
jiāo tōnɡ ɡuǎn zhì
  • traffic control
  1. 飞行员得到空中交通管制站发出的着陆许可。

    The pilot was given clearance to land by air traffic control .

  2. 他们需要等空中交通管制人员的放行。

    They have to wait for clearance from air traffic control .

  3. 分析人士担心超负荷运转的空中交通管制系统会面临崩溃。

    Analysts fear the overstretched air traffic control system could reach breaking point .

  4. 不过,有人认为交通管制也会产生问题。

    However , some people believe there will be problems with traffic control .

  5. 电子海图与差分GPS综合船舶交通管制系统的设计

    Design on Electronic Chart and DGPS Integrated Vessel Traffic Service

  6. HilbertpackedR树在空中交通管制GIS显示中的研究与应用

    Research and application of Hilbert packed R-tree in ATC GIS display

  7. X波段船舶交通管制雷达

    Vessel Traffic Service Radar in X Band

  8. 基于Petri网的空中交通管制辅助决策系统

    Air Traffic Control Subsidiary Decision System Based on Petri Net

  9. CORBA技术在空中交通管制系统中的应用研究

    Research of CORBA Technique in Air Traffic Control System

  10. ISO体系下的空中交通管制安全评估系统研究

    Research of Atc Safety Assessment System Based on ISO

  11. GPRS技术在智能化高速道路交通管制系统中的应用

    The application of GPRS in ITS

  12. 提高空中防撞系统(TCAS)与空中交通管制(ATC)兼容性的第一步

    First Step in Improving the Compatibility of TCAS & ATC

  13. ASP蚁群算法的CPU时间较短,可以在合理的时间内求解出合适的飞机队列,为实时在线的自动化交通管制提供了支持。

    The ACA of the ASP can obtain a satisfactory solution with shorter CPU time , which can provide support for real-time automatic air traffic management .

  14. 毕马威(KPMG)英国金融服务主管比尔迈克尔(BillMichael)表示,空中交通管制为银行业监管指明了前进的道路。

    Air traffic control shows the way forward for banking regulation , according to Bill Michael , head of UK financial services at KPMG .

  15. 空中交通管制系统(ATC)系统中的业务特点是实时性强,可靠性高,并且处理业务不能中断;

    The Air Traffic Control ( ATC ) system requires high real time ability as well as high reliability .

  16. ICAO英语标准对我国民航空中交通管制人员的影响及对策

    The Influence of ICAO English Standard on China 's Air Traffic Controllers and Countermeasures

  17. 现有空中交通管制(ATC)地理信息系统(GIS)重绘时遍历整个地图模型来绘制所有图元,影响了地图显示的速度。

    The present Air Traffic Control ( ATC ) Geographical Information System ( GIS ) is very slow in displaying the map due to traversing the whole model to draw all units .

  18. 在大区域空中交通管制ATM(AirTrafficManage)调度多批次飞机时,由于各种干扰和虚警的存在,致使相互作用多模型-概率数据关联算法(IMM-PDA)的性能下降。

    The performance of IMM-PDA algorithm can be decreased due to all kinds of clutter and false alarms during managing lots of planes in large region air traffic manage ment ( ATM ) .

  19. RFID技术已经逐步应用到交通管制、车辆管理、企业生产、货物跟踪、资产管理、智能家居、仓储管理等众多领域。

    RFID technologies have been gradually applied to the traffic control , vehicle management , enterprise production , cargo tracking , asset management , intelligent household , warehouse management , and many other fields .

  20. 一种考虑就是调整标准的空中交通管制团队,增加多扇区计划者(MSP)席位。

    One such consideration is modification of the standard air traffic control team to include a multi-sector planner ( MSP ) position .

  21. 他说的是为美国联邦航空管理局(FAA)拨款陷入僵局的事。联邦航空管理局管理空中安全事务和负责空中交通管制。

    He was speaking about the impasse over funding for the Federal Aviation Administration ( FAA ), which manages air safety and air-traffic control .

  22. 空中交通管制服务(ATC)是空中交通服务的主要部分,空中交通管制服务的任务是防止航空器与航空器相撞及在机场机动区内航空器与障碍物相撞,维护和加快空中交通的有序流动[1]。

    ATC is the main part of air transportation services . The task of ATC is to maintain the order of air transportation and to prevent the crash of airplane .

  23. 在航空交通管制(ATC)方面,二次警戒雷达(SSR)较之一次雷达有许多优点,且有较好的性能/价格比。

    Secondary surveillance radar ( SSR ) offers many advantages for air traffic control ( ATC ) compared to normal ( or primary ) radar including substantially lower cost and improved performance .

  24. 空中交通管制(ATC)系统应该具有实时性强、可靠性高的特点,并且必须提供不间断的服务。

    The Air Traffic Control ( ATC ) system has to meet the requirements of high real time ability as well as high reliability , and also the service provided must not be interrupted .

  25. 空中交通管制(ATC)中心系统的效能变化,直接影响到管制员的工作负荷和管制中心所辖空域的交通容量,是ATC系统的关键运行指标。

    The system effectiveness of an air traffic control ( ATC ) center and its variation directly affect the workload of a controller and the capacity of the airspace controlled by the ATC center .

  26. 其中SPI数据在拓扑关系提取过程中已被提取到Graph对象中。本文主要设计了临时交通管制和路段拥塞两种类型的实时交通信息的融合算法。

    SPI has been abstracted into the Graph object when the process of the topology abstraction algorithm was performed , so the algorithm for merging of dynamic traffic information which consists of temporary traffic control and road jam was mainly studied .

  27. Grimsvotn火山喷发对欧洲或跨大西洋的航班没有影响,而且没有人想在周日乘飞机,欧洲航空交通管制协会E说到。

    There was " no impact on European or transatlantic flights " after the Grimsvotn volcano 's eruption , and none was expected on Sunday , Europe 's umbrella air traffic control association Eurocontrol said .

  28. 文章首先阐述了SNMP的基本概念,并分别介绍了不同平台下使用的SNMP方法,描述了在空中交通管制自动化系统中所实现的跨平台SNMP的思想和实现方法。

    Firstly , the paper states the basic concepts about SNMP , and describes the usage of SNMP in different platforms . Secondly , the paper details the research and implementation of SNMP in ATC ( Air Traffic Control ) automation system cross platforms .

  29. 本文对空中交通管制中使用二次雷达SSR建立最小间隔的方法进行了分析,提出了用危险接近概率(CAP)的概念作为角误差的评估指标,并建立几种模型进行比较评估。

    As an index of a collision risk due to azimuth errors of the SSR ( Secondary Surveillance Radar ), the close approach probability ( CAP ) associated with the probability of overlap of aircraft in azimuth is used to evaluate the safety of the surveillance system .

  30. 随着中国民航事业的快速发展,国内开发的空中交通管制(ATC)系统显示终端在功能方面已经接近国际先进水平,但在非功能需求方面还有一定的差距。

    With the rapid development of Civil Aviation in China , the domestic air traffic control ( ATC ) systems are approaching the international advanced level in functional aspect , but there is still some disparity in non-functional aspects to some degree .