
  • 网络IT Management;Information Technology;information technology management;management of information technology
  1. 企业信息技术管理组织模式及其历史演进

    The Organization Patterns and Historical Evolution of Information Technology Management of the Firm

  2. 另外,必须确定为信息技术管理和其他管理提供统计信息的频率。

    Additionally , you must determine how frequently you will provide statistics to information technology management and other management .

  3. 陶瓷企业通过实施ERP,实现了人工管理向以信息技术管理为主的突破性发展。

    With the implementation of ERP , ceramic enterprises have achieved breakthrough development from the manual administration to informational technology management .

  4. 运用BPR理论改造学籍管理流程的设想信息技术管理&订单处理的标准化促动因素

    Assumption on reengineering the process of student - records management with the principles of BPR

  5. 统计信息技术管理问题特设专家组

    Ad Hoc Expert Group on the Management of Statistical Information Technology

  6. 信息技术管理&订单处理的标准化促动因素浅议继电保护反措规范化管理

    Discussion on the Normalization Management of Relay Protection Countermeasures on

  7. 课程将围绕信息技术管理的问题。

    Issues around IT governance will pervade the course .

  8. 刍议营运资本管理与策略信息技术管理&订单处理的标准化促动因素

    On the management and strategy of working capital

  9. 管理原理五则信息技术管理&订单处理的标准化促动因素试论使命管理

    Mission Management : a Humanistic Theory of Management

  10. 发票违法及治理对策人事管理中,实行严格录用、待遇丰厚、赏罚分明等,并采取年功序列制。信息技术管理&订单处理的标准化促动因素

    Invoice Irregularity and Management Countermeasures

  11. 最后,以某国有银行信息技术管理部门软件开发和日常维护的过程管理为背景,根据过程改进框架设计了一套适合我国银行金融系统的软件开发和日常维护工作的评估方法。

    Based on the software process valuation framework , an audit method suitable for financial enterprises software process is given .

  12. IS/IT战略规划已成为国际上战略信息技术管理领域最为重要的研究方向之一。

    Strategic planning for Information System / Information Technology has become one of the most important research fields of Information Technology Management in the world .

  13. 在安全模式下,像越来越多的工业设备接受实际的或代理以太网连接一样,工业信息技术管理人员也主要关注这个功能。

    Providing this function in a secure fashion is becoming a major concern for industrial IT managers as burgeoning numbers of industrial devices receive real or proxy Ethernet connections .

  14. 地下综合管网是城市的生命线,本文主要介绍如何利用空间信息技术管理北京市综合地下管网,主要包括系统的目标,结构,功能,数据组织等。

    Underground pipeline is the lifeline of city . How to manage underground pipeline by spatial information technology in Beijing is presented in this thesis , mainly including system target , structure , function , data organization , etc.

  15. 在企业信息技术管理中,首要解决的问题就是信息共享以及协同工作效率难以提高、相关数据信息存在不稳定因素、业务办公软件的集成改造难以实现等。

    In the enterprise information technology management , top priority is the issue of information sharing and collaborative work efficiency to improve , relevant data exist unstable factors , business office software to realize the integration of such transformation .

  16. 对工程项目的含义、特征、建设周期等内容进行了介绍,从目标系统管理、过程控制管理和信息技术管理三方面,阐释了工程项目管理的基本原理,以期对工程项目管理有全面理解。

    The meanings , features , construction period and other contents of engineering project are introduced and from three aspects : target system management , process control and information technological management the basic principles are elaborated for engineering project management in order to make full understanding on project management .

  17. ERP是一个整合了先进的信息技术和管理思想的企业级信息化管理系统。

    ERP is the informationalized management system with advanced information technology and management ideas in enterprises .

  18. 企业资源规划(ERP,EnterpriseResourcePlanning)作为一种管理理念和软件系统,融合了计算机信息技术和管理领域的具体业务,为企业参与激烈的市场竞争提供了有力的支持。

    As a theory and software system of management , Enterprise Resource Planning ( ERP ) combines the information technology and concrete operations of management area , supporting strongly the enterprises ' participating in the furious competition .

  19. ERP和CRM是企业借以现代信息技术和管理思想支持企业运作、提高企业效率的两个重要的信息系统。

    ERP and CRM are two important enterprise information systems , which support enterprises on corporate operation and help to increase efficiency with advanced information technology and management methodology .

  20. 随着网络信息技术在管理上越来越深入而广泛的应用,基于WEB的数据库信息管理系统的开发在技术上已逐步成熟,并成为主流和发展趋势。

    Along with more and more in-depth and wide-range application of network information technology in management , the development of database information management system , which is based on WEB , has gradually matured in technology and become the mainstream and the development trend .

  21. 针对检测行业特点、现状及需求,采用先进的信息技术和管理理念,设计出一套贴近实际应用的CRM系统。

    On the basis of the characteristic , status and demands of the testing industry , we designed and developed a practically applicable CRM system with the advanced information technology and the management theory .

  22. 事实上,零售商可以通过物流、信息技术以及管理技术来整合供应链。详细分析了条形码技术及应用、射频技术及应用、物流EDI技术、GIS技术、GPS技术;

    Thread analyzes the relation between logistics information technology and e-commerce deeply , introduces the bar code technology , radio frequency technology and its application , logistics EDI technology , GIS technology , GPS technology in detail ;

  23. 随着现代集成制造系统(CIMS)在网络信息化时代的不断发展和市场竞争越来越激烈,制造技术、信息技术和管理技术的有机结合将推进和加速全球化敏捷制造的进程。

    With continuous development of contemporary integrated manufacturing systems ( CIMS ) and intense market competition in the age of networking information , the global agile manufacturing is being boosted and accelerated by organic integration of manufacturing technology , information technology and management technology .

  24. 在对当前各种先进信息技术和管理技术研究的基础上,提出了XRP当前的业务范围以及系统功能划分的准则,建立了系统的结构模型。

    Based on several of advanced information technology and management technology , XRP solution including function modeling rule and system architecture has been suggested .

  25. 信息技术企业管理人员素质能力模型构建研究

    Research on Competency Model Construction for Managerial Personnel in Information Technology Corporation

  26. 澳大利亚《信息技术证据管理指引》述评

    Comment on Australian Guidelines for the Management of IT Evidence

  27. 信息技术是管理变革的催化剂。

    Information technology is the catalyser of management reform .

  28. 它融制造技术、现代信息技术和管理技术于一身,是未来企业合作的理想组织形式。

    It consists of manufacturing technology , modern information technology and management technology .

  29. 论社会组织信息化中的信息技术外包管理

    On IT Outsourcing Management in Social Organization Informatization

  30. 需要有针对性的进行总结,归纳出高效、科学的信息技术项目管理方法。

    It needs make specific conclusion to summarize highly-efficient and scientific IT project management method .