
  • 网络agricultural labor;Agricultural Labor Force;agricultural workforce
  1. 中国农业劳动力转移有自身的特点。

    China agricultural labor force shift has its own characteristic .

  2. 我国古代农业劳动力的商品化研究。

    ⅱ The study of commercialization of the agricultural labor force in ancient China .

  3. 第五章进一步通过PANELDATA实证模型,对吉林省农业劳动力转移与产业结构进行实证分析。

    Chapter ⅴ further evidence by Panel Data model , Jilin agricultural labor transfer and industrial structure for empirical analysis .

  4. 运用Logistic模型对农业劳动力转移意愿行为进行分析,确定农业劳动力转移意愿行为影响因素。

    Using Logistic model to analyze will behavior of agricultural labor transfer , the factors influencing will behavior of agricultural labor transfer were determined .

  5. 我国农业劳动力转移对农村发展的影响

    A Study on Impact of Rural Labor Transfer on Rural Development

  6. 四川农业劳动力状况统计分析

    Statistical Analysis of Distributive Status of Countryside Workforce in Sichuan Province

  7. 中国农业劳动力断层浅论

    On the Discontinuation of Agriculture Labor Force Supply in China

  8. 农业劳动力流动:现实分析与对策思考

    Agricultural Labor Force : An Analysis of Its Transfer Reality and Countermeasures

  9. 童工占农业劳动力的三分之一

    Children account for one third of the agricultural work force

  10. 提高农业劳动力的地位,改善管理方法;

    Enhances the agricultural labor force the status , the improvement management ;

  11. 农业劳动力短缺对烟叶生产的影响及对策研究

    Effect of Agricultural Labor Shortage on Tobacco Production and Its Counter Measures

  12. 农业劳动力的转移及其国民待遇问题

    To Construct the National Treatment System for the Agricultural Labors

  13. 技术结构进步取向对农业劳动力转移的影响

    The Orientation of Technological Structure Progressive ' Influence to Agricultural Labor ' Shift

  14. 农业劳动力的兼业性转移行为研究

    Study on Part-time Behavior of Agriculture Mobility of Labor

  15. 我国农业劳动力冗余及可持续利用对策

    Agricultural Labor Redundancy and the Strategy of Sustainable Utilization

  16. 其次特别强调了农业劳动力转移的产业方向;

    Secondly , it has especially emphasized the direction of agricultural labor shifting ;

  17. 我国农业劳动力转移的多元化模式及其政策选择

    The Multipole Model and the Policy Choice of Agricultural Labour Transfer in China

  18. 武汉市郊农业劳动力转移就业培训模式研究

    Study on the Shift Employment Training Mode of Rural-Surplus Labor of Wuhan City

  19. 美国农业劳动力转移

    The shift of agricultural labor in the United States

  20. 农业劳动力的过度转移,引发了严重的粮食短缺。

    The excessive emigration of rural labors resulted in critical shortage of food .

  21. 云南民族地区农业劳动力转移的制度约束与制度创新

    Institutional Constraints and Innovation on Rural Labor Transference in Ethnic Minority Areas of Yunnan

  22. 贫困地区农业劳动力产出弹性分析

    Analysis on The Elasticity of Output With Respect to Agricultural Labor in Poor Area

  23. 农业劳动力转移与农业机械化的相关性分析

    Relationship between agricultural labor transfer and mechanization

  24. 开发人力资本转移农业劳动力

    Developing Human Resources Transfering Rural Labour

  25. 转轨期中的中国农业劳动力分析

    Analysis transition of agricultural laboring china

  26. 因此,研究农业劳动力老龄化背景下的土地流转意义重大。

    Therefore , studying on farmland transference under the background of agricultural labor aging is significant .

  27. 加快农业劳动力转移,推进城市化是拉动烟台经济、社会发展的重要引擎;

    The important engine for social development is to speed up the transfer of agricultural labor ;

  28. 张家口市农业劳动力转移对三农的影响

    Study on Effects of Agricultural Labor Shifting to Farming , Countryside and Peasantry in Zhangjiakou City

  29. 延边州农业劳动力向韩国输出分析。

    An analysis of the exports of agricultural labor in Yanbian autonomous prefecture to South Korea .

  30. 3提高农业劳动力素质;

    Raising agricultural labor qualities ;