
  1. 分析人士表示,人口老龄化、出生率下降、企业忠诚度降低以及对华投资增长等因素,都导致了劳动力市场吃紧。

    Analysts say an ageing population , declining birth rates , diminishing company loyalty and growing investment in China are contributing to a tighter labour market .

  2. 第二部分对企业忠诚度管理相关理论进行综述,包括国内外关于忠诚度管理的相关理论、企业忠诚度管理的新认识和相关概念的一些界定。

    In Chapter Two relevant theories about loyalty management are reviewed , including theories home and abroad , newly emerging knowledge and definition of loyalty management .

  3. 换言之,在企业忠诚度更高、员工更加稳定的环境下,有利于形成一种总体上更好的游戏,强于那种蒙上了唯利是图、贪婪无度污点的游戏。

    An environment with a bit more corporate loyalty and employee stability , in other words , is apt to produce a better overall game than one marred by intense , mercenary greed .

  4. 在这种情况下,本文把客户忠诚理论引入班轮公司,建立起集装箱班轮运输企业忠诚度评估指标体系,这对班轮公司的进一步发展具有重要的影响意义。

    In this case , this research introduced the theory of customer 's loyalty in liner companies , and set up the index system to assess the customer 's loyalty of container liner companies . This has important influence meaning for the further development of liner companies .

  5. 第三方物流企业顾客忠诚度测评研究

    The Research on Customer Loyalty Assessment of Third Party Logistics Enterprise

  6. 提升企业E-忠诚度的网络营销策略

    A Study of the Relation between E-loyalty and E-marketing Strategy

  7. 制药企业员工忠诚度影响因素及培养对策

    The influencing factors of staff loyalty in pharmaceutical companies and cultivation measures

  8. 资信评级企业员工忠诚度影响因素研究

    A Research on the Factors of Employee Loyalty in Credit Rating Enterprises

  9. 浅析企业员工忠诚度管理谈顾客忠诚度全程管理

    A Brief Talk on Management about Staff Loyalty Total management of customer loyalty

  10. 论企业员工忠诚度的培养

    On the Cultivation of the Loyalty of Company Staff

  11. 从利益相关者视角对创意产业企业员工忠诚度的研究

    To Study on Staff Loyalty of Creative Industries Enterprise from the Perspective of Stakeholder

  12. 试析提升企业客户忠诚度的意义及途径

    Significance and Approach to Raise Clients ' Honesty

  13. 模糊综合评价法在电信企业顾客忠诚度评价中的应用

    Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation Method in the Telecommunications Business in the Application of Customer Loyalty Rating

  14. 中小高新技术企业员工忠诚度影响因素研究&以广州市为例

    Study on Influence Factors of Employee Loyalty in High-tech SMEs & Taking Guangzhou as an Example

  15. 中国人的这种传统有利于培养职工对企业的忠诚度。

    The tradition of the Chinese people helps to cultivate the loyalty of the staff members of an enterprise .

  16. 终身雇佣增强了职工对企业的忠诚度和归属感。

    The system of permanent employment would enhance the loyalty and the sense of belonging of the staff members .

  17. 民营企业员工忠诚度影响因素及其与工作绩效关系研究

    A Study on the Effects of Employee Loyalty and the Relationship between Loyalty and Job Performance about Private Enterprises

  18. 代理企业员工忠诚度调查、商业情报调查、企业内鬼内盗调查。

    Undertaking employee loyalty investigations , commercial information investigations , as well as investigations of interior spy and thief for enterprises .

  19. 如何吸引、使用、留住员工,提高员工对企业的忠诚度,积极发挥自身的资源优势是众多企业着力探讨的问题。

    How to attract , use , retain staff and improve staff-to-business loyalty and actively play their own advantages in resources is an important issue for enterprise to discuss .

  20. 基于激励综合理论设计的问卷调查,发现了员工对股权激励计划本身、对企业的忠诚度、和对绩效管理、目标管理以及职业发展等方面的反馈意见。

    Through the questionnaire designed based on compressed theory of incentive , it collected the feedbacks from employees about the program itself , their loyalty attitude to company , and inputs to performance management , objective management and career development perspectives .

  21. 本文将重点研究营销伦理对企业顾客忠诚度的影响,提出基于营销伦理的企业顾客忠诚度提升策略,其指导意义仍需企业实践验证。

    This thesis will focus on the impact of the marketing ethics on the corporate customer loyalty , proposing the methods and ideas of the promotion of customer loyalty based on the marketing ethics , and the significance still need to prove .

  22. 我们可以看到培训、职业发展可以减少员工的流动性,增强对企业的忠诚度,从而也可以减少企业的成本,增加企业凝聚力,使员工个人目标与组织目标相结合,为企业发展做出贡献。

    We can see that training , career development can reduce the mobility of employees and enhance loyalty to the enterprise , thus reducing business costs and increasing cohesion , so that employees personal goals and organizational goals contribute to the development for the company .

  23. 餐饮企业提高顾客忠诚度的策略选择

    On Choices of Strategies for Restaurant Enterprises to Improve Customers ' Faithfulness

  24. 不同类型企业核心员工忠诚度影响因素比较研究

    Comparative Study on Influencing Factors of Core Staff Loyalty of Different Kinds of Enterprises

  25. 期望研究结果能够对类似企业的员工忠诚度管理提供有意义的参考价值。

    Expect similar results to the employee loyalty management company to provide a meaningful reference value .

  26. 顾客价值被认为是企业提高顾客忠诚度、保持持久竞争优势的重要源泉。

    Customer value was seen as the important source for improving customer loyalty and retaining long-term competitive advantage .

  27. 然后根据模糊数学的基本理论,通过构造模糊综合评价模型,对企业的客户忠诚度进行客观度量;

    And a fuzzy integrated evaluation model was constructed based on basic fuzzy math to objectively evaluate the customer loyalty .

  28. 然而,目前国内有关民营企业知识员工忠诚度的理论研究尚不多见,实证研究更是少之又少。

    However , domestic relevant researches on loyalty of knowledge employees in private enterprises are rare , and empirical studies are also few .

  29. 另一方面,我们属于服务性很强的企业,员工忠诚度很大程度决定了客户的忠诚度,将直接影响到公司效益。

    On the other hand , our company is the one which emphasizes on its services . Staff 's loyalty to a great extent decides our customers'loyalty , and then directly affects our company 's economic benefits .

  30. 但由于社会、历史和自身的各种原因,民营企业的员工忠诚度一直处于比较低的水平,造成了目前民营企业员工的高流动性。

    However , for the reasons of society , history and their own various reasons , private enterprise employee loyalty has been in a relatively low level , causing the current employees of private enterprises with high mobility .