
  • 网络traffic accident;Road Traffic Accidents;Trafic
  1. 而AA8于一九九七年,在一次交通意外后被改作训练巴士。

    AA8 was converted to training bus after a traffic accident in1997 .

  2. 我想可能有建筑或是交通意外。

    I guess it must 've been construction or an accident .

  3. 这是为了使它不至于跑出轨道。火车出轨的交通意外事故。

    An accident in which a train runs off its track .

  4. 交通意外伤亡援助组〔社会福利署〕

    Traffic Accident Victims Assistance Section [ Social Welfare Department ]

  5. 你说过泰迪在1977年的交通意外中受了伤。

    You said that Teddy was injured in a car accident in1977 .

  6. 洛阳市交通意外伤害控制项目的效果评价

    Evaluation on Results of Unexpected Injury by Traffic Control Project in Luoyang

  7. 交通意外死亡事故162例分析

    Analysis of 162 Cases Due to Road Traffic Accidents

  8. 本文作者报告陆上交通意外尸体剖验37例。事故类型分路人车撞、汽车相撞、汽车撞静物及摩托车事故四种。

    The autopsy findings of 37 cases of road traffic accident are reported .

  9. 道路安全运动在减低交通意外数字方面,继续发挥重要的作用。

    Road safety campaigns continue to play an important role in reducing traffic accidents .

  10. 但该地区因交通意外而住院的人确实较往常更多。

    But hospital admissions in that area due to traffic accidents was actually higher .

  11. 慈溪市道路交通意外伤害调查

    A Survey of Road Traffic Trauma in CiXi

  12. 死于三天前的交通意外。

    Three days ago . a train accident .

  13. 造成海上交通意外怎么办?

    What if a nautical accident occurs ?

  14. 我们的鸵鸟搞出了一单交通意外。

    The ostrich caused a car accident .

  15. 大多数损伤患者源于交通意外,坠落伤,暴力或运动损伤。

    Most hurt comes from traffic accidents , falling-down , violence , and sporting activities .

  16. 据说她丈夫和她的儿子在一宗交通意外中死了。

    It 's said that her husband and her son died in a traffic accident .

  17. 上海市道路交通意外伤害政策支持现况调查

    The Investigation of Current Support Policy of Road Traffic Accident Prevention and Control in Shanghai

  18. 如我们之前所说,制造一起交通意外

    Car accident , like we said .

  19. 交通意外伤亡援助咨询委员会

    Traffic Accident Victims Assistance Advisory Committee

  20. 这是一宗交通意外。

    It was a traffic accident .

  21. 路面空间不足,以致人车争路,亦可能导致交通意外发生。

    Insufficient road space to accommodate both vehicular traffic and pedestrians may contribute to traffic accidents .

  22. 交通意外伤亡者援助基金

    Traffic Accident Victims Assistance Fund

  23. 微型电脑交通意外资料系统在一九九一年启用,用以定期更新交通意外数字。

    Accident records are regularly updated , using the microcomputer-based traffic accident data system installed in 1991 .

  24. 交通意外数据库系统

    Traffic accident database system

  25. 交通意外调查委员会

    Traffic Accident Inquiry Board

  26. 因此,本文提出交通意外事件紧急疏导配流方案生成方法。

    Therefore , the paper proposes a generation method of an urgent dispersion assignment scheme for the incident .

  27. 保安局正积极跟进今天在张家界发生,涉及34名香港居民的交通意外;

    Security is actively follow-up took place today in Zhangjiajie , 34 Hong Kong residents involved in traffic accidents ;

  28. 在1997年的那场严重的交通意外中很多人丧生,许多目击者都惊呆了。

    There was a terrible car accident in1997 , many people died and a lot of witnesses were petrified .

  29. 超速驾驶是严重罪行,亦是交通意外的主要成因之一。

    Speeding is a serious traffic offence and is one of the major causes of traffic accidents in Hong kong .

  30. 将军澳最近接连发生数宗涉及单车的严重交通意外,引起公众关注。

    Recently , several serious traffic accidents involving bicycles have occurred successively in Tseung Kwan o , arousing public concern .