
  1. 研究了不同类型砷中毒病区砷从环境到人体的传输途径、通量和环境-剂量效应。

    We studied the transmitting way , flux and dose effect of arsenic from environment to human in different type of arsenism in affected areas .

  2. 第二个部分使用生物声学传感器(bio-acousticsensors),来检测人体的能量传输,从而将人体转化为一个“基于击键动作的输入设备”(tap-basedinputdevice)。

    The second uses bio-acoustic sensors that detect energy transmissions through the body , transforming the human body into a tap-based input device .

  3. 颗粒物在人体呼吸系统传输与沉积数值模拟研究

    Numerical Modeling of Particle Transport and Deposition in Human Lungs

  4. 实时人体运动风格传输算法

    Algorithm for Real-time Style Transfer for Human Motion

  5. 以人体本身作为传输媒介,也称之为人体通信。

    The human body itself as a transmission medium , also called human body communication .

  6. 纳米粒作为载体也是目前研究的热点,纳米粒载体具有靶向能力和缓释功能。纳米粒子将使药物在人体内的传输更为方便。

    Nanoparticle carrier is also a hot spot at present for targeting function and slow-release , with which drug transmission in body will be more convenient .

  7. 今年被授予诺贝尔化学奖的这两位科学家的发现,阐明了盐类成分(离子)和水是如何在人体细胞内外传输的机理。

    This year 's Nobel Prize in Chemistry rewards two scientists whose discoveries have clarified how salts ( ions ) and water are transported out of and into the cells of the body .

  8. 人体动脉脉搏波传输检测系统的设计与应用

    Device and clinical application of human arterial pulse wave transmission system

  9. 研究了激光在人体组织中的传输理论。

    The transportation of laser in human tissues is studied at first .

  10. 同时进一步研究了收发机尺寸和结构对人体通信的影响,并且深入分析人体通信电场传输机制。

    We also discussed the effect of the structure and dimension of the transceiver to the communication efficiency . The human body communication mechanism is further explored .

  11. 因此,本文对此人体信道抽象、建模和仿真,并结合人体实验,来研究人体传输特性和探寻优化通信的条件。

    Therefore , we abstract , model and simulate human channel , and then combines it with human experiments to study characteristics of IBC and to explore conditions of optimizing communication .

  12. 在此基础上,本文建立了更为贴近实际的多层组织结构人体通信系统模型,从电磁场与人体相互作用的角度探讨了人体通信的信号传输机制和特性。

    On this basis , a more practical multiple layer tissue structure HBC system model is built , and mechanism & characteristic of signal transmission are explored from the angle of interaction between EMF and human body .