
  • 网络Operational direction;direction of operation
  1. 我不反对作战方向有两个或两个以上,但主要的方向,在同一个时间内,只应有一个。

    I am not objecting to operations in two or more directions , but at any given time there ought to be only one main direction .

  2. 置红军的支队于次要的作战方向也是必要的,不是一切都要集中。

    It is also necessary to employ Red Army detachments for operations in secondary directions ; not all the forces of the Red Army should be concentrated .

  3. 在将来,红军的技术和组织条件改变了,红军建设进到了新阶段,红军的作战方向和作战线的比较固定就出现了;

    In the future , when the technical and organizational conditions in the Red Army have changed and the building of the Red Army has entered a new stage , its operational directions and battle lines will become more stable ;

  4. 分析了舰载火炮武器作战任务的发展方向,提出了双用途舰载毫米波遥控指令弹道修正弹系统的概念,并给出了系统结构。

    The progressing direction of navel gun 's task is analyzed . The conception of carrier-based double-purpose MMW remote controlling trajectory correction munition ( RCTCM ) is put forward and the system structure is given .

  5. 作战时选择突击方向和突击点,要按照当前的敌情、地形和自己兵力的情况去规定。

    In a military operation the direction and point of assault should be selected according to the actual situation of the enemy , the terrain , and the strength of our own forces at the moment .

  6. 网络化作战是未来防空反导作战发展的主要方向,美国最终将实现以网络为中心的防空反导能力。

    Networked warfare is the development direction of the U.S.Air and missile defense in the future , and U.S.will realize the networked air and missile defense capability .