
  • 网络health and disease;Health and Illness
  1. 女性作为X染色体的杂合子在人类的健康与疾病中及重要作用,并可避免X连锁遗产性疾病在女性中发生。

    Female mosaicism of the X chromosome has major implications for human health and disease and is the leading cause of female protection from X-linked genetic disorders .

  2. 健康与疾病的划界:困境与出路

    Delimitation between Health and Disease : predicament and countermeasure

  3. 第三状态是处于健康与疾病之间的健康低质量状态及其体验。

    The third state is the health state of low quality and experience between health and disease .

  4. 目的研究介于健康与疾病之间的体弱儿童的红细胞免疫功能。

    Objective To study red cell immune function difference of weak physique children between the health and the illness .

  5. 西安市部分社区老年人健康与疾病状况的流行病学研究

    An Epidemiologic Study on the Relationship of Health Status and Disease among the Elderly in Xi'an Parts of Community

  6. 人的生命活动离不开无机物,3.无机离子和健康与疾病的关系;

    Human life action can aot leave inorganic matters ; 3 . The relationship between inorganic ions and health and disease ;

  7. 健康与疾病,是纠缠于人的生命过程之中的一对矛盾,也是人类生命活动状态质量的一个表征。

    Health and Disease conflict each other in the process of life , the conflict is also a character of the quality of living state .

  8. 近几年来,扩散张量影像逐渐成为一个研究健康与疾病状态下白质结构的利器。

    In recent years , diffusion tensor imaging ( DTI ) has emerged as a powerful method for investigating white matter architecture in health and disease .

  9. 亚健康作为一个新的医学概念,又称机体第三状态或灰色状态,是指人体介于健康与疾病之间的一种临界状态。

    Asa new conception , subhealth , another called ' the third state of organism'or ' g rey state ' is an critical state between health and diseases .

  10. 社区居民的健康与疾病状况:①常见疾病为感冒、腹泻、妇科病、关节炎、胃炎和腰背痛。

    The residents state of health : ① Common diseases include : cold , diarrhea , gynecological problems , arthritis , gastritis and back pain caused by overwork .

  11. 心身医学的发展和现代医学模式的转换,深化了我们对心与身问题的认识,加深了我们对健康与疾病的理解。

    Development of psychosomatic medicine and conversion of modern medical model have deepened the knowledge about the problem of mind and body , the comprehension of health and disease .

  12. 卫生服务公平的内涵是指在同等健康与疾病状况下接受卫生服务的权利公平,并且基本卫生服务需要应该完全平等。

    The connotation of health service equity is referring to the right equity under the same health or disease condition , and the basic demand of health service should be equal completely .

  13. 基于大规模人口调查的遗传研究是证实健康与疾病的先天因素的强有力的工具。

    " Genetic studies that survey a wide variety of human populations are a powerful tool for identifying hereditary factors in health and disease ," said study co-author and NIH Director Francis S.

  14. 亚健康是健康与疾病之间的状态,其防治与中医体质理论,治未病思想相契合;

    Sub-health is a state between healthiness and disease . It communicates with the theory of the constitution factor of traditional Chinese medicine ( TCM ) and the thought of preventive treatment of disease ;

  15. 亚健康是介于健康与疾病状态之间的一种中间状态,运用药膳进行调治,属于中医治未病范畴,较药物干预,其效果和安全性有明显的优势。

    The sub-health is a state between health and disease . Application of the medicinal diet is belonging to the preventive treatment area . It has obvious advantages of efficacy and safety compared to drug intervention .

  16. 中医学正是采用动态、全面、联系的观点来认识健康与疾病本质的,其总结概括了我国中医医疗实践的经验和规律,完全具备系统的特点。

    TCM understand the nature of health and disease with the dynamic , comprehensive and contact views , which summed up the experience of clinical practice and theory , and it is fully equipped with characteristics of the system .

  17. 在医学研究领域,由于健康与疾病现象的复杂性,不同健康或疾病状况受不同因素的影响,甚至不同特征人群的同一健康或疾病状况也可能由不同因素所导致;

    In the field of medical research , due to the complexity of health and disease phenomenon , different health or illness situations account for different factors , and moreover , the same health or illness situations in different populations which have distinct character also due to different factors .

  18. Danzon博士还担任过欧洲区域办事处国家卫生发展司司长和健康促进与疾病预防司司长。

    Dr Danzon has also served as Director of the EURO Department for Country Health Development and Director of the Department of Health Promotion and Disease Prevention .

  19. 它们在促进健康与抵御疾病方面具有独特的价值,是人类的宝贵财产。

    With their unique values in promoting health and combating disease , these arts are invaluable assets to mankind .

  20. [研究目的]核技术与医学相结合而兴起的核医学已成为现代医学的重要分支学科,为人类的健康诊断与疾病治疗做出了巨大的贡献。

    Objective Nuclear medicine has become an important branch of modern medicine , and has made tremendous contributions to the health diagnosis and disease treatment .

  21. 糖尿病足(DF)是糖尿病严重慢性并发症之一,因其可使患者致残甚至死亡,目前已成为一种严重危害人们健康与生命的疾病。

    Diabetic foot ( DF ) is a major mortality associated with diabetes mellitus for the risks of amputation . It has become a serious diseases with great harm to the health of people .

  22. 结果表明,健康人尿样与疾病患者的尿样对BZ化学振荡体系的影响明显不同,而且不同疾病患者的尿样对体系的影响也不尽相同。

    The results showed that the effects of the urine of the healthy people were different from that of the patient . Furthermore , the urine of people who had varieties of diseases had different effects on the B-Z oscillating chemical system .

  23. 学校健康教育与心血管疾病危险因素的早期预防

    Health education at school and early prevention of risk factors of cardiovascular disease

  24. 冕宁县健康教育与重点疾病防治成效分析

    Analysis on Effect of Health Education Program in Prevention and Control of Priority Diseases

  25. 健康人与心血管疾病病人的心肌收缩能力的变异性存在着显著性差异。

    CCV of healthy subjects was significantly different from that of patients with heart or lung disease .

  26. 除了糖尿病,其他健康问题与心脏疾病有关,包括高血压,吸烟,高胆固醇水平,及家族心脏病史。

    Aside from diabetes , other health problems associated with heart disease include high blood pressure , smoking , high cholesterol levels , and a family history of early heart disease .

  27. 肺癌是一种在全世界范围内严重危害人类健康与生命的疾病,其起病隐袭,生存率低,发病率和死亡率高。

    Lung cancer is a kind of serious disease worldwide which endangers human life and health . It has the features of insidious onset , low survival rate and high morbidity and mortality .

  28. 目的调查廊坊市职业人群健康状况与主要疾病在不同职业、不同性别、不同年龄人群中的分布,为开展健康教育提供依据。

    Objective To survey the health situation of occupational population in Langfang City , and study the distribution of main diseases in population by different gender , age and occupation , and offer reference to health education .

  29. 测定病理科工作环境中的甲醛浓度,调查观察对象的健康状况与呼吸道有关疾病,测定嗅觉功能及肺功能。

    A survey with a questionnaire was conducted , the olfactory function and pulmonary function for all subjects were examined .

  30. 239厂职工健康状况现状分析与疾病防治对策研究

    Analysis the Health Status of Workers and Research the Methods for Preventing Diseases in the 239 ~ ( th ) Factory