
nóng yè yín háng
  • the Agricultural Bank;Agricultural Bank of China;ABC
  1. 由于收入不确定(多数人是农民或者随时可能被解雇的农民工),他们往往会把积蓄存在信用合作社、邮政银行网点,或者中国农业银行(AgriculturalBankofChina)。

    With income uncertain most are farmers or migrant workers , liable to be fired at any time they tend to stash savings with credit co-operatives , postal savings bank outlets , or the Agricultural Bank of China .

  2. 几位农民以及来自中国农业银行(abc)和潍坊市商业银行(weifangcommercialbank)的银行家表示,在一些地区,农民已开始用土地权作抵押,向银行申请创业贷款。

    In some areas farmers are starting to use land rights as collateral to secure bank loans for new businesses , according to several farmers and bankers , including those at the Agricultural Bank of China and Weifang commercial bank .

  3. 10月22日,中国农业银行的绿色债券在伦敦证券交易所成功上市。

    Agricultural Bank of China ( ABC ) green bond was listed on the London Stock Exchange ( LSE ) Thursday .

  4. 加入WTO对内蒙古农业银行的影响及对策的研究

    Study on Effect and Countermeasure of Inner Mongolia Agricultural Bank after Entering WTO

  5. 上月,中国农业银行(agriculturalbankofchina)某副行长因涉嫌动用非法所得赴澳门赌博而被逮捕。

    Last month , a vice-president of Agricultural Bank of China was arrested for allegedly using illegal proceeds to gamble in Macau .

  6. 中国中铁于周一宣布了与国有的中国农业银行(agriculturalbankofchina)的“战略合作”协议,为该铁路线融资。

    China Railway announced on Monday a " strategic co-operation " agreement with state-owned Agricultural Bank of China to fund the railway .

  7. 看跌者:美国农业银行信贷证券公司(CreditAgricoleSecurities)分析师迈克•梅奥

    The bear : Mike Mayo , analyst , Credit Agricole securities

  8. 这是两周里曝光的第二起涉及银行的重大调查,此前中国农业银行(agriculturalbankofchina)副行长杨琨被拘留。

    This is the second big inquiry at a bank in two weeks and follows the detention of Yang Kun , vice-president of Agricultural Bank of China .

  9. 但分析师们也提到了其它因素,包括新股供应过量,最突出的就是中国农业银行(AgriculturalBankofChina)规模逾200亿美元的上市。

    But analysts also pointed to other factors , including an excess of new share supply , highlighted by Agricultural Bank of China 's huge $ 20bn-plus flotation .

  10. 客户信息系统(CustomerInformationFileSystem,CIF)是中国农业银行在生产环境中管理全行客户资料的计算机应用系统。其基本功能是:构造农业银行全部客户信息的统一视图;

    Customer Information File System ( CIF ) is a computer application system which manage all the customer information in generation system of Agricultural Bank of China .

  11. 随着我国成功加入WTO,农业银行必将改革成为一个政企分开、符合国际标准的商业银行。

    With our country successfully affiliated to WTO , agriculture bank would change to a commercial bank that is separated from government and accord with international standard .

  12. 构建了一个完整的贵州农业银行个人VIP客户开发、维护、服务模式。

    Construction of a complete personal VIP Agricultural Bank of Guizhou , development , maintenance , service models .

  13. 巴塞尔新协议IRB法与农业银行信贷风险防范

    Prevention of Agricultural Bank Credit Risk and IRB Law

  14. 工行被视为仅好于中国农业银行(ABC),而农行的改革迄今一直步履维艰。

    ICBC was regarded as being ahead only of Agricultural Bank of China , which has so far proved to be too difficult to reform .

  15. 结合市场营销现状,运用SWOT分析方法,对农业银行信用卡营销的竞争地位和经营策略进行了评估。

    Meanwhile , combine the marketing situation , using the SWOT analysis to assess the competitive position and business strategy in the credit card market of the Agricultural Bank .

  16. 一些银行家还担心,双边关系的任何恶化,都将会降低美国投行被选为有利可图的中国农业银行首次公开发行(ipo)顾问的机会。

    Some bankers also fear that any deterioration in bilateral ties would reduce the chances of a US investment bank being chosen to advise on the lucrative initial public offering of Agricultural Bank .

  17. 第五部分围绕影响农业银行山东分行的战略因素,以波特五力竞争模型、SWOT模型等战略分析方法进行了战略分析。

    The fifth part centers on factors that affect Agriculture Bank of China Shandong Branch . Five Forces model and SWOT analytical mode are comprehensively applied to do strategic analysis for it .

  18. 先后曾在农业银行、邮政储蓄、TCL电器销售公司进行实践研究。

    Save in the agriculture bank , postal service successively and once , the TCL electric appliances sale the company carry on practicing a research .

  19. 第二家可能得到注资的是中国农业银行(ABC)。它是中国五大国有银行之一,也是其中最后一家有待重组以备海外上市的银行。

    The second institution being eyed for a capital injection is the Agricultural Bank of China ( ABC ), one of the country 's big five state lenders and the last to be restructured in readiness for an overseas listing .

  20. 中国工商银行(ICBC)、中国建设银行(CCB)、中国农业银行(ABC)等中资银行,都在世界上市值最大、利润最高的银行之列。

    Chinese lenders such as Industrial and Commercial Bank of China , China Construction Bank and Agricultural Bank of China are the largest in the world in terms of market capitalisation and have the biggest profits .

  21. 中国农业银行(abc)在国内的网点和员工数量比其他任何一家银行都多,但至今仍陷于重组与纾困的过程之中;而规模较小的国有银行仍在等待轮到它们上市的日子。

    Agricultural Bank of China , which has more outlets and employees than any other , is still trapped in the midst of its own restructuring and bail-out , while smaller state banks are still waiting for their turn to sell shares to the public .

  22. 在此深层分析基础上,设计了农业银行NJ县支行的独立的内部审计体系,解决此次内部审计过程中所面临的问题。

    In the cause of the problem on the basis of analysis , design of the Agricultural Bank of China NJ sub-branch of independent internal audit system , to resolve the problems of facing the internal audit process .

  23. 农业银行借鉴巴塞尔新协议IRB法,建立起严格科学的信贷风险防范体系,有效地控制经营风险,是当前迫切需要深入研究的重大课题。

    Since late 90s , operational risk has become the hot topic for foreign banks and financial supervisors . Through the use of IRB law for reference , agricultural bank established rigid scientific credit risk prevention system . Effectively controlling operating risk is an important study at the moment .

  24. ABIS(农业银行综合应用系统)简称新一代,是农业银行的一项跨世纪科技工程,是全新的银行电子化业务系统。

    ABIS ( the integrated application of agricultural bank system ) is abbreviated as " a new generation ", it is a cross-centennial scientific and technological project of an agricultural bank , It is a brand-new electronic business system of bank .

  25. 中国农业银行陕西省分行网上银行风险管理研究

    China Agriculture Bank Shaanxi Province Branch Internet Bank Risk Management Research

  26. 农业银行基层支行客户经理制完善

    On the Perfection of the Customer Manager System in ABC Branches

  27. 农业银行网络系统安全策略研究与实现

    Research and Realization on Network System Security Strategy for Agriculture Bank

  28. 农业银行企业文化建设研究

    Research on Enterprise Culture Construction of Agricultural Bank of China

  29. 农业银行发展个人金融业务研究

    The Research on Developing Personal Financial Services in Agricultural Bank of China

  30. 中国农业银行信息网络系统安全体系设计

    Design of Information System Security Architecture of the Agriculture Bank of China