
quán guān
  • full crown;complete crown
全冠[quán guān]
  1. 方法:随访19941998年间134例基牙松动Ⅱ°左右采用金属烤瓷全冠、NiCr合金铸造全冠修复的固定桥156件的患者,以义齿恢复功能和基牙健康状况作为评价指标。

    Methods : 156 restorations made by metal porcelain complete crown or fixed-bridge of Ni-Cr alloy casting complete crown in 134 patients with II ° loose abutment teeth between the years of 1994-1998 were followed up . Evaluation guidelines were function recovery of dentures and health condition of abutment teeth .

  2. 折裂牙全冠修复的疗效分析

    Clinical effect of repairing the odontoclasis with complete crown

  3. B组,玻璃纤维树脂核全冠修复;

    Group B , grass fiber post combined resin core and crowned ;

  4. 极固宁~(TM)对全冠牙体预备后牙髓组织的影响

    Influence of Green Or on Pulp after Full-Crown Preparation

  5. A组采用调磨加充填法治疗,B组采用烤瓷全冠修复治疗,治疗后每半年复查1次,连续观察2年,对临床疗效进行比较。

    Teeth of Group B were treated by employing porcelain complete veneer crown . Curative effect was evaluated every half a year and last 2 years .

  6. IPSe.maxPress铸瓷全冠近期修复效果的临床观察

    Clinical study of short-term restorative effects on IPS e.max press ceramic crown

  7. Empress陶瓷全冠着色上釉前后边缘适合性的比较

    A marginal adaption comparison of Empress ceramic crown with and without staining and glazing thermal procedure

  8. 本文介绍了Plat铸造陶瓷专用包埋料的组成成分及有关物理性能,用此包埋料制作铸造陶瓷全冠,考察了铸造陶瓷冠修复体的适合性。

    Composition and related physics attributes of investment material specially for Plat castable ceramic are introduced in the article .

  9. 目的(1)探讨不同材料的全冠龈边缘对Beagle犬牙周环境的影响。

    Objectives ( 1 ) To evaluate the influence of different materials of PFM crown margin on periodontal conditions in beagle dogs .

  10. Gluma脱敏剂用于活髓基牙全冠牙体预备后敏感症疗效的研究

    Effect of Gluma Desensitizer on Postoperative Hypersensitivity in Crown Prosthetics

  11. 烤瓷熔附金属全冠(PFM)因其具有美观、舒适、色泽逼真稳定、咀嚼功能恢复好等优点而被广泛的应用于临床中。

    Porcelain-fused to metal crown ( PFM ), because of its good appearance , comfort , color fidelity and stability , good functional recovery was widely used in clinic .

  12. 方法:上颌侧切牙缺失86例,常规牙体预备,桥体近中为舌支托靠Super-bond粘结固位,远中为全冠用聚羧酸锌粘结。

    Methods : 86 patients with maxillary lateral incisor loss were selected and the abutments were prepared routinely . The bridges were cemented with Super-bond and Zinc polycarboxylate .

  13. 本论文尝试应用一种新的牙冠三维光学测量方法,以求精确测量牙冠外形,为义齿CAD-CAM系统增添新的测量手段,并在此基础上尝试贴面与全冠的计算机辅助设计研究。

    This thesis represents the application of an optical method to obtain the 3-D parameters of teeth surfaces for the purpose of design veneer and artificial crown by computer-aided design .

  14. 【结果】金瓷全冠切缘抗折力为1200N(122kg),抗压强度为600MPa。

    Results The mean force of fracture resistance and compressive strength were as follows : for the ceramometal full crown on incisal edge , 1200 N ( 122 kg ) and 600 MPa ;

  15. 结论牙冠延长术治疗断缘位于龈下4mm以内,根长有1.2cm以上者残冠残根疗效确切,保持了生物学宽度,利于全冠修复,有一定的临床应用价值。

    Conclusion Curative effects of crown lengthening surgery for the patients characterized by PD no more than 4 mm and residual root of residual crown was 1.2 cm and above , which maintains biological breadth , is benefit for complete coronal restoration and is definitive value of clinical application .

  16. 结果:6mo时39颗患牙中有一颗全冠因粘结不良脱落,12mo时29颗患牙中有两颗出现牙周损伤.经过治疗后,它们都恢复正常功能。

    RESULTS : One of the 39 teeth had its crown fallen because of bad bonding at 6 months and 2 of the 29 teeth that were followed up suffered periodontal damage at 12 months and they regained normal function after treatment .

  17. 结果:建立了下颌磨牙标准全冠实体模型。

    Results : A standard mandibular molar visual model was established .

  18. 嵌体与全冠治疗牙间食物嵌塞的临床应用比较

    Clinical comparation between inlay and crown restoration in treating food impaction

  19. 脱敏剂对全冠固位的影响

    The effect of desensitizing agent on the retention of cast crown

  20. 烤瓷全冠修复残根残冠牙的临床效果观察

    Clinical observation of residue root and crown restored with metal-ceramic crown

  21. 螺纹桩辅助全冠修复短冠磨牙固位力的实验研究

    Study on Retention of Crown with Screw Post Restoring Short Molar

  22. 人造全冠牙体预备不同设计对粘固剂微折的影响

    Effects of different complete crown tooth preparations 、 upon cement microfracture

  23. 贵金属烤瓷全冠修复体对患牙牙周组织影响的分析

    Effects of noble-PFM on the periodontal tissue of the restored teeth

  24. 烤瓷熔附金属全冠受载无限元法应力分析

    Study of stress to porcelain-fused-to-metal restoration by infinite element method

  25. 金属烤瓷全冠临床效果评价

    The Evaluation of PFM Restoration and Prosthodontics on Clinical Results

  26. 上中切牙铸造陶瓷全冠三维有限元分析

    Three-dimensional finite element analysis of castable-ceramic crowns of the upper central incisor

  27. 全冠及固定桥体铸造精度研究

    Studies on the Casting Accuracy of the Single Crown and Fixed Bridge

  28. 金沉积烤瓷全冠修复的护理配合

    Nursing cooperation in porcelain crowns with galvanized frames ′ reparation

  29. 3~6个月后全冠修复剩余牙体。

    3 ~ 6 months later , full crown prosthesises were performed .

  30. 目的:提高烤瓷全冠的美学修复效果。

    Objective It is to increase the aesthetics effect of porcelain fused-to-crown .