
rén xìnɡ zūn yán
  • human dignity
  1. 费希特的道德宗教观与人性尊严

    On Fichte 's Concept of Moral Religion and Human Dignity

  2. 法治与人性尊严&从实践到理论的反思

    Rule of Law and Human Dignity : Reflections from Theory to Practice

  3. 论人性尊严的伦理价值及其宪法意义

    On the Ethic Value and Constitutional Significance of Human Dignity

  4. 第二,诚实守信,捍卫人性尊严;

    Second , she is honest and with dignity .

  5. 这一制度的理论基础是人性尊严和正当法律程序。

    Its theoretical basis is the human dignity and due process of law .

  6. 那些试图否认他们人性尊严的领导人是不会成功的。

    And those leaders who try to deny their human dignity will not succeed .

  7. 论人性尊严的宪法主体&兼论我国传统的宪法主体理论

    On the Constitutional Personhood of Human Dignity

  8. 这些伟大的民众将抛弃侮辱人性尊严的黑暗之举。

    These great masses will have turned their backs on the grave insult to human dignity .

  9. 在理论与制度之间&基督宗教与儒教关于人性尊严问题的比较研究

    Human Dignity in Christianity and in Confucian Religion The Oneness of Confucian School and Confucian Religion

  10. 沉默权的道德意义主要立足于维护人性尊严。

    The moral significance of the right to silence is based on the maintenance of human dignity .

  11. 但自由、法治和人性尊严的吸引力远远超出了西方。

    But freedom , the rule of law and human dignity have an appeal well beyond the West .

  12. 综合分析各种动机支配下的克隆与人性尊严的关系,是一个非常复杂的问题。

    The relationship between HRC and human dignity is a very complex issue in terms of different motivations of human cloning .

  13. 宪法人性尊严的人像主要包括个人主义和人格主义的人像。

    All of legal order contents refer to the image of man which includes two styles : individualism ones and personalism ones .

  14. 隐私权的产生是现代社会人性尊严价值及主体性意识不断增强的结果,随着社会生活的多元化和复杂化,隐私权的内涵不断发展。

    The development of the right to privacy is the result of the growth of human dignity and consciousness in modern society .

  15. 尊重人性尊严作为一项基本的伦理原则,其意是强调社会中任何一个个人都具有至高无上的内在价值或尊严,必须加以尊重与保护。

    As a basic ethic principle , respect of human dignity means emphasizing supreme value and dignity of the individual and protecting them .

  16. 维护公务员的人性尊严、保障公务员的权利是当代各国人事制度的共同趋势。

    To defend the dignity of public servants and protect their rights is the common trend of public personnel systems in the world nowadays .

  17. 和谐社会观与依法治国在以人为本、维护人性尊严等方面存在着内在的联系。

    Harmonious social view and governing the nation by law have internal relation in Humanist and the maintenance of the human dignity and so on .

  18. 文学作品中对死亡主题的表现是试图对生命终极价值、生命意义、人性尊严的诠释。

    Therefore , the expression of death subject in literature is an attempt to explain life existence value , life significance and dignity of human nature .

  19. 国际社会越来越趋向于禁止发展克隆技术,最为重要的一个理由是,克隆技术有违人性尊严。

    The reaction of the international community has tended to prohibit HRC . One of the most important reasons is that HRC is contrary to human dignity .

  20. 美国及其盟友在该地区追求的安全、繁荣以及人性尊严,有赖于国家的权利及责任得到维护。

    The security , prosperity and human dignity that the US and our allies seek in the region requires that the rights and responsibilities of nations are upheld .

  21. 国家征税权不能无度行使,公民人性尊严是国家征税权的限度。国家征税权的限度可以获得经济解释。

    The tax power can not be executed without control , and its limitation which could be explained from an economic perspective lies in the human dignity of citizens .

  22. 偏爱普世价值、绝对伦理的德国人在两次世界大战的惨痛教训后,选择以人性尊严作为宪法实践的最高价值。

    Preferring for universal values and absolute ethics , German , after the painful lessons of two world wars , chose dignity as the highest value of constitutional practice .

  23. 人性尊严宪法主体外延因其确定标准各异而不同,既有的标准之间张力甚巨且难以适应新技术革命所带来的挑战,人格推定理论可能是一个较好的可选方案。

    The extension of constitutional personhood defined by different criteria , personhood presumption theory may be a better choice because of the tension among different criteria which challenge new technological renovations .

  24. 被告失去独立人格和人性尊严,被剥夺了公开辩论和平等对抗的机会,生命和自由失去保障。

    The defendant lost the independent personality and human dignity , and was deprived of open debate and equal confrontation opportunities , so as to lose the protection of life and liberty entirely .

  25. 我把腐败的生活型态和行为理想化,我憎恶亲切、仁慈、人性尊严和亲密,反而利用、贬低并剥削女人。

    I idealized a lifestyle and behavior that were corrupt , I abhorred kindness , mercy , human dignity , and intimacy . Instead , I used , degraded , and exploited women .

  26. 对此本论文将以相当受到瞩目和争议的「复制人」和「基因增强」作为论述对象,来探讨这两种基因科技是否皆涉及侵犯人性尊严,或者如何对人性尊严造成伤害。

    They are the main theme of this thesis and I try to explore the claim that these two kinds of genetic technology may involve violations of human dignity , or damage to human dignity .

  27. 要修正与抛弃不合时宜的落后理论,以维护人性尊严,保障基本权利,实现法律的公平与正义。

    It is time to have a thorough reconsideration of the above mentioned phenomena and have a revision of the theories in order to protect human dignity and basic rights , and carry out justice .

  28. 这些因素固然重要,但却忽略了内在因素,即性格、做事原则及价值观,还有勇气、公平、正直、耐心、服务以及人性尊严等。

    While these factors are important , it leaves out one 's inner compass -- character , principles and values , things like courage , fairness , integrity , patience , service , and human dignity .

  29. 因此,当国家挥舞着法律家父主义的大棒对吸烟者进行规制时,恪守人性尊严、法律保留和比例原则等公法上基本原则所划出的界限便是一件极为必要的事情。

    Therefore , when the state regulates smokers by means of legal paternalism , it is absolutely imperative to delimitate the fundamental principles in public law , such as upholding dignity of humanity , legal reservation and principle of proportionality .

  30. 法国的司法实践则表明公共秩序不应仅限于具体的和外在的狭小领域内,人性尊严也应包含其中,而公共权力机关必须对人性给予应有的尊重。

    French judicial practice is that public order should not be limited to " specific and outside the " narrow the field , human dignity which should also include , but public authority must be given due respect for humanity .