
  1. 试论企业集团经营模式

    On the Managing Mode in Enterprise Group

  2. 企业集团经营风险机制研究

    Risk Mechanism of Enterprise Group Operating

  3. 货币资金控制直接影响着企业集团经营和财务活动的效率。

    The currency funds control has the direct influence on the efficiency of the operation and financial activity of the group company .

  4. 采购流程与应付账款的管理和控制一直是影响大型企业集团经营绩效的重要问题。

    A problem , which influences the management efficiency of the large-scale enterprises greatly , is our uncontrollable of procurement flow and overdue receivable accounts .

  5. 第一部分介绍了高校后勤集团的基本情况,发展历史,企业集团经营战略研究现状;

    The thesis consists of three parts : In the first chapter basic facts and history of development and current operation strategy in university rear service groups are introduced .

  6. 站在集团公司的角度从企业集团经营管理活动的全过程对财务监控的实现方式进行讨论。

    On the view of the enterprise group , from the whole course of the operational and managerial activities , this text discusses the realizing way of the financial control .

  7. 尤其是,我国现已加入WTO,面对国际国内巨大的竞争压力和企业自身发展的强大内在动力,企业集团化经营已是大势所趋。

    Especially our country have already joined the WTO now and facing the strong international and local pressure of competition and the great inner motive force of development , running an enterprise group on a commercial basis is a general trend .

  8. 企业集团跨国经营中的资源获取、转移与整合

    Resources Acquisition , Transfer and Integration in Enterprise Groups Transnational Operation

  9. 山东企业集团跨国经营问题研究

    Study on the Issue of Transnational Operations of Enterprise Groups in Shandong Province

  10. 论中国企业集团多样化经营与扩张中的风险防范与管理(下)

    On Risk Precaution and Management in Chinese Enterprises ' ( CE ) Group-operation and Expansion (ⅱ)

  11. 随着企业集团化经营和对产品质量要求的进一步提高,过去一直靠自然干燥的原料、产品,现在也趋向于人工干燥。

    With the higher quality requirement ,, the nature manners of the materials and products that were dried in the past are inclined to drying by manpower .

  12. 经国务院或者国务院授权部门批准的全国性公司、企业集团、经营进出口业务的公司

    The registration of national corporations , enterprise groups and corporations handling import-export business set up with the approval of the State Council or departments authorized by the State Council

  13. 入世以来,我国企业集团化经营的规模不断扩大,经营环境发生了根本性的变化,经营风险加剧。

    Since being WTO entry , our country Enterprise collectivization management scale has expanded unceasingly , the management environment has had the fundamental change , the management risk aggravating .

  14. 本文在分析研究的基础上,提出了作者对于企业集团多元化经营战略的观点,并应用于国际集装箱运输企业集团经营实践进行分析。

    The thesis puts forward a new viewpoint about diversification of Chinese enterprise groups on the basis of research and analysis and acquires the diversification strategy of shipping groups through study .

  15. 本文立足于行业特点,将评价指标与企业战略管理、生命周期理论相结合,全面、动态地反映企业集团的经营过程并进行分析和管理,实现集团战略目标和战略管理手段的融合。

    This paper suggests the index integrates with the strategic management and the life cycle theories , reflects the operating process completely and dynamically , and realizes the connection between strategic targets and operating means .

  16. 交通施工企业集团生产经营难度较大,施工成本高,投入大,利润低,尤其是航务、航道施工企业,投入的船员多,人工成本较大。

    Communication construction enterprise group is characterized by more difficult production and operation , higher construction cost , bigger investment and less profit , especially navigational engineering and channel enterprises with more crews and higher personnel cost .

  17. 通过防火墙这种制度安排,约束集团成员间的内部交易,控制风险在各金融分支行业之间相互传递,从而有效化解金融企业集团混业经营所带来的风险问题。

    It is wise to restrict internal transactions between group members and control risks in the financial branch of industry through the institutional arrangements of " firewall ", which could effectively resolve risks caused by the financial conglomerate .

  18. 伴随着市场经济的发展,行业竞争的加剧,企业集团的经营成本不断增大,利润空间不断萎缩,面临着强者胜出、弱者淘汰的竞争格局。

    With the development of market economy , the continuous aggravation of industry competition , the corporate groups ' operating costs is increasing , and its profit space continues to shrink , thus the corporate groups faces with the competitive landscape that the strong win and the weak out .

  19. 系统环境营造与房产营销大型建筑企业集团发展房产经营策论

    Discussion on the Development of Real Estate Business for Large Construction Enterprise Group

  20. 东南亚华人企业集团的家族经营及其发展变化

    Family Management of the Ethnic Chinese Business Groups in Southeast Asia and Its Evolution

  21. 企业集团多角化经营机制研究企业多角化经营战略研究

    On the Mechanism of the Diversified Operation of the Enterprise Group Study on Bussiness Diversification Strategy

  22. 从单一经营到企业集团的规模经营,其财务管理职能也将发生巨大转变。

    Changing from a onefold operation into a large-scale operation , its financial administrative functions will face a tremendous transition .

  23. 企业集团进行国际化经营是我国市场经济与对外发展的必然结果。

    The internationalized management of Chinese enterprise blocs is an inevitable outcome caused by market economy and external development in the country .

  24. 相关公司和不重要的小规模子公司是否在合并会计报表中进行合并对显示企业集团的整体经营状况具有重要的意义。

    Whether the relevant company and the unimportant small-scale company combine the consolidated financial statement or not has a great significance in showing the business consortium integrated condition of operation .

  25. 伴随我国经济的强劲增长、资本积累增加,我国的本土资金也在寻求海外市场,中国的银行国际化经营和企业集团的跨国经营已经成为一种趋势。

    With the rapid development of our economic and the accumulation of capital , domestic capital is looking for oversea opportunity . The multinational operation of China bank and enterprise becomes a trend .

  26. 因此,为了纠正企业集团在多元化经营实践中的偏差,使企业集团能够健康发展,必须对多元化经营战略进行深入研究和重新认识。

    Through study on diversification strategy and acquisition of correct understanding of it , we can correct deviations in diversification practice and promote healthy development of enterprise groups , so the study is worthwhile .

  27. 本文把模糊优选模型应用到传统数学难以综合描述的产品组合管理问题,并举了一个大型企业集团的多样化经营例子加以实证。

    The article applies the fuzzy optimizing choosing model to the product combination management that can not be described by the traditional mathematics , and gives an example of diversification management in a big enterprise group .

  28. 当前,我国经济发展进入了一个新的阶段,愈来愈多的企业开始走出国门,企业集团和跨国经营的发展势头尤为显著。

    On the nowadays , the economic development of our country has entered a new stage , more and more enterprises begin to walk out of nation . The momentums of developments of transnational operation and enterprise group are particularly notable .

  29. 善于调动员工的积极性和创造力,走企业集团化、规模经营之路。

    They were good at mobilizing the staff and finally they snowballed their businesses into big corporations .

  30. 最后,对企业集团智力资产对经营活动现金流协同效应的贡献进行探讨。

    Finally , we derive a proposition on the operation cash flow contribution of intellectual assets in synergic management effect of firm group .