
qīn zú
  • Kinship;members of the same clan
亲族 [qīn zú]
  • [members of the same clan] 同一家族的成员

亲族[qīn zú]
  1. 从村庄层面看,农民行动单位具体为宗族、户族、小亲族和个体家庭;

    Define according to this , we can divide the village actor into clan , households of clan , little members of the same clan and individual family .

  2. 相应地,本文将村庄划分为宗族型、户族型、小亲族型和个体家庭型。

    Accordingly , we can divide the village into the clan type , the households of clan type , the small members of the same clan type and the individual family type .

  3. 祼玉与商末亲族制度

    Jade Guan and Kin Relationship System in Late Shang Dynasty

  4. 她有3.5高,5米长,但只是咱们“与恐龙同业”亲族里最小的小霸主龙。

    She is our smallest baby T-Rex ! 3.5m height , 5m long !

  5. 原始的日耳曼的自主的财产是被严格地保留给其亲族的。

    The primitive German or allodial property is strictly reserved to the kindred .

  6. “亲族间复仇”是乔治·波尔蒂的36种戏剧情景中的第四种。

    ' Vengeance taken for kindred upon kindred'is the4th of Georges Polti's36 Dramatic Situations .

  7. 熊-对亲族的绝对拥护。

    Bear-Ferocity in the protection of kindred .

  8. 高地贵族剑士为苏格兰高地或岛屿上部落首领及亲族组成。

    These are the clan leaders and their kinsfolk from the highlands and isles of Scotland .

  9. 在沙特阿拉伯,有39%的婚姻发生在有亲族关系的男女之间。

    In parts of Saudi Arabia , 39 % of all marriages are between first cousins .

  10. 这就是举世闻名的紫禁城,曾经是帝王、后妃和他们亲族居住的地方。

    This is the world famous Forbidden City where once emperors , empresses and their families lived .

  11. 祖先祭祀中的亲族原理和佛教元素&以宁波市象山县为例

    Kinship Principle and Buddhist Elements in Ancestor Worship & Case Analysis of Xiangshan County of Ningbo City

  12. 他们说,你亲族中没有叫这名字的。

    And they said unto her , There is none of thy kindred that is called by this name .

  13. 大多数这个年龄段的迪洛矮人都死于战斗,不是跟其他类人生物种族战斗,就是同他们自己的亲族。

    Most derro that reach this age die in combat with other humanoid races or with their own clansmen .

  14. 邻里亲族听见主向她大施怜悯,就和她一同欢乐。

    58Her neighbors and relatives heard that the Lord had shown her great mercy , and they shared her joy .

  15. 4约瑟就打发弟兄,请他父亲雅各和他全体亲族七十五人都来。

    4 and Joseph sent word and called for Jacob his father and all his family , seventy-five souls in all .

  16. 在约纳堂统一自己的国家,作了他们的大司祭,归到他亲族那里之后。

    And Jonathan gathered together his nation , and was made their high priest , and he was laid to his people .

  17. 第二次约瑟与弟兄们相认、他的亲族也被法老知道了。

    And at the second time Joseph was made known to his brethren ; and Joseph 's kindred was made known unto Pharaoh .

  18. 徒四6又有大祭司亚那和该亚法、约翰、亚力山大、并所有大祭司的亲族,都在那里。

    Acts 4:6 As well as Annas the high priest and Caiaphas and John and Alexander and as many as were of high-priestly descent .

  19. 连你们父母,弟兄,亲族,朋友,也要把你们交官。你们也有被他们害死的。

    You will be betrayed even by parents , brothers , relatives and friends , and they will put some of you to death .

  20. 你可要往我本地、我亲族那里,为我儿子以撒娶妻。」

    [ kjv ] But thou shalt go unto my country , and to my kindred , and take a wife unto my son Isaac .

  21. 得2:1拿俄米的丈夫以利米勒的亲族中、一个人名叫波阿斯、个大财主。

    Now Naomi had a kinsman of her husband , a man of great wealth , of the family of Elimelech , whose name was Boaz .

  22. 对于单词亡目:对于形态上复杂的单词词目,设立一个栏目,包括词的结构分析、基础意义和亲族词。

    For the word entries , Sets a column for the entries of morphologically complex words , which includes word structure analysis , base meaning and word relatives .

  23. 对他说,你要离开本地和亲族,往我要指示你的地方去。

    And said unto him , Get thee out of thy country , and from thy kindred , and come into the land which I shall shew thee .

  24. 你与波阿斯的使女常在一处,波阿斯不是我们的亲族吗?他今夜在场上簸大麦;

    Is not boaz , with whose servant girls you have been , a kinsman of ours ? Tonight he will be winnowing barley on the threshing floor .

  25. 以为他在同行的人中间,走了一天的路程,就在亲族和熟识的人中找他。

    But they , supposing him to have been in the company , went a day 's journey ; and they sought him among their kinsfolk and acquaintance .

  26. 当时民间对孤儿承担了一些抚养责任,而亲族成员的相应行为受到社会舆论的支持。

    At that time , the society also took the responsibility of bringing up the orphans and the relevant activity from the relatives was supported by the public opinion .

  27. 食物或粮食在亲族或集市之间互易,多数居民集团中有行商,联系亚利桑那和新墨西哥州沿海住民之间的贸易。

    Goods and foodstuffs were distributed through reciprocal trade between kin and through " trade fairs "; professional traders linked coastal peoples with peoples of Arizona and New Mexico .

  28. 由于根深蒂固的宗法观念、亲族聚居的居处方式、社区文化建设落后等原因,我国农村的宗族活动已成为一个较为普遍的现象。

    Clan activities has been universal in our country due to the deep-rooted clan ideas , the living style of members of the same clan , the community cultural lag and so on .

  29. 当他告诉我这个野蛮的风俗的时候,这个事实使我不寒而战了,因为他的亲族,朋友,和邻人都来帮助葬礼了。

    While he was telling me of this barbarous custom , the very account of which chilled my blood , his kindred , friends , and neighbors came to assist at the funeral .

  30. 它意味着,出色完成任务,从中找到满足并坚持;从家庭和亲族中找到安慰和慰藉,并被那些家庭联系和义务约束。

    It means finding satisfaction in a simple task done well and sticking to it ; finding comfort and solace in family and kinship and being bound by those familial bonds and duties .