
  • 网络composition teaching;teaching of composition;composition training
  1. 作文教学是高中语文教学的重要组成部分,也是培养学生写作能力的重要途径。

    Composition training which is an important part of Chinese teaching in high school , is also an important way of cultivating students ' writing ability .

  2. 面对职业高中作文教学的低效局面,找到切实有效的作文训练方法很重要。

    In the face of occupation high school composition teaching inefficiency , find the effective composition training method is very important .

  3. 作文教学训练要有序而不乱;

    The composition 's teaching would put in order in training ;

  4. 叙事理论在中学叙事作文教学中的应用

    Application of Narrative Theory in Narrative Composition Teaching in Middle School

  5. 高中作文教学的百年回眸与检讨

    Review and Self-criticism to Teaching of High School Composition in One-hundred-year

  6. 作文教学:还学生话语权

    Composition Teaching : Return the " Discourse Right " to Students

  7. 网络与作文教学整合初探

    A Preliminary Studying to the Combination of Network and Composition Teaching

  8. 国外作文教学:危机、对策及启示

    Composition Teaching in Foreign Countries : Problem , Solution and Enlightenment

  9. 构建高中议论文作文教学训练系列

    The Construction on the Training of High School Argumentative Writing Teaching

  10. 这里介绍一种省时高效的作文教学法&滚动快速作文法。

    Here introduces a time-saving efficient composition teaching-rolling quickly composition method .

  11. 第四章从哲学、心理学、教育学等角度,理论论证了体验式作文教学的合理性。

    Experiencing type composition teaching bases on the aesthetic experiencing theory .

  12. 在语文教育界,作文教学一直是一个难点。

    The composition teaching has been a difficulty of Chinese education .

  13. 论作文教学中的说写结合

    The Study on Combination of Speaking and Writing in Composition Teaching

  14. 浅谈作文教学中细节描写教学的方法

    Discussion on the teaching methods of detail description in composition teaching

  15. 从作文教学谈学生的话语迷失

    On students ' discourse missing from the perspective of composition teaching

  16. 写作反馈是作文教学的一个重要组成部分。

    Written feedback is an important part of composition teaching .

  17. 从当前作文教学论段式作文训练法

    On the Passage-style Training Method of Composition from the Present Composition Teaching

  18. 教学工作中重要一块领域就是作文教学。

    Composition teaching is an important area of education work .

  19. 浅谈中学作文教学中的细节问题

    A Primary study on the Details Description of the Composition-teaching

  20. 然而,作文教学的老大难现象依然存在。

    However , the composition teaching of " persistent " still exists .

  21. 论重点高中快速作文教学中的快速思维训练浅谈初中数学总复习的思维训练

    Speedy Thinking Practice in Speedy Composition Teaching in Key Senior High Schools

  22. 作文教学中培养创新思维的思考

    Reflections on the Cultivation of Innovative Thinking in Composition Teaching

  23. 英汉句法迁移与中学英语作文教学

    Syntactic Transfer and English Composition Strategies in Senior High School

  24. 第二层次阐述了真实作文教学的基本目标,分别从真实作文的知识目标和能力目标两个方面进行展开。

    The second level expounds the basic objectives of authentic composition teaching .

  25. 初中语文体验式作文教学探索

    The Experiencing Teaching of Chinese Righting for Middle School 's

  26. 高中作文教学中教师理论指导的有效性探究

    Teaching High School Composition Teachers to Explore the Validity of Theoretical Guidance

  27. 幼师口头作文教学研究

    A Research on Oral Composition Teaching in Normal School for Preschool Education

  28. 对解决作文教学现实性问题的思索

    An argument on the solution of some realistic problems in composition teaching

  29. 谈成功教育与作文教学

    On the Education for Success and Composition Teach in g

  30. 方言区作文教学现状分析及调查研究

    The Analysis and Investigation of the Writing Teaching in the Dialect Area