
  1. 他们拥有农村户籍,生活在农村的最底层或者是游离于城市的边缘。

    Rural vulnerable groups own rural household registration , living at the bottom of the rural areas or at the edge of the city .

  2. 法人成员身份以农村户籍为标志,成员按照法人的意思表示规则平等地行使成员权。

    The legal member identity is based on the rural household registration and the legal person performs its membership right on the principle of fairness .

  3. 初步解决进城务工人员随迁子女在城市接受义务教育问题,现有1260万农村户籍孩子在城市接受义务教育。

    The problem of providing compulsory education to children of rural migrants working in cities was basically solved , and 12.6 million children with rural residence status are now receiving compulsory education in cities .

  4. 上世纪80年代或90年代出生的拥有农村户籍而在城镇就业的新生代农民工己然产生并颇具规模,逐渐成为农民工群体的主力军。

    The 1980s or 1990s have born in the rural town of residence and employment in the new generation of migrant workers has been created and then large-scale , farmer-workers has become the main force .

  5. 我国是农业大国,农村户籍人口约9.5亿,占总人口的72%左右,所以农业是我国经济发展、社会稳定的基础。

    Our country is the large agricultural country . The rural population is about 950 million of household register . It accounts for about 72 % of total population . Agriculture is the foundation of economic development and social stability in China .

  6. 从确立全国统筹城乡综合配套改革试验区以来,重庆在农村户籍、就业、教育、医疗、养老保险、公租房、宅基地以及承包地等方面都做出了探索和改革。

    From the establishment of " national urban and rural comprehensive reform pilot area " Chongqing has made exploration and reform on rural household registration , employment , education , health care , endowment insurance , public rental housing , residential land and contracted land .

  7. 更重要是农村的户籍人口依然多,虽然不少流动去了。

    More important is the fact that registered population in the villages remains large , although many people have floated away .

  8. 我国农村土地制度、户籍制度与农村剩余劳动力转移

    System of China 's Rural Land , Household System and the Transference of Extra-labour in the Countryside

  9. 但是,农村外出务工女性因农村户籍的身份却被排除在应该享有的社会福利体系之外。

    However , because of household registration system , rural migrant women workers are excluded by the current social welfare system .

  10. 农村第二步改革的制度创新主要包括:农村税制创新、行政机构创新、农村户籍制度创新、财政政策创新、农业结构调整等方面。

    The new ideas should be brought forth for the reform in rural tax system , administrative organization , rural household register system , financial policies and agricultural structure adjustment .