding mode controller is formulated to control the seat vibration based on the Bingham model for ER fluid materials .

  12. 研究以降低直升机旋翼激振力为目标的复合材料桨叶结构动力学减振优化设计,分析了桨叶结构特性及桨尖后掠角等参数对N次/转旋翼桨毂振动载荷的影响。

    A Model Analysis and Damping Optimization of Motorcycle Frame Structure The paper presents an analytical study of the helicopter rotor vibratory load reduction design optimization with aeroelastic stability constraints .

  13. 调液阻尼器(TLD)是一种新型而有效的结构减振装置。

    The tuned liquid damper is a type of new and effective device for structural vibration reduction .

  14. FPS动力参数对新型巨型框架减振结构抗震性能的影响

    Effect of Dynamic Factors of Friction Pendulum System on Seismic Performance of Vibration-absorption Reinforced Concrete Mega-frame Structures

  15. 加拿大500kV高压直流输电线路间隔棒减振器带电更换技术

    Change-Out of Spacer-Dampers on Energized 500 kV HVDC Lines in Canada

  16. 对地震和风荷载作用下TLD的减振效果不同的原因进行了分析。

    The reason of different effectiveness of TLD to reduce structure vibration under wind excitations and seismic excitations were studied .

  17. 利用A475a170转轮替代P2170转轮,振动减轻,出力增加,效率提高,增容减振效果明显。

    The results of decreasing vibration , increasing output and the raising efficiency of the turbine were obtained replaced P2_170 runner byA475a_170 runner .

  18. 高阻尼减振材料Mg-Si合金的研究

    A Development of High-Damping Mg-Si Alloys for Application to Shock Attenuation

  19. FFR控制棒驱动机构样机的后备减振器

    Design of the reserve damper in the FFR control rod drive mechanism prototype

  20. 本文介绍了如何将遗传算法(GA)用于H∞控制及柔性构件的主动减振控制中,在后一例中介绍了一种新的快速收敛遗传算法。

    In this paper , how to apply the GA in H ∞ control and active control of flexible structure are presented . In the later example , a new fast converging GA method is recommended .

  21. 通过以上分析,明确研究TLD的减振作用有两条途径,即;

    Through the above analysis , it becomes aware that there are two ways for analyzing the reducing vibration effect of a TLD , i.

  22. 结果表明,这种新方法能够突破现有TMD的局限性,可用于有多个工作频率的工程结构减振。

    The results show that , The new method can overcome the limitations of the existing TMD , and is applicable to the vibration control of the multi-frequency structure . 3 .

  23. 在实验基础上论证了ERF减振器数学模型和阻尼特性,并给出结构设计思想。

    The article demonstrates the mathematic model and damping characteristics of ERF dampener based on experiment , and presents some engineering idea for their structure .

  24. 借鉴第一个问题解决方法和思路,本文研究了TMD减振器控制岸桥结构振动的具体方案和TMD的参数的优化设计。

    Reference to the method that used to solute the first question , the dissertation do a lot in concrete scheme of TMD dashpot limiting vibration and in TMD parameters optimal design .

  25. 本文根据企业需要,结合实际课题,在充分了解和分析缓冲减振重载安全离合器的结构特点与工作原理的基础上,应用MATLAB软件对其进行现代机械结构优化设计。

    Base on the fully understanding and analysis of structural characteristics and working principle of security clutch , this paper according to the need of corporation and combine actual topic , using MATLAB software to carry on the modern optimization design for security clutch .

  26. 为了有效抑制风振、降低用钢量,本文在比较多种被动控制装置的基础上提出在结构顶部安装钢球动力减振器(BallVibrationAbsorber)来减小位移反应。

    In order to reduce the " wind vibration " and steel dosage , this paper chooses the Ball Vibration Absorber ( BVA ) to be mounted on the top of the structure to reduce the response of displacement after comparing various kinds of control equipments .

  27. BK-651型客车传动系橡胶式扭转减振器的试验研究

    Rubber Torsional vibration Damper of Diesel Bus Type BK-651

  28. 基于流体的平行板流动模型和MRF的Bingham模型,建立了叶片式MRF减振器的阻尼力矩计算模型。

    The design of vane MRF damper which based on conventional vane hydraulic damper is briefly introduced , and the damping moment calculation model is deduced on the basis of parallel-plate model and Bingham model of MR fluids .

  29. 首先介绍了桥上轨道结构的减振及隔振垫层原理,然后利用ansys建立在移动荷载作用下桥上轨道结构振动模型,并以外部激励的形式输入轨道不平顺。

    The paper described the vibration reducing of track structure on bridge and principle of track pads firstly . And then a vibration model of track structure on bridge is established under the function of moving load by using ANSYS , inputting irregularities of track in forms of external excitation .

  30. NOPD(Non-obstructiveParticleDamping)又称粉体阻尼技术是90年代发展起来的一种新的被动减振技术。

    NOPD ( Non Obstructive Particle Damping ) also called powder damping technology , is a new passive vibration absorption technology developed since 90 's. In the paper , a plate with holes and four free edges acts as research object .