
  • 网络H.J.Ren
  1. 任鸿隽科学救国思想研究

    Researches on H.C.Zen 's Thought of Saving the Nation through Science

  2. 第二部分阐述的是任鸿隽科学救国思想的内容。

    The second part explained the contents of the thought .

  3. 任鸿隽“科学救国”理念与实践述略

    A Brief Narration of REN Hong-jun 's Ideas and Practice of Saving the Country through Science

  4. 此后,政治与学术之间的中央大学校长人选标准成为朝野分歧的焦点,桂崇基、任鸿隽、段锡朋先后被政府任命。

    Then , political or learning standard of Central University president became the central issue controverted by the government and the public .

  5. 本论文主要从教育史的角度对任鸿隽一生的教育活动和教育思想作一梳理。

    This paper is to sum up the educational activities and educational thoughts of Ren Hong-jun at the angle of educational history .

  6. 任鸿隽认为,科学的本质不在物质而在方法,科学方法是科学的种子;

    In his view , the essence of science is not the materials but the method , scientific method is the seed of science .

  7. 任鸿隽是以科教兴国为立国之策的先驱,终其一生致力于科学推展。

    REN Hong-jun , the pioneer in advocating the strategy of national rejuvenation through science and education , was committed to the development of science all his life .

  8. 任鸿隽等人的基本看法是:中国之所以没有科学,最主要的原因是归纳方法从来没有在中国得到过发展;归纳方法是科学方法的实质,归纳方法就是科学方法;

    They hold that the main cause of China 's lacking in science is that inductive method , the scientific method , has never been developed in China .

  9. 任鸿隽(1886&1961),著名的爱国科学事业家,一生致力于中国近代科学事业的建设与推进。

    Ren Hong-jun ( 1886 & 1961 ), a famous patriotic entrepreneur of science , devoted all his life to the founding and spreading of science in Modern China .