
  • 网络Photorefractive crystal
  1. 光折变晶体中ps激光脉冲二波耦合增益正负转换现象

    Positive and Negative Gains Transition of ps Laser Pulses Two-wave Coupling in a Photorefractive Crystal

  2. 光折变晶体Sr(0.6)Ba(0.4)Nb2O6压电系数和电光系数的测量

    Measurements of The Piezoelectric and Electro-optic Coefficients of Photorefractive Crystal Sr_ ( 0.6 ) Ba_ ( 0.4 ) Nb_2O_6

  3. Fe∶KNbO3光折变晶体温度效应研究

    Temperature Dependence of Photorefractive Effects in Fe : KNbO_3

  4. 熔盐提拉法生长光折变晶体K(Ta,Nb)O3

    Growth of photorefractive crystal KTN by flux pulling method

  5. 光折变晶体Bi2TeO5的生长及光学性能研究

    Growth and Optical Properties of Bismuth Tellurite Photorefractive Crystals

  6. 在红外GaAs光折变晶体中透射和衍射光束的空间相互作用

    Spatial light interaction of transmitted and diffracted beams in infrared photorefractive GaAs crystals

  7. GaAs光折变晶体中的双光束正交偏振耦合

    Distributed Polarization Coupling Analyzer based on White Light Interferometry Cross-Polarization Two-Beam Coupling in Photorefractive GaAs Crystals

  8. Ce∶KNSBN光折变晶体光栅衍射特性研究

    Diffraction Property of Photorefractive Volume Grating in Ce ∶ KNSBN Crystal

  9. 利用Ce∶KNSBN光折变晶体提高光学图像相关模式识别鉴别率

    Discrimination Enhancement of Optical Correlation Pattern Recognition Via Ce ∶ KNSBN Photorefractive Crystal

  10. 泵浦光调制对Ce∶KNSBN光折变晶体全息存储质量的改善

    Improvement of Holographic Storage Quality by Pump Beam Modulation inCe ∶ KNSBN Photorefractive Crystal

  11. 实验结果表明,Cr∶SBN晶体有可能成为一种用于图像边缘增强的光折变晶体动态滤波器。

    This Cr ∶ SBN crystal can be used as a model of optical dynamic filtering for image edge enhancement .

  12. 光折变晶体KTa(0.5)Nb(0.5)O3光学特性的第一性原理研究

    First principle study on optical properties of KTa_ ( 0.5 ) Nb_ ( 0.5 ) O_3

  13. 光折变晶体LiNbO3:Fe简并两波混频在干涉测量中的应用

    Optical interferometry using degenerate two-wave mixing with photorefractive crystal LiNbO_3 : Fe

  14. 以掺Nd系LN光折变晶体为位相共轭镜,He-Ne气体为激活介质,构成外泵浦位相共轭激光器。

    Using Nd-doped LN crystals as phase conjugation mirror , He-Ne gas as activation medium , an externally pumped He-Ne phase conjugation laser was designed and built .

  15. 光折变晶体LiNbO3:Fe的光束自相位调制

    Light self-phase modulations in photorefractive crystal LiNbO_3 : Fe

  16. LiNbO_3:Fe光折变晶体实时光学相关存贮研究


  17. 掺杂LiNbO3光折变晶体的高阶衍射效应

    High-order Diffraction Effect in Photorefractive Crystal LiNbO_3

  18. 本文报导光折变晶体Bi(12)TiO(20)的折射率和光学均匀性的测量结果。

    In this paper , the results of the measurements on the refractive index and the optical homogeneity of photorefractive crystal Bi_ ( 12 ) TiO_ ( 20 ) have been reported .

  19. 光折变晶体(BaSr)TiO3感应自泵浦相位共轭及光学双稳的理论分析

    Analysis of Induced Self Pumping Phase Conjugation and Optical Bistability in a Photorefractive Crystal ( BaSr ) TiO 3

  20. 报导利用Sagnac干涉仪检测光折变晶体对两束光波所引起的附加相位差。

    It is reported to test the additional phase difference of two beams along two opposite directions in the photorefractive crystal using Sagnac interferometer .

  21. 以Shooting法为基础,研究了吸收、增益和晶体厚度对光折变晶体中逆向二波混合的影响,对近似计算所引起的误差进行了讨论。

    The effects of absorption , gain and the thickness of crystals on the antiparallel two wave mixing in photorefractive crystals have been studied based on Shooting method . The error led by approximate calculation has been estimated .

  22. 把光折变晶体(PRC)作为全息干涉记录介质,基于光折变TWC机制和全息干涉技术,提出了一种可直观验证光折变相移的方法;

    A new method for experimentally demonstrating and observing the photorefractive phase shift was proposed , where the photorefractive crystal ( PRC ) was used as the recording medium of holographic interferometry .

  23. 利用精确解和SBN晶体的物理和光学参数得到光折变晶体非线性表面波的图,并对得到的图进行分析。

    Used the exact solutions and the physical and optical parameters of SBN crystal , the graghs of photorefractive nonlinear surface waves and analysised these graphs were figured .

  24. 在实验中观察到扩散和漂移机理下在光折变晶体铌酸锶钡(SBN)与空气的界面形成的光折变表面电磁波。

    Photorefractive surface electromagnetic wave ( PR SEW ) at the interface between SBN crystal and air based on drift and diffusion mechanism was observed experimentally for the first time .

  25. 利用光折变晶体的自泵浦相位共轭器(SPPC),在稳态和动态条件下对通过扰动的热晕池的激光束质量进行观测。

    The quality of a laser beam passed a disturbed thermal blooming cell is observed using self pumped phase conjugator ( SPPC ) in the dynamic and stable state .

  26. 给出了在相干匹配滤波系统中利用Ce∶KNSBN光折变晶体非线性特性实现图像边缘增强光学相关模式识别的理论分析和实验结果。

    The theoretical analysis and experimental results of real time edge enhanced optical correlation pattern recognition via a Ce ∶ KNSBN photorefractive crystal in the coherent matched filter system are given . The full width at half maximum ( FWHM ) of the auto correlation peak is decreased 75 % .

  27. 本文研究了光折变晶体内自泵浦相位共轭(SPPC)与互泵浦相位共轭(MPPC)相互竞争、同时共存的特性,分析了其物理形成机制。

    The characteristics of competition and coexistence of self-pumped phase conjugation ( SPPC ) and mutually pumped phase conjugation ( MPPC ) in the photorefractive ( PR ) crystal are studied , with the physical mechanism analyzed .

  28. 新型光折变晶体Mn:YAlO3的生长与光谱性质研究

    Czochralski Growth and Optical Properties of Mn : YAlO_3 Photorefractive Crystal

  29. 中间段光折变晶体材料参数的测量原理

    Measuring principle of materials parameters of photorefractive crystal in intermediate regime

  30. 双光子光折变晶体串联回路中屏蔽空间孤子对

    Screening soliton pairs in a biased series two-photon photorefractive crystal circuit