
chuán tǒng wén huà
  • traditional culture;traditional Chinese culture;Heritage
  1. A:我同意你的看法。我们有责任保存和传播我们的传统文化。B:没错。

    A : I agree with you . It 's our duty to keep and spread our traditional culture . B : That 's right .

  2. 人们用不同风格的剪纸来表达传统文化或自己的感情。

    People express traditional culture or their own feelings with different styles of paper-cuts .

  3. 事实上,中国的传统文化一直崇尚孝顺父母。

    In fact , Chinese traditional culture has always encouraged filial devotion to parents .

  4. 2016年夏天,来自德国的55名师生来到中国参加夏令营,他们对中国传统文化很感兴趣。

    In the summer of 2016,55 students and teachers from Germany came to China and joined a joined a summer camp , they were interested in traditional Chinese culture .

  5. 占卜是中国传统文化中的一个重要组成部分。

    Augury is the important part of Chinese traditional culture .

  6. 我们已丢掉了许多优秀的中华传统文化。

    We have forgotten many old traditional values .

  7. 中华传统文化的根找不到了,子孙会骂我们“败家”!

    Where is the root of the traditional Chinese culture if we tear down all the relics ? Our descendants would blame us .

  8. 我和张国立都认为,能不能选择50个或更多有含义的繁体字,增加到小学的课本里,让小学生感受传统文化。

    Actor Zhang Guoli and I wonder if we can resume using 50 or more traditional Chinese characters and include them in textbooks to enable students to better learn traditional Chinese culture .

  9. 坚持正确政治方向,弘扬优秀传统文化,创新服务方式,推动全民阅读,更好满足人民精神文化需求。

    Sticking to correct political direction , we should promote our fine traditional culture and encourage a love of reading among the public by exploring new ways of services , so as to better meet the intellectual and cultural needs of our people .

  10. 此次礼服设计团队成员贺阳教授说,“设计过程中需要考虑一个因素,制服应该以一种易于理解和识别的方式展示中国传统文化特征。我们需要在文化表述、礼仪和现代中国运动员精神之间取得平衡。”

    Professor He Yang , one of the designers behind the uniform , said that one of the considerations during the design process was that the uniform should display the traditional Chinese cultural character in an intelligible and the spirit of modern Chinese sportsmen , " said He .

  11. 在MBA项目产品设计中有一些新的见解:如增加中国传统文化教育的课程、提供高价值的附加服务等。

    This paper also presents some new views about MBA program designing , such as setting up curricula about Chinese traditional culture and providing high value-added service .

  12. 指出依据病人不同的文化背景和需要,通过改善ICU的文化环境(传统文化、现代文化、饮食文化)、居住环境、语言环境,可缓解多元文化冲击,提高ICU的护理质量和护士素质。

    The authors indicate that multi-culture shock in ICU can be relieved by improving ICU cultural conditions ( traditional culture , modern culture and diet cultures ), living condition , language condition so as to promote the increase of nursing quality in ICU and nurse 's quality .

  13. 更好的继承、发展弘扬中国传统文化。

    Better inheritance , development , promotion of Chinese traditional culture .

  14. 中国传统文化包含了丰富的物质文明和精神文明。

    Chinese traditional culture contains rich material civilization and spiritual civilization .

  15. 略论中国传统文化中的环境伦理思想

    On the Thought of the Environmental Ethics in Chinese Traditional Culture

  16. 同时《现代评论》也受到传统文化的内在影响,中西文化的冲突和融合在《现代评论》身上均有所体现。

    Meanwhile , Modern Critique was influenced by traditional culture interiorly .

  17. 传统文化的熏陶是其爱国主义精神产生和形成的文化渊源;

    The influence of traditional culture is the origin and source ;

  18. 入世对中国传统文化的冲击与对策

    Impact of Entering WTO on Chinese Traditional Culture and its Countermeasures

  19. 传统文化之核心的载体。

    The body of the core of the traditional culture carries .

  20. 传统文化对黑非洲政治发展的制约

    Restrictions of the traditional culture on political developments in black Africa

  21. 传统文化教育与当代大学生的成长

    On Traditional Cultural Education and Contemporary University Students ' growth

  22. 现代陶艺与传统文化资源的思考

    A Meditation on Modern Art Pottery and Traditional Cultural Resources

  23. 作者指出信息文化是对传统文化的发展。

    The author points out that information culture evolves from traditional culture .

  24. 传统文化是武术产生的深厚文化基础。

    The traditional culture is the deep cultural foundation of produce Wushu .

  25. 传统文化资源与成功学

    The Source of Traditional Culture and the Subject of Success

  26. 传统文化与青年责任意识教育

    Traditional Culture and the Youth 's Responsibility Consciousness Education

  27. 弘扬传统文化,净化社会环境;

    Developing traditional culture and cleaning the social environment ;

  28. 因此,传统文化具有重要的现代意义。

    Therefore , traditional culture possesses important modernistic significance .

  29. 中国传统文化元素与现代装饰艺术创作

    Chinese Traditional Cultural Elements and Modern Decorative Art Creation

  30. 中国传统文化有其自身的特点。

    The Chinese traditional culture has its own characteristics .