
diǎn rǎn
  • Spotting;add details to a painting;touch up a piece of writing
点染 [diǎn rǎn]
  • [add details to a painting;touch up a piece of writing] 绘画时画家点笔染翰

  • 武烈太子偏能真,座上宾客随宜点染。——《颜氏家训·杂艺》

点染[diǎn rǎn]
  1. 当地报纸BG已发布一只甲鱼的照片,还有一群明显点染石油鹈鹕的照片。

    A local newspaper , the Billings Gazette , has run pictures of a turtle and a group of pelicans apparently with oil on them .

  2. 生育巫术对艺术的点染

    A Touch & up of Arts by birth Witchcraft

  3. 不经风格的点染,水是永远变不成酒的。

    Water , except by the miracle of style , does not become wine .

  4. 在画布上,黑苍苍的背景可以点染出丛林的模样。

    The jungle could be built up on a canvas out of a black-green background .

  5. 画笔点染俄罗斯多彩涂料研究进展

    Paint Russia progress of multicolor coatings

  6. 这个夏天让你的衣橱也点染一些阳光的色泽吧。

    Bring a ray of sunshine to your summer wardrobe with some warm , bright yellow .

  7. 用笔点染勾擦、精巧准稳、虚实相生,产生很强的表现力;

    Dianran hook brush pen , compact quasi-steady , vacuousness of Health to produce a very strong expression ;

  8. 认同点染与本土强化&论新华文学中的鱼尾狮意象

    This article will explore into the image in Singapore Chinese literature . Disseminating Identification and Strengthening Nativeness : A Study on Merlion

  9. 王老赏是河北蔚县人,他的刀工和点染技术都非常有名。

    Born in Yuxian , Hebei Province , he worked with a knife and is most famous for his use of spot dyeing .

  10. 热气球,不仅给人类的飞翔之梦插上了翅膀,而且将这个梦想点染得五彩缤纷、绚烂夺目。

    The hot-air balloon not only attaches wings to the flying dream , but also makes this dream appear more colorful and glorious .

  11. 他用生命的激情拥抱生活,然而现实的荒谬与苦痛又使其心灵点染了深层的寂寞感和隐忧的悲愁。

    He hugs the life with burning passion , yet the ridiculous and miserable reality burdens his soul with deep loneliness and gloom .

  12. 混合超图的染色,要求每一D-超边至少有两个点染不同的颜色,每一C-超边至少有两个点染相同的颜色。

    In a coloring , every D-edge has at least two vertices colored differently , and every C-edge has at least two vertices of the same color .

  13. 黑脚族、布拉德族和皮埃甘族的阿尔贡金语言在画布上,黑苍苍的背景可以点染出丛林的模样。

    The Algonquian language of the Blackfoot , Blood , and Piegan . The jungle could be built up on a canvas out of a black-green background .

  14. 深红、浅白、淡紫,湿漉漉洇在春雨蒙蒙的绿树丛林中,如水墨画家的泼彩点染。

    Dark red , plain , lilacinus , wet spring melt in the misty jungle of trees , such as the family poured ink stipple rendering color .

  15. 点染其小说间的是一个个凄恻、平凡的婚恋悲剧,正是它们使老舍几乎所有的重要作品都显示出强烈的道德批判色彩。

    Among his works there are some ordinary but pathetic marriage tragedies , which endow the important pieces of Lao She with strong moral critical force ( color ) .

  16. 相对灵活地使用了斑驳的肌理语言,综合点染,皴擦多种笔法,特别强化了色彩的魅力,使笔墨服从于全画面的气氛。

    He neatly used the mottled texture language and added spot-ink and iterative-wrinkle skills , especially highlighted the charm of colours , and finally got a good effect on the whole painting .

  17. 炎热的午后,母牛在树下挥动着尾巴;树木把小河点染得这样翠绿一片,让你觉得那只一头扎进水里去的雌红松鸡,应该带着绿色的羽毛冒出水面来。

    The cows swish their tails beneath them on hot afternoons ; they paint rivers so green that when a moorhen dives one expects to see its feathers all green when it comes up again .

  18. 由创作形式看,它包括单色剪纸(红、白、黑等)、点染剪纸、填色剪纸、复色组合剪纸等种类。

    According to creative forms , Fengning Manchu paper-cut can be classified into monochrome paper-cut ( red , white , black , etc. ), dyed paper-cut , fill paper-cut and Complex color combination of paper cutting .

  19. 本文从绘画艺术的角度出发,分析中国画所反映的艺术精神,通过对传统建筑中群体院落单体建筑建筑中的绘画艺术点染的具体分析,指出中国传统建筑蕴含着一种如画和谐之美。

    This essay discusses the traditional architecture actually in yards of building groups , building , and art romancing in buildings , and points out that the traditional architectures of china have a kind of harmonious art aestheticism .

  20. 结果易贝和贝复舒均有明显促进角膜上皮点状缺损痊愈的作用(P<0.01),且治疗前后角膜点染差值2组间差异无显著性(P>0.05)。

    Results The difference were significant in two groups on enhancing recovery of the CEPD ( P < 0.01 ), and the difference of corneal fluorescence stain between the two groups of before and after treatment was not obvious ( P > 0.05 ) .