
  1. 象征的整一性由小说中对人与上帝的关系的描述体现出来。

    Symbolic oneness is primarily represented from the relationship between man and God in the text .

  2. 这段经文教导我们那些关于上帝,关于人与上帝的关系的真理?

    What truths does it teach about God , and about man in relation to God ?

  3. 人与上帝的关系:尤金·奥尼尔悲剧创作主题探析

    " The relationship between God and man ": an analysis of the tragedy theme of Eugene O'Neill

  4. 从十七世纪东欧风情的波兰小镇到二十世纪末美国的犹太社团,辛格的短篇小说展现了人与上帝的关系。

    Originating in the seventeenth century Poland and residing in the late twentieth century America , Singer 's short stories play variations on the overriding theme of man 's relationship with God .

  5. 本文主要从超验主义时期和浪漫主义盛期文学的两个阶段来讨论人与上帝的关系,进而反观美国的浪漫主义文学在文学史上的历史地位。

    The thesis approaches the relationship between Man and God mainly from two periods : the Transcendentalist Period and the Romantic Period , from which the writer hopes to reevaluate the status of Romanticism in general in the American literary history .

  6. 只有自然哲学才能使得人与上帝之间的关系得以合理化,从而为世俗权力的来源、范围和目标提供符合基督教精神的理解。

    Only natural philosophy rationalizes the relationship between man and God , providing a Christian understanding about the origin , range and destination of secular power .

  7. 对布伯来讲,人类宗教的历史就是人与上帝对话的历史,人与上帝的对话关系就是一种我&你关系。

    For Martin Buber , the religious history of human race is the history of dialogue between humankind and God , the dialogic relationship between human race and God is a kind of relationship between I and Thou .