
  • 网络Debt Preservation
  1. 债权人的撤消权,是债的保全制度的一种。

    The Withdrawal Right of a creditor is one of the debt protection policies .

  2. 此种干预既是法律赋予债权人的债的保全制度。

    This interference reflects the debt protection policies with which law endowed the creditor .

  3. 债权人代位权制度为债的保全制度之一。

    Subrogation of creditor system is one of the creditor 's rights preservation systems .

  4. 浅析债的保全

    On the Analysis of Security for Debt

  5. 论债的保全

    On Preserving of the Debt

  6. 作为债的保全措施之一的债权人代位权,从性质上讲是对债的相对性的突破。

    As one of the security measures of debt subrogation , qualitatively , is the debt relative breakthrough .

  7. 债的保全,其方法有二:债权人的代位权和债权人的撤销权。

    There are two ways to the attachments of debts : the creditor 's rights of subrogation and abandonment .

  8. 债权人之代位权制度作为一种有效的债的保全措施,具有保全债权的功能;

    As an effective conservatory measure , the rule of the right of subrogation for creditors has the function of preserving creditor 's rights .

  9. 债权人撤销权是债的保全制度的重要内容,属于实体法上的权利。

    The creditor 's recalling right is the important content of the debt preserving system , which is one of the rights in the entity law .

  10. 债权人的代位权是债的保全制度的重要部分,它为债权人债权的实现提供了保障。

    A power of the creditor is the important part of the preserving system of debt , provides the guarantee for realizing creditor ′ s rights .

  11. 债权人代位权作为债的保全措施之一,是传统民法中一项十分重要的法律制度。

    Regarded as one of the measures of saving from damage of the debt , creditor 's subrogation is a very important legal system in traditional civil law .

  12. 作为债的保全措施之一,它突破了传统民法上债的相对性原则,对保障债权人债权的实现发挥着重要作用。

    As a way to secure debt , it breaks through the traditional principle of debt relativity in civil law , and plays an important role in guaranteeing the implementation of debt .

  13. 债权人的代位权为债的保全措施之一,是债的对外效力的表现,属于债的一般担保。

    The right of subrogation of the creditor is one of the preservation measures concerning debts . It is the presentation of debt 's external force and the general guarantee of debts .

  14. 但是近代各国立法及判例对它已有突破,产生了为第三人利益合同、第三人侵害债权及债的保全等制度。

    But recently the legislation and legal precedent in many counties have surmounted , bringing about third party beneficiary contract , third party infringing on creditor 's claim , preservation of obligation and so on .

  15. 作者通过分析比较关于债权人代位权性质的不同观点,阐明了债权人代位权是一种独立于请求权、形成权之外的实体权利&债的保全。

    The author , by analyzing comparatively different opinions concerning creditor 's subrogation , holds that creditor 's subrogation is a kind of substantial right & debt maintenance , not a claim right nor a formation right .

  16. 摘要债权人的撤销权作为债的保全措施之一,对保障债权人的债权,平衡各方利益和保护交易安全发挥着重要作用。

    The creditor 's right to revocation , as one of the measures to save the debt , plays a very important role in ensuring the creditor 's interest , balancing the interests of both sides and guaranteeing trade safety .

  17. 债的保全制度在我国的确立,使其与债的担保制度及违约责任制度一起,共同构成了保护债权人债权的稳固的三角架。

    The establishment of system of the attachments of debts , together with the system of the guarantee of debts and the system of the responsibility of breaking an engagement , has formed a stable triangle to protect the creditor 's rights .

  18. 如何才能更好地保障债权的实现?现代民法上有诸多制度,如债权担保、违约责任、债的保全等这些制度都为债权的完全实现提供了有力的保障。

    There are many systems in the modern civil law , such as the legal right guarantee , the default responsibility , save from damage of the debt etc. these systems all provided a beneficial guarantee for the complete realization of legal right .