
  • 网络pseudo art
  1. 艺术与技术应该是一个无级变速的关系,相互排斥、相互作用又相互依存,只有把握好技术与艺术的度,才能跳出当下伪艺术现象的圈套。

    Art and technology should be a steeples speed relations , mutually exclusive , interaction and mutual dependence , only hold good technology and art degree , can jump instantly " pseudo art " phenomenon into a trap .

  2. 中国当代艺术界由于与市场接轨时间较晚,没有形成市场的规范秩序和评判标准,所以充斥各种各样稀奇古怪的艺术理论和流行文化的媚俗的伪当代艺术作品流入到市场中去。

    Chinese contemporary art as with the market late , does not regulate the market order and the formation of criteria , so full of all sorts of weird art theory and the pseudo-kitsch popular culture into contemporary art into the market to go .

  3. 而且即便涉及到意的层面也不具有深度性和精神性。第三,时尚性:由对创作与接受个性化特征的追求转向具有伪个性化特征的艺术接受。

    Moreover , the hidden meanings are not deeply or spiritual . Thirdly , fashion : From the pursuance of individuation of creation and acceptance to the art reception of pseudo - individuation .