
shǐ jié
  • envoy;ambassador;diplomatic envoy;minister;tally
使节 [shǐ jié]
  • (1) [minister;diplomatic envoy]∶一国派驻另一国的外交代表;一国派往另一国办事的代表

  • 得任命大使、其他政府使节和领事

  • (2) [tally]∶古时指使者所持的符节

使节[shǐ jié]
  1. 由于HelloKitty广受欢迎,2008年,它成为日本外交使节,驻中国大陆与香港的日本官方旅游大使。

    So successful has Kitty been that she was chosen to be a Japanese diplomatic envoy , the official tourism ambassador to China and Hong Kong , in 2008 .

  2. 论中国使节制度的近代化

    On the modernization of the diplomatic envoy system CHINESE BOX

  3. 总统的使节开始了又一次外交之旅。

    The President 's envoy set off on another diplomatic trip

  4. 一场争夺外交使节职位的角逐展开了。

    A contest developed for the position of minister of foreign affairs .

  5. 国家相互驱逐对方使节这种惯常的报复行动

    the routine tit for tat when countries expel each other 's envoys

  6. 对朝鲜驻俄罗斯东部使节ImCheonIl来说,没有比眼下更适合邀请俄罗斯孩子到朝鲜青少年夏令营度假的时机了。

    For diplomat Im Cheon Il , there has never been a better time to invite Russian children to spend their holidays at a North Korean youth camp .

  7. 但是,当家乐福(carrefour)和其它法国企业遭到愤怒的中国消费者抵制后,法国派出三名不同的外交使节,实际上让他们向中方叩头。

    Yet when Carrefour and other French companies suffered a boycott by angry Chinese consumers , France sent over three different envoys in effect to kowtow to the Chinese .

  8. 我在此表示,我感到万分荣幸,因为莅会的有如此众多的外交使节,还有本届政府的几名成员和尊敬的国会议员,其中包括两位最早当选国会议员的穆斯林——基思·埃利森(KeithEllison)和安德烈·卡森(AndreCarson)。

    I want to say that I 'm deeply honored to welcome so many members of the diplomatic corps , as well as several members of my administration and distinguished members of Congress , including the first two Muslims to serve in Congress -- Keith Ellison and Andre Carson .

  9. 为了让他和KameiKorechika能够为天皇使节组织一场巴适的招待会,他们需要从幕府将军的一位高级官员那里学习宫廷礼仪礼节,那位官员名叫“KiraYoshinaka”,他是一名kōke,就是“礼仪大师”的意思。

    In order for him and Kamei to organize a proper reception for the imperial ambassadors , they needed lessons in court etiquette and protocol from one of the shogun 's high officials - a man named Kira Yoshinaka who was a k ō ke , meaning a master of ceremonies .

  10. 1701年,他和另一位名叫“KameiKorechika”的贵族负责为到访江户城的天皇使节组织一场招待会,这是日本“参觐交代”的一部分。

    In 1701 , he and another noble named Kamei Korechika were tasked with organizing a reception for some of the emperor 's ambassadors visiting Edo Castle as part of their service known as sankin k ō tai .

  11. 论晚清外交使节的欧美之旅

    On the Envoy Trip to Europe and America in Qing Dynasty

  12. 这位是艾尔伦,来自元素族的使节。

    This is aereon , an envoy from the elemental race .

  13. 派遣人员并提供官方的委任状;用于指外交使节。

    Provide or send with official credentials ; as of envoys .

  14. 访问使节被正式派往英国宫廷。

    Visiting ambassadors are accredited to the court of St james .

  15. 古代来华使节考论

    An Examination of the Envoys from Different Countries Visiting the Ancient China

  16. 晚清驻欧使节与海军近代化

    The Late Qing 's Diplomatic Envoys and the Modernization of Chinese Navy

  17. 教宗将派遣一个使节团到英国。

    The pope would send a legatine commission to England .

  18. 外交使节团及实业家们居住的高级地区。

    The smart areas where the diplomatic corps and the industrialists live .

  19. 一切涉及大使、其它使节和领事的案件;

    To all Cases affecting Ambassadors , other public Ministers and Consuls ;

  20. 频繁的使节往来促进了两国关系的发展。

    The frequent contact with envoys promotes the development between two countries .

  21. 使节给我们带回了战争的消息。

    The envoy bore back to us tidings of war .

  22. 第二是政府派遣使节、留学生。

    Second , dispatch the foreign student and diplomatic agent .

  23. 陛下,荷兰的使节到了。

    Your majesty , the envoys from Holland are arrived .

  24. 叙利亚共和国周一迅速做出回应,命令华盛顿的使节回国。

    Syria responded quickly Monday , ordering home its envoy from Washington .

  25. 试论十八世纪清文化对朝鲜的影响&以李朝出使清朝的使节问题为中心

    The Cultural Influence of the Qing Dynasty on Korea in the 18th Century

  26. 拉美国家驻华使节团访晋

    Diplomatic Envoys of South America in China Visit Taiyuan

  27. 驻华使节夫人学做中国菜系列活动开幕

    Diplomats ' Spouses Learn How to Cook Chinese Dishes

  28. 可是你知道齐国对待使节阳奉阴违是出了名的。

    As you know , it is well known how Qi treats missioner .

  29. 这些遣唐使节团中,有学者、学生及僧侣们;

    Among these special envoys , there were scholars , students and monks .

  30. 沿海的亚洲各国纷纷派使节带着礼品向明皇帝进贡。

    The maritime Asian nations sent envoys with tribute for the Chinese emperor .