
  1. 本章首先介绍我国建立保险信用评级制度的外部环境。

    First , this chapter introduces the situation of credit ratings of our insurance company .

  2. 由此也展开了在我国建立保险信用评级制度的重要意义。

    It also embarked the importance to establish insurance credit rating system in China now .

  3. 保险信用评级制度从理论上讲是一项矫正保险市场参与者之间信息不对称的中介信息制度安排。

    Theoretically insurance credit grading system is a system of intermediate which can correct asymmetric information among insurance market .

  4. 本文研究了美国、欧盟和中国的监管模式、方法和指标体系,结合保险信用评级机构对寿险公司的财务测试比率,全面阐述了寿险经营的财务评价内容。

    The supervision mode , methods and indicators system in the United States , the European Union and China were researched , and the financial evaluation contents of life insurance business were stated all-around combined with the financial testing ratios of insurance credit rating agencies to test Life Insurance Company .

  5. 我国保险公司信用评级体系建设探讨

    On the Construction of Credit-rating System of China 's Insurance Companies

  6. 然后介绍了我国保险公司信用评级的必要性和意义。

    Then give the necessity of credit ratings of our insurance company .

  7. 我国保险公司信用评级研究

    Research on Credit Rating of Chinese Insurance Companies

  8. 保险公司信用评级的非财务分析

    Non-financial Analysis in Credit Evaluation in Insurance Corporation

  9. 他们担心更多的坏消息,诸如债券保险信用等级评级调低,会引发恶性循环。

    They feared more bad news , such as the downgrading of bond insurance , could set off a nasty downward spiral .

  10. 保险代理公司信用评级的特殊性保险代理公司有区别于其他金融机构的特性,相对的,对其进行信用评级也要体现出这些特殊性。Agent的体系结构

    The credit rating system also helps select the agent . The Architectures of Agent

  11. 新建的结构性金融保险公司的信用评级因此被大幅调降至非投资级。

    The credit rating of the structured finance insurer was slashed to non-investment grade as a result .

  12. 所以上市保险公司的信用风险评级对我国保险业的稳定和发展具有非常重要的意义。

    Therefore , the credit risk rating of the listed insurance company will have a very important significance for the stability and development of Chinese insurance industry .