
  1. 她把自己的一生都献给了儿童福利事业。

    She devoted her whole life to the welfare of children .

  2. 我愿将我的一生贡献于儿童福利事业。

    I would devote all my life to the child 's welfare .

  3. 儿童福利事业的好坏,直接关系着全体儿童的身心健康发展。

    Child Welfare is directly related to physical and mental health development of all children .

  4. 据悉,120万诺贝尔和平奖金将用于冲突地区的儿童福利事业。

    The prize money of 1.2 million dollars will be given to projects that help children in struggling war zones .

  5. 儿童福利事业的发展,首先要考虑的就是孤残儿童的福利制度安排与相关政策保障。

    The development of child welfare , we must first consider is the welfare of orphans and disabled children in institutional arrangements and related policy support .

  6. 目前,中国已有一支热爱孤残儿童福利事业的专业人员队伍,儿童福利院中医护人员占正式工作人员的32%。

    At present , China has a professional staff who are devoted to the well-being of orphans and disabled children ; medical personnel account for32 percent of the total welfare home staff .

  7. 本研究是在世界各国都在关注儿童福利的问题及我国儿童福利事业刚刚起步的大背景下进行的。

    The background of this study is that countries in the world are concerned about child welfare issues and our government has begun to attach importance to child welfare .

  8. 对长春市幼儿家长儿童福利观的现状及影响因素进行分析总结,并提出了一些建议以更好的促进我国儿童福利事业和家长形成正确的儿童福利观。

    Based on the above summary of conclusions of this study and put forward some proposals to better promote the welfare of our children and parents to form a correct view of child welfare .