
  • 网络Census registration;census-taking registration
  1. 入户调查的目的是摸清人口底数,纠正户口登记项目中的差错,为第六次全国人口普查登记提供准确的基础信息。

    The survey aims to count the total number of Beijing residents and to correct false household registration information and provide accurate information for the sixth national census .

  2. 研究结果表明,20世纪90年代男性的预期寿命为67.97岁,女性的预期寿命为71.34岁,均比人口普查登记资料算出的结果小1.5岁左右。

    The study shows that life expectancy is 67 . 97 for male and 71 . 34 for female in 1990s , 1.5 years less than reported by census data .

  3. 2010年08月16日北京15号启动了为期一个月的人口普查入户登记工作,为即将开始的第六次全国人口普查做准备。

    2010-08-16 Beijing launched a one-month household registration survey on Sunday ( Aug.15 ) in preparation for the upcoming sixth national census .

  4. 他说,根据国务院的决定,中国于2000年11月1日进行了第五次全国人口普查的登记工作。

    China carried out the Fifth National Population Census on November 1 , 2000 , in accordance with the decision of the State Council .

  5. 11月1日,第七次全国人口普查正式开启现场登记,700多万普查人员走入千家万户,登记普查信息。

    China started its seventh national population census on Nov 1 , with about 7 million census takers going door to door to document demographic information .

  6. 事后质量抽查是世界各国在人口普查中普遍采取的用来评估人口普查登记质量的调查方法,是评价数据质量的重要手段之一。

    As an important means of data quality evaluation , The Post Enumeration Survey is widely applied in estimating data quality of census in many countries .