
  • 网络customs union theory;theory of customs union
  1. 理论分析重点在于运用关税同盟理论分析国内市场的一体化的福利效应。

    The focal point of theory analyses lies in using the theory of customs union to analyze the integrated welfare effect of the domestic market .

  2. 分析了国际分工理论、相互依存理论、关税同盟理论和自由贸易区理论,其中,关税同盟理论是分析CAFTA经济效应的基础。

    It analyzes the International Division of Labor Theory , the Interdependence Theory , the Customs Union Theory and the Free Trade Area Theory , the theory of customs union is the basis of analyzing the economic effects of CAFTA .

  3. 区域经济一体化理论可以解释CAFTA产生和发展的原因,其中主要包括关税同盟理论、自由贸易区理论、大市场理论、协议性分工理论。

    The regional economies integration theory may explain the reason why the CAFTA could emergence and development . The theory mainly includes the Customs union theory , the free-trade area theory , theory of leading market , and the agreement division of labor theory .

  4. 理论基础主要是国际政治经济学中的相互依存理论和国际贸易学中的关税同盟理论。

    The theoretical bases are Interdependence Theory and Customs Union Theory .

  5. 试论德意志民族的实用主义关税同盟理论的发展与福利效应评析

    The Development Progress of Customs Unions Theory and The Analysis of the Welfare Effect

  6. 西欧经济一体化发展对关税同盟理论的影响

    The Impact of the Economic Integration in West Europe on the Theories of Custom Union

  7. 第二章着重介绍与论文主题相关的基础理论,介绍了国际分工理论、国际相互依赖理论、关税同盟理论和自由贸易区理论,为全文的展开作了理论铺垫。

    In chapter 2 , some theories are discussed , including the theory of international division , international interdependence customs union and free trade area .

  8. 战后西欧经济一体化的发展对关税同盟理论有着直接的影响。

    After the Second World War , the development of economic integration , in particular that of the European Communitiy , imposed direct impact on custom union theories .

  9. 在区域经济一体化过程中,这种竞争产生的不合理的税收结构使关税同盟理论中所论述的贸易创造效应受到限制。

    In the process of region economic integration , the irrational tax revenue structure leads to restricting the effect of trade creation described in the theory of tariff alliance .

  10. 获得政治竞争优势。关税同盟理论表明,区域集团的贸易创造效应可能对世界经济发展有利,贸易转移效应可能对世界经济发展不利;

    The theory of Zollverein suggests that the trade-creation effect of regional groups might be favorable for the development of world economy while the trade-transference effect might play a negative role in this respect .

  11. 关税同盟理论的发展和形成过程不仅进一步完善了经济一体化理论的内容体系,而且反过来证明了西欧经济一体化的合理性和必要性,为世界其它地区经济一体化发展提供了理论依据。

    The evolution of custom union theories not only consummated the theory of economic integration , but also testified its rationality and necessity . Furthermore , It provided the theoretical basis for the development of other regional economic integration .

  12. 通过对GATT第二十四条的目的和法律后果与关税同盟经济理论进行了比较,发现了其政治目的超越了经济逻辑。

    On the purpose of the GATT XXIV and its legal consequences , it is clear that the political purpose is beyond the economic logics .

  13. 他认为,尽管区域经济一体化的基础理论都是以关税同盟作为理论框架,然而对自由贸易区,也完全可以采纳类似的分析方法。

    He thought , although the regional economic integration basic theory all takes the customs union as theory frame , but for the free trade area , also definitely may adopt the similar analytical method .

  14. 第一部分,即第一章,介绍有关关税同盟的基础理论。

    Chapter I , the first part of the dissertation , is focused on the basic theories on customs union .