
  • 网络traditional trade;traditional channel
  1. BToC中电子渠道与传统渠道的整合

    Conformity of Electronic Channel and Traditional Channel in B TO C

  2. 整合管理的方法包括了与传统渠道的整合、CallCenter渠道的整合和因特网渠道的整合。

    The integration methods are integration with traditional channel , integration with call center channel and integration with Internet channel .

  3. 其次,这是时间要安装ABS的传统渠道。

    Next , it was time to install the Traditional ABS Channel .

  4. 经过25年的应用和发展,PC的概念出现了较大的变化。PC以往的传统渠道模式也已经开始慢慢瓦解。

    After 25 years of application and development , greater change on the concept of PC has come forth , while the previous traditional channel mode has started to be gradually collapsing .

  5. 考虑零售商在传统渠道中附带销售电子渠道商品的互补品,建立了渠道产品合作的双渠道供应链Bertrand博弈模型。

    Consider the retailers sell the complementary goods of electronic-channels commodities in the traditional retail channels , a Bertrand game model of channel-product cooperation about dual-channel supply chain is proposed .

  6. 接着,放松渠道零售价格相等的约束,探讨当电子渠道与传统渠道之间价格无任何限制时,制造商和零售商Stackelberg竞争模式下各自的利润、零售价以及制造商的最优批发价。

    Thirdly , relaxing the constraint for keeping retail price equal , the profit for the manufacturer and the retailer , retail price and optimal wholesale price are analyzed under Stackelberg completion between manufacturer and retailer respectively .

  7. 企业网络营销与传统渠道整合探析

    Analysis of the Integration of Enterprise Network Marketing and Traditional Channel

  8. Internct的出现,网络营销对传统渠道带来了巨大的冲击。

    The Internet brings the great impact on the traditional channels .

  9. 建立服务增值渠道也为提高渠道效率和为传统渠道的角色转型提供了新的领域和战场。

    And the value added channel also is the field of the traditional channels reform .

  10. 此外,独立生产商试图绕过传统渠道直接向美国供货。

    Additionally , separate factories are attempting to bypass historical channels and selling directly to U.

  11. 圣诞期间英国在线和电话订购的销售增长,已超过传统渠道的8倍。

    Total UK online and phone retail sales growth over Christmas outstripped that of traditional sales channels eight-fold .

  12. 在建立传统渠道营销的同时,把资源重点放在网络营销上。

    In addition of establishing traditional channel marketing , we have put our resource focus on network marketing .

  13. 各大银行之间的竞争从传统渠道转向电子渠道。

    The competition of those big-size banks had turned from " traditional channels " to " electronic channels " .

  14. 高科技企业成长过程中的融资需求特殊性,使其很难从传统渠道融资。

    But it is difficult for high-tech companies to get funds from traditional channels due to their special demand in financing .

  15. 文中的双渠道指由电子渠道和传统渠道组成,且是由一个制造商与一个零售商组成的供应链结构。

    The dual-channel includes e-channel and traditional channel . The supply chain has two parts : a manufacturer and a retailer .

  16. 目前企业网络营销的开展仍处在过渡时期,探析网络营销与传统渠道整合路径,对指导我国企业正确开展网络营销有重要意义。

    The integration of network marketing and traditional channel is of great importance to direct our countrys enterprises to implement network marketing correctly .

  17. 网络环境下,企业采用传统渠道与网络渠道共存结构已成为未来渠道的发展趋势。

    Under the network environment , enterprises using the traditional channels and network channels ' coexist-structure have become the main trend of the future .

  18. 对于直销渠道与传统渠道的冲突管理,本文独创性的提出:利用整体渠道系统的产品动态组合与产品差异化相结合的策略,辅以其它手段,来解决双渠道前台整合和冲突协调问题。

    We can use the dynamic product combination tactic and product difference tactic to settle the problem of the two channels integration and harmony .

  19. 然后,论文就传统渠道管理中客观存在的渠道冲突问题在整合渠道模式下的新变化进行了分析,并提出了新的解决办法;

    Thirdly , the paper probes into the new changes of channel conflict in new channel pattern and practical solution is to be given .

  20. 战略联盟将以合作竞争的全新理念取代传统渠道交易行为关系,成为未来流通渠道群体行为的变革趋势;

    Strategic alliance , a new notion of cooperation and competition , will replace the traditional relationship between the transaction partners in the circulation channel .

  21. 建立了系统的房地产业经营开发企业进行融资运作的事前准备计划,这将有助于房地产业经营开发企业进行包括传统渠道方式&银行借贷在内的多种融资运作。

    Establishing the plan of enterprise financing strategy , which is helpful to the enterprise to obtain enough capital , including by the traditional bank way .

  22. 营销渠道的网格化管理,在一定程度上弥补了传统渠道管理在新环境下的缺陷。

    Marketing channel of grids management is to a certain extent , to make up for the traditional channel management in the new environment of defects .

  23. 在传统渠道,本文针对公司现有产品结构不合理的问题,提出了通过扩大产品线解决产品结构单一的问题以提高其竞争能力的方案。

    IN traditional distribution market , for solving the unreasonable product structure , we advanced the company should broaden product lines to enhance its marketing competency .

  24. 新的产品分销模式的产生带来了电子渠道和传统渠道之间的冲突,同时由于双向边际化效应的存在,使供应链不能够达到最优状态。

    E-channel and traditional channel have conflicts in the new distribution channel models . Also supply chain efficiency is low due to the double marginalization effect .

  25. 根据用户的需求特点将公司的目标市场细分为传统渠道销售模式和新型会议直销模式。然后对各细分市场的需求特点进行了详细的分析。

    We divided the objective market into two segments : traditional distribution market , conference distribution market , in according to vary of customers ' needs .

  26. 另一方面,制造企业引入网络直销渠道,会与零售商的传统渠道形成竞争,引发渠道冲突。

    On the other hand , the online direct channel which be introduced by manufacturer will compete with the traditional channel , leading to channel conflict .

  27. 你们千万不要忽视新媒渠的威力,在传统渠道走不通的情况下,新媒渠可能会带给你转机。

    You do not ignore the power of new media channels , in the traditional channels of dead , the new media channels may give you turn .

  28. 东部地区应基于高技能劳动力优势在加工贸易基础上融入全球价值链体系,通过技术溢出效应以及对传统渠道控制力来加快产业升级。

    The eastern area should incorporate the global value chain on the basis of processing trade , through the overflow of technology to improve the industry upgrading .

  29. 然而,这种双渠道运营不仅加剧制造商与零售商之间的冲突,还导致电子渠道与传统渠道之间的冲突。

    However , this dual-channel operational model not only aggravates the conflict between manufacturer and retailer , but also contributes to the conflict between e-channel and traditional-channel .

  30. 互联网平台提供了传统渠道无法购买到的各类怀旧产品,逐渐成为怀旧产品销售的主要平台之一。

    Internet platform provides all kinds of nostalgic products that traditional channels can not buy and has become one of the main platforms of nostalgia product sales .