
  • 网络Human Security
  1. Zucker博士还说,“一项主要目标是,使各国同意造假是危害人类安全的一大罪行,并将该原则写入法律”。

    " A major objective is for countries to agree that counterfeiting is a crime against human security and incorporate that principle into their laws ," added Dr Zucker .

  2. 1999年,国际上就设立了全球环境变化与人类安全综合研究计划(GECHS),重视自然灾害与城市脆弱性的研究。

    In 1999 , the international global environmental change and human security research program ( GECHS ) had been established , the program attention to the research about natural disasters and vulnerability of urban .

  3. 但是CosmeticsEurope公司的贸易组织表示,没有动物实验,在保证人类安全的问题上,可应用与所需之间差别很大。

    But the trade group of Cosmetics Europe says there is a big gap between what 's available and what 's needed to ensure human safety without this testing .

  4. 而世界卫生组织的人类安全阈值为10。PM2.5颗粒是肉眼不可见的,但它们能深入肺部,很容易造成慢性健康问题。

    The WH ( • s safety threshold for humans is 10 . PM2.5 particles are not visible , but they go deep into the lungs , a nd are more likely to cause chronic health problems .

  5. 这是对非洲人类安全的贡献。

    This is a contribution to human security in Africa .

  6. 核武器的出现,是对人类安全的一次空前挑战。

    Nuclear weapons are an unprecedented challenge to human security .

  7. 火灾是人类安全的重大威胁之一。

    Fire disaster is one of the great threats of the human security .

  8. 对国际秩序和人类安全提出了尖锐的挑战。

    It gives a sharp challenge to the international order and mankind safe .

  9. 水资源对人类安全的负面影响

    The Bad Effect of Water Resources on Human Security

  10. 现代艺术对人类安全感知模式的新追求

    The New Pursuit of Modern Art after the Perceptual Model of Human Security

  11. 试论社区发展与人类安全能力建设

    Community Development and the Building of Human Security Ability

  12. 该计划帮助人类安全地登上了月球,并顺利返回地球。

    It got people safely to the moon and back to the earth .

  13. 产品的电磁兼容性和人类安全

    Electromagnetic Compatibility of Product and Human Safety

  14. 为能够减少产品的电磁辐射对人类安全的危害影响提出建议。

    For products to reduce electromagnetic radiation hazards to human safety , advance the recommendations .

  15. 简要地介绍了人类安全文化的形成和发展过程,以及安全文化的概念和定义。

    The formation and evolution of safety culture , concept and definition is briefly discussed .

  16. 汽车零件的质量对于人类安全来讲极其重要。

    The quality of the spare parts is very important to the safety of the human .

  17. 微生物威胁与人类安全

    Microbial Threats and Human Security

  18. 人口安全是中国学者提出的概念,它不同于人类安全。

    Population security , which is different from human security , is a concept proposed by Chinese scholars .

  19. 优先考虑交通运输和交通基础设施,与实现人类安全发展之间,有着千丝万缕的联系。

    Making transport and transport infrastructure a priority is inextricably linked to making safe human development a reality .

  20. 第三章论述后冷战时代加拿大对人类安全理念的探索。

    The third chapter discusses the exploration on the idea of human security in Canada in post-cold war .

  21. 自然资源的现状关乎人类安全和社会的和谐发展。

    The state of natural resources is related to the security of humankind and the harmonious development of society .

  22. 第三章笔者将从人力资源开发理论和人类安全保障理论来解读日本对非洲基础教育援助的思想基础。

    The third chapter analyzed Japanese aid for African basic education from the point of view of human resources and human security .

  23. 事实已经证明,欧盟是二战结束以来和平与人类安全的最佳保障。

    The EU has proved to be the best guarantor of peace and human security since the end of the second world war .

  24. 据国家林业局官员表示,林业系统将在全国建立150个观测点,并公布任何可能威胁人类安全的疾病观测数据。

    The State Forest Administration will set up150 observation stations nationwide and publicise any outbreaks of animal disease that could threaten human health .

  25. 2007年报告的主题是卫生与安全,强调了卫生、和平与人类安全之间的重大关系。

    The Report for2007 takes the theme of health and security , emphasizing the central relationship between health , peace and human security .

  26. 第二章论述了后冷战时代从传统军事安全到新人类安全的转变。

    The second chapter makes discussions about a transfer from the traditional military security to human security in the period of post-cold war .

  27. 今年的世界气象日主题是“致力于人类安全和福祉的六十年”。

    By the way , the theme of this year 's World Meteorological Day is " 60 years of service for your safety and well-being " .

  28. 从安全的角度来讲,建筑是人类安全的第一道防线,是人类的庇护所,也是人类赖以生存的基本空间。

    Considered from safe angle , architecture is the first defense line of human safety , the human shelter and also the basic space of mankind survival .

  29. 全球环境变化作为威胁人类安全的因素之一,对国家安全和社会的发展构成了新的挑战。

    As one of the important factors threatening human security , global environmental change has become a new challenge to the national security and the societal development .

  30. 他仍将把人类安全运送到轨道视为己任,但是这一事故带来了负面影响,也使得私人太空旅行的未来大打折扣。

    He 's still committed to putting people safely in the orbit , but the accident wrapped up a tragic and trying week for private space travel .