
  • 网络Body language
  1. 浅述体态语言的形成与基本类型

    Analysis on the Forming and the Fundamental Type of Body Language

  2. 对于外国人来说,体态语言有时要好懂得多。

    Sometimes the body language is easier to understand for foreigner .

  3. 中学物理课堂教学中体态语言的设计与运用

    Design and Application of Teachers ' Body Language in Physical Class

  4. 论体态语言在声乐教学中的重要作用

    On the Role of body language in Vocal Music Teaching

  5. 体育比赛中的体态语言初探

    An elementary research on posture of language of sports tournament

  6. 德育课堂中体态语言的运用

    On the Utilization of Posture Language in Moral Training Class

  7. 你能用体态语言把痛苦的感觉表现出来吗?

    Can you act out the feeling of sorrow in body language ?

  8. 口语表达中体态语言的特点及意义初探

    Characteristics and Significance of Body Language in Oral Expression

  9. 体态语言是体育教师在教学中的重要手段。

    Body language is an important means in the teaching of PE teachers .

  10. 浅谈体态语言在中学体育课中的功能及应用

    Discussion of the Application of Body Language in PE Class of Middle School

  11. 足球裁判应运用体态语言调控比赛

    Football Referees Apply Posture Language To Control The Match

  12. 体态语言的功能及其应用

    On the Functions of Body Language and Its Applications

  13. 足球比赛中裁判员的体态语言运用分析

    Analysis on Referees ' Posture Language In Football Match

  14. 不同国家、不同民族的体态语言各有其特点。

    Different cultures have different characteristics of body language .

  15. 谈正确运用体态语言优化英语教学

    On the Improvement of English Teaching through the Correct Using of Teachers Body Language

  16. 所谓的体态语言,就是教育工作者在教学中的一言一行中的行,一种非有声语言。

    The body language is a non-sound language .

  17. 体育教师的体态语言

    The Body Language of a Physical Education Teacher

  18. 在与中国人进行交往时,要注意哪些体态语言呢?

    What body language should you pay attention to when dealing with the Chinese ?

  19. 体态语言是一种特殊语言。

    Posture Language is a special language .

  20. 掌握不同民族文化中的体态语言,将有助于我们对世界文化的了解。

    The mastering body languages of different cultures can facilitate our understanding of the corresponding cultures .

  21. 论体育教师的体态语言对体育教学的作用与影响

    Discussion on Function and Influence of the Posture Language of the PE Teacher on PE Teaching

  22. 教师体态语言刍议

    Discussion on Teachers ' Body Language

  23. 体育运动中的体态语言

    Deportment Language in Sport

  24. 他们对语调、体态语言以及文化上的细微差别方面的评论将为谈判者提供重要的信息。

    Their comments on tone , body language , and cultural nuance will provide essential information to negotiators .

  25. 了解不同文化中体态语言的含义,可以减少冲突,促进交流。

    It would reduce conflicts and promote communication to understand the implication of the body language of different cultures .

  26. 正确运用体态语言,有助于高校体育教师提高教学效果。

    Teachers can use body language well , it will be very beneficial for them to raise their teaching efficiency .

  27. 在体育教学中,教师充分运用体态语言,对优化体育教学课堂心理气氛,提高教学效果,将起着非常重要的作用。

    , it is useful for the teachers to use body language in enlivening the classroom environment and improving the teaching .

  28. 第二,要注意对说话人的体态语言作一点描写,对说话人所说的内容作一点提示性的说明;

    Secondly , pay attention to giving some body language description to the speakers and some prompting expositions to the contents of speakers .

  29. 作为一名教育工作者,在教学实践中,会逐渐积累经验,慢慢形成具有自身的体态语言表达方式或风格。

    Educators , in teaching practice will gradually accumulate experience , and slowly forming the body language has its own expression of style .

  30. 体育教学中,教学语言与体态语言对提高教学质量,保证教学效果有着极其重要的意义。

    In the athletics teaching , teaching language and physique language to exaltation teaching quality , the assurance teaching effect have very importance of meaning .