
  • 网络henry ford;Henry Ford Quotes
  1. 我去迪尔伯恩的第二个原因,也是更令人信服的原因,是为了参观亨利·福特博物馆。

    My second and more compelling reason for going to Dearborn was to see the Henry Ford Museum .

  2. 亨利·福特是一位汽车业巨头。

    Henry Ford was an automobile baron .

  3. 十年后,当亨利·福特(HenryFord)的T型车让汽车成为主流时,安德森的“窗户清洁装置”已经被遗忘了。

    By the time Henry Ford 's Model T took motoring into the mainstream a decade later , Anderson 's " window cleaning device " had been forgotten .

  4. 有人想起了亨利·福特(HenryFord)的激进做法,为杜绝旷工现象并提高工作的积极性,把员工的薪酬加倍。

    One recalls the radical move by Henry Ford to double salaries in his factories to cut back on absenteeism and to reinvigorate his employees ' desire to work .

  5. 亨利·福特(HenryFord)数十年前推广的机动车,此时正在让更多人拥有汽车,同时带动着经济的发展。

    The motorcar , popularized by Henry Ford only a few decades earlier , was beginning to make a large segment of the population mobile and was also fuelling economic growth .

  6. 淘气版《我的奋斗》的宣传语是“无修改无注释,谨供批判性评价之用”。该出版社还再版了亨利·福特(HenryFord)的德译本《国际犹太人》(InternationalJew),并鼓励读者“鼓起勇气做出自己的判断”。

    The Der Schelm edition is advertised as " unchanged and without comment , for critical assessment . " The house , which also offers a reprinted edition of the German translation of Henry Ford 's " International Jew , " encourages its readers to " have the courage to make your own judgment . "

  7. 亨利·福特曾经有过一句经典语录,对吧?

    There 's a great quote by Henry Ford , right ?

  8. 亨利·福特为汽车设想了一个远大前程。

    Henry Ford envisaged an important future for the motor car .

  9. 这是为了亨利·福特作为他在商业区的办公室而修建的。

    That was built for Henry Ford as a downtown office .

  10. 亨利·福特给世界装上了轮子。

    Henry Ford , the man who put the world on wheels .

  11. 亨利·福特的装配技术常常得到人们的称赞。

    Henry Ford often gets credit for the assembly line .

  12. 亨利·福特根本没有大学文凭。

    Henry Ford had no college education at all .

  13. 福特汽车公司创始人亨利·福特

    Henry Ford : Founder of Ford Motor Company

  14. 另一个名叫亨利·福特的美国人萌发了装配线的主意。

    Another American , Henry Ford , developed the idea of the assembly line .

  15. 亨利·福特将改写历史

    Henry Ford is about to change that .

  16. 那个人是亨利·福特。

    That man was Henry Ford .

  17. 亨利·福特:推动美利坚生活方式改革的那个人


  18. 亨利·福特相信,在美国,每个家庭或每个人都将拥有自己的汽车。

    Henry Ford believed in America in which each family or person would own a car .

  19. 整个汽车行业都不看好亨利·福特,但他并未停下脚步。

    The entire motor industry had lost faith in Henry Ford , but he was not deterred .

  20. 亨利·福特(1863&1946)没有发明汽车,而发明了汽车生意。

    Henry Ford ( 1863-1946 ) didn 't invent the automobile , but he invented the automobile business .

  21. 底特律,1908年,亨利·福特。他标新立异,深有远见,执着坚持,名声并不好

    Detroit , 1908.Henry Ford : maverick , visionary , obsessive .. a man with a bad reputation .

  22. 但正是因为亨利·福特,普通人的出行才变得如此轻松、便捷、又花费不多。

    But Henry Ford made it possible for ordinary people to go from place to place easily and cheaply .

  23. 而这个家庭就是亨利·福特、他的儿子、孙子以及现在他的重孙们。

    The family was that of Henry Ford , his son , his grandsons , and now his great-grandsons .

  24. 汽车制造商亨利·福特是第一个创立5天工作周的美国大雇主。

    Automobile maker Henry Ford was the first major employer in the United States to establish a workweek of 5 days .

  25. 请注意,递交参加末轮评审的产品将进入亨利·福特博物馆收藏。

    Please note , products submitted for the second round of judging will become part of The Henry Ford Museum 's permanent collection .

  26. 亨利·福特没有发明汽车,但他是第一个量化生产汽车的人,这也是的汽车能够进入寻常百姓家。

    Henry Ford did not invent the automobile , but he was the first man to mass-produce it , and this made it available to the ordinary man .