
  • 网络Credit Expansion;credit-fueled
  1. 信用扩张的合理界限与房价波动研究

    A Study on the Reasonable Limits of Credit Expansion and Real Estate Price Fluctuations

  2. 我们发现主权财富基金的投资于国内时,具有信用扩张的作用,与国内的货币政策的实施可能发生冲突。

    And the credit expansion may have the potential conflict with the domestic monetary policy implementation .

  3. 银行高比例的不良资产,限制了其信用扩张的能力。

    Finally , banks ' high ill-loan baffles banks credit extension .

  4. 目前,我国的投资膨胀、信用扩张和少数生产资料涨价并未达到导致强制储蓄挤占消费的地步,宏观经济并未过热。

    Chinese economy is not overheating because the investment does not exceed the saving and lead to the forced saving .

  5. 而导致宏观经济过热的投资来源于信用扩张所导致的挤占消费、强制储蓄。前者将带来可持续的经济增长,后者则将导致一个经济从繁荣到萧条的周期波动过程。

    The investment of economic overheating comes from forced saving , which may lead to a business cycle from boom to depression .

  6. 放弃使用金本位制,使得福利经济统计学者们可以通过银行系统来进行不受限制的信用扩张。

    The abandonment of the gold standard made it possible for the welfare statists to use the banking system as a means to an unlimited expansion of credit .

  7. 但是现在,除了黄金以外,联邦储备银行用纸币(“票据储备”)来合法地支付给存款人,并以此进行信用扩张。

    But now , in addition to gold , credit extended by the Federal Reserve banks (" paper reserves ") could serve as legal tender to pay depositors .

  8. 文章介绍了当代国际货币体系的特点及美元本位下国际储备的新变化;指出美元本位下美国经常账户持续失衡,大量向世界各国输出美元在很大程度上造成了信用扩张。

    It points out that the ongoing current account deficit in the United States and the huge outpouring of US dollars into other countries , in large part , caused credit expansion .

  9. 金融企业的公司治理结构既有一般公司治理结构的普遍性问题,也由于金融的信用扩张性和中介性特点,产生其在治理结构上的特殊性。

    The corporate governance of financial enterprise not only involves the general problems of corporate governance , but also has particular features due to the credit amplification and intermediary features of financial industry .

  10. 股权质押之所以能够产生和发展,是因为在市场经济社会,它发挥着融资促进功能、信用扩张功能、稳定股市功能和市场引导功能。

    Share right pledge emerges and develops , because in the market economy it has the functions of promoting the circulation of the funds , expanding the credit , stabilizing the stock market and guiding the market .

  11. 第二、资金配置通过全民储蓄的动员机制进行信用扩张,短期内促进了经济较快增长,使得经济发展摆脱了所谓贫困陷阱的约束,起到了积极作用。

    Second , capital allocation , through a savings of mobilizing and mechanism of credit expansion , short-term inside promoted the rapid economic growth and make economic development from the so-called " poverty trap " constraints , which has played a positive role .

  12. 所以我们看到了信用的扩张。

    So we saw an expansion of credit .

  13. 反对派则认为信托公司是多年鲁莽放贷之后信用过度扩张的产物,两者最终都会在几年后危及中国经济。

    The bears argue that trusts are an example of excessive credit in the aftermath of years of reckless lending , both of which will come back to haunt the Chinese economy over the next few years .

  14. 从宏观经济角度来看,巨额的外资流入会引起货币和信用的扩张,通货膨胀压力增加,实际汇率升值以及国际收支中经常账户的恶化;豪斯克-麦奇不对称效应与经常账户失衡的结构性成因

    The large amount capital inflow can cause the currency and the credit expansion , the inflation pressure , exchange rate appreciation as well as worsen the international payment balance account ; Asymmetry of Information , Adverse Selection and Economic Development

  15. 米格尔:我们的信用额度已经过度扩张了。

    Miguel : We 're already overextended at the bank .

  16. 这家银行已经向很多私募股权公司以及专注于信用业务的对冲基金兜售过这块业务,而这些公司显然都希望能在迅速发展的亚洲信用市场进一步扩张&我们这里讲的亚洲实际上就是指中国。

    The bank has been shopping the group around to a number of private equity firms and credit-focused hedge funds that apparently want greater exposure to the fast-growing Asian and by Asian we really mean Chinese credit markets .