
  • 网络marginal deposit
  1. 保证金存款的快速增长就是这种趋势的一个表征。

    A rapid rise in margin deposits has been one symptom of this .

  2. 如何防范保证金存款风险

    Ways to Prevent Mortgage Deposit Risk

  3. 商务词汇:押金保证金存款如果你在签约后违反协议,你就会丧失索要回押金的权力。

    eg.If you cancel agreement after signature , you 'll forfeit your right to get the deposit .

  4. 现在,银行的保证金存款也必须纳入缴存范围&公司客户往往用此类存款获得银行的承兑票据和保函。

    Banks will now have to include margin deposits , which are often used by corporate clients to obtain bankers ' acceptance notes and letters of guarantee .

  5. 本文的创新与特色有二:一是揭示了可用资金头寸与保证金存款余额等要素规律性的联系。

    One of the innovations and characteristics this thesis lies in that the design of fund position management model to clear the relationship of available fund position and balance of guarantee deposit .

  6. 收到交易所划转的保证金存款利息,借记“应收保证金”科目,贷记“财务费用”科目。

    When receiving thedeposit saving interest of margins appropriated by the exchange , the brokerage company shall debit the " depositmargin receivable " title and credit the " financial expenses " title .

  7. 股票市场价格的涨跌会引起活期存款和包含证券公司客户保证金在内的其他存款的同向变动、引起定期存款和储蓄存款的反向变动。

    The changes of stock market prices caused demand deposits and other deposits change in the same direction , while causing time deposits and savings deposits reverse change .

  8. 其低于受托契约约定之维持保证金时,应即通知委托人于限期内补缴其保证金专户存款余额与其未了结部位原始保证金总额间之差额。

    Where the balance is lower than the maintenance margin provided in the consignment contract , the Futures Commission Merchant shall notify the principal to replenish its owner equity balance by the amount that it falls short of the initial margins for its open positions within a specified deadline .