- 名human dignity

On Fichte 's Concept of Moral Religion and Human Dignity
Rule of Law and Human Dignity : Reflections from Theory to Practice
On the Ethic Value and Constitutional Significance of Human Dignity
Second , she is honest and with dignity .
Its theoretical basis is the human dignity and due process of law .
And those leaders who try to deny their human dignity will not succeed .
On the Constitutional Personhood of Human Dignity
These great masses will have turned their backs on the grave insult to human dignity .
Human Dignity in Christianity and in Confucian Religion The Oneness of Confucian School and Confucian Religion
The moral significance of the right to silence is based on the maintenance of human dignity .
But freedom , the rule of law and human dignity have an appeal well beyond the West .
The relationship between HRC and human dignity is a very complex issue in terms of different motivations of human cloning .
All of legal order contents refer to the image of man which includes two styles : individualism ones and personalism ones .
The development of the right to privacy is the result of the growth of human dignity and consciousness in modern society .
As a basic ethic principle , respect of human dignity means emphasizing supreme value and dignity of the individual and protecting them .
To defend the dignity of public servants and protect their rights is the common trend of public personnel systems in the world nowadays .
Harmonious social view and governing the nation by law have internal relation in Humanist and the maintenance of the human dignity and so on .
Therefore , the expression of death subject in literature is an attempt to explain life existence value , life significance and dignity of human nature .
The reaction of the international community has tended to prohibit HRC . One of the most important reasons is that HRC is contrary to human dignity .
The security , prosperity and human dignity that the US and our allies seek in the region requires that the rights and responsibilities of nations are upheld .
The tax power can not be executed without control , and its limitation which could be explained from an economic perspective lies in the human dignity of citizens .
Preferring for universal values and absolute ethics , German , after the painful lessons of two world wars , chose dignity as the highest value of constitutional practice .
The extension of constitutional personhood defined by different criteria , personhood presumption theory may be a better choice because of the tension among different criteria which challenge new technological renovations .
The defendant lost the independent personality and human dignity , and was deprived of open debate and equal confrontation opportunities , so as to lose the protection of life and liberty entirely .
I idealized a lifestyle and behavior that were corrupt , I abhorred kindness , mercy , human dignity , and intimacy . Instead , I used , degraded , and exploited women .
They are the main theme of this thesis and I try to explore the claim that these two kinds of genetic technology may involve violations of human dignity , or damage to human dignity .
It is time to have a thorough reconsideration of the above mentioned phenomena and have a revision of the theories in order to protect human dignity and basic rights , and carry out justice .
While these factors are important , it leaves out one 's inner compass -- character , principles and values , things like courage , fairness , integrity , patience , service , and human dignity .
Therefore , when the state regulates smokers by means of legal paternalism , it is absolutely imperative to delimitate the fundamental principles in public law , such as upholding dignity of humanity , legal reservation and principle of proportionality .
French judicial practice is that public order should not be limited to " specific and outside the " narrow the field , human dignity which should also include , but public authority must be given due respect for humanity .