- foster children

The right and duties in the relationship between a foster child and his or her natural parents shall terminate with the establishment of this adoption .
The " children " referred to in this Law include legitimate children , illegitimate children and adopted children , as well as step-children who supported or were supported by the decedent .
Nancy Folbre , an economist at the University of Massachusetts , Amherst , argued in her 2008 book " Valuing Children ' that forgone wages should be included in the cost of raising children .
I guess no more foster kids like me to clean up your crap , either .
The rights and duties in the relationship between an adopted child and his or her parents and other close relatives shall terminate with the establishment of the adoptive relationship .
At that time people had large families as an insurance against some children dying .
Women say they would like to have six or more children , and in fact an average of seven children is born to every women .
The relevant provisions of this Law governing the relationship between parents and children shall apply to the rights and duties in the relationship between foster parents and foster children .