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  1. 百年来传奇戏曲史研究论略

    Discourse upon the Research in the History of Chuanqi

  2. 明代流传下来的大量的传奇戏曲作品是研究明代语音史和方音史的重要资料。

    Large number of drama works handed down from Ming dynasty are important materials for studying the history of Chinese phonology and dialects in Ming dynasty .

  3. 首先,本文在前言中对前人妇女贞节的研究做了一个梳理,大都是从正史和小说中去论述的,很少涉及传奇戏曲,并且妇女的贞节观念在明清严厉的制度下发生了变化。

    Most of them analyze it from the official history and fiction ; few articles involve legendary drama , and the concept of chastity of women has changed because of the stringent system of Ming and Qing dynasties .

  4. 中国古代戏曲文学作品中,元杂剧和明传奇是戏曲艺术的两座高峰。

    Chinese Ancient Opera Literature in Yuan Dynasty and Ming legend , are the art of opera two peaks .