
rén mín tiáo jiě
  • people's mediation
  1. 传统上一般将调解分为司法调解、行政调解、人民调解。

    Traditionally , mediation generally is categorized tion , and people 's mediation .

  2. 法律规定,人民调解委员会是解决民间纠纷的合法机构。

    The law establishes the People 's Mediation Committee as the legal organization to resolve everyday disputes .

  3. 本文对近年来人民调解及其他非诉讼机制的一些变化进行了分析,并试图对当代中国ADR的发展做出预测。

    This thesis analysis the variety factors and the social background on the development of the people mediation in recent years .

  4. 人民调解是一项重要的ADR制度,该制度利用基层民间自治机制解决纠纷,成为化解矛盾、稳定社会的第一道防线。

    As an important ADR system , nongovernmental mediation system is the first defending line of making use of nongovernmental autonomous mechanism to settle disputes and stabilize society .

  5. 本文在对W街道实证研究的基础上,对社区人民调解这一长期被政治学、法学似及社会学界的专家学者遗忘了的制度进行一次制度解析。

    Using case study analysis of conflict mediation within " W " Street Committee , this thesis will try to analysis the institution which is forgot by the scholars of the politics , law and sociology for a long time .

  6. 由于社会转型期社会矛盾日益繁杂,如何重新审视人民调解的性质及法律定位,重构以人民调解为中心的ADR,成为一项重大的理论课题和现实问题。

    For social conflicts during the social transition period grow more complicated , it comes to be an important theoretical thesis and realistic problem to figure out how to re-examine the nature and legal orientation of people mediation and to reconstruct people-mediation-centered ADR .

  7. 论人民调解协议的性质与效力

    On the Nature and Effect of the People 's Mediation Agreements

  8. 论人民调解在农村存在的根源及其机制完善

    Sources and Improvements in People 's Mediation System in Rural Areas

  9. 对特定民事纠纷人民调解前置程序的思考

    Thoughts on People 's Intercession Prepositive Procedure for Particular Civil Dissension

  10. 人民调解与法院诉讼关系之研究

    Study on the relationship between people 's mediation and judicial lawsuit

  11. 人民调解机制解决医患纠纷的可行性探讨

    Feasibility and Advantage of People Mediation Mechanism to Solve Medical Dispute

  12. 人民调解制度是我国重要的解纷方式。

    People mediation is an important mode of solution to dissension .

  13. 家法族规与人民调解制度&试论两者的共通之处及家法族规对人民调解制度的借鉴

    FOR THE PEOPLE The Clan Rules and the System of People Intermediation

  14. 论人民调解制度的发展与完善

    The Analysis on the Development and Perfect of People 's Mediation System

  15. 人民调解协议诉前司法审查确认机制探究&兼谈执行许可宣告程序之建构

    Research About The Judicial Review Affirmation System Of Mediation Agreement Before Action

  16. 论新形势下人民调解工作的发展途径

    Developing Approaches of People 's Intermediation Work under New Circumstances

  17. 处于表达和实践严重背离中的人民调解

    Masses Mediation in the Extreme Deviation of Expression and Practice

  18. 人民调解制度:法律性质、文化成因及现代意义分析

    Civil Mediation : its Legal Nature , Cultural Elements and Contemporary Significance

  19. 加强与改进新时期人民调解工作的思考

    Improving and Reform the People 's Mediation Work in the New Period

  20. 论人民调解的历史沿革和改革定位

    On the Historical Evolution and the Reform Orientation of People 's Mediation

  21. 人民调解制度的现代意义分析

    Analysis of People 's Conciliation System in a Modern Sense

  22. 行政调解、人民调解和司法调解并称为三大调解制度。

    Administrative mediation , mediation and judicial mediation are called the three .

  23. 为人民调解服务、在指导工作中付出了辛勤的努力。

    For people 's mediation service , in work worked hard efforts .

  24. 浅论基层人民调解制度与社会主义新农村建设

    On the Subject of Substrate Mediation System and Social New Agricultural Construction

  25. 试论人民调解制度的立法完善

    Tentative Analysis on Legislative Perfection of Civil Mediation System

  26. 人民调解是除诉讼之外的最主要的纠纷解决方式。

    People 's mediation is the most important alternative dispute resolution besides litigation .

  27. 人民调解协议强制执行效力初探

    On the Compulsory Execution Effect of People Intermediation Agreement

  28. 关于人民调解工作的思考与实践

    Reflections and Practices Regarding the People 's Mediation Work

  29. 专业社会工作实务方法在人民调解中的运用

    The Application of Professional Social Work Practice Methods in the People 's Mediation

  30. 试论几种解决医患纠纷方式的利弊&兼论人民调解解决医患纠纷的前景

    The Pros and Cons of Several Resolution Schemes of Disputes between Doctors and Patients