
  • 网络internet advertising;internet ad;Online Advertising
  1. Facebook和谷歌控制着互联网广告业务;

    Facebook and Google controlling the Internet advertising business ;

  2. 然而,一些观察人士已在声称,收购失败标志着微软努力的一次重大挫折,微软试图在快速增长的互联网广告业务领域打造一个与谷歌(Google)相抗衡的竞争对手。

    Yet some observers were already claiming the failure represented a big setback in Microsoft 's efforts to create a counterweight to Google in the fast-growing internet advertising business .

  3. 一些广告商开始转向互联网广告,其更便宜且能提供更具体的如点击率这样的衡量标准,这在市场营销预算紧张的时期尤为重要。

    Some are turning to the Internet , which is cheaper and offers concrete measurements like click-through rates — especially important at a time when marketing budgets are tight .

  4. 随着通过实时竞价发布的互联网广告数量增势迅猛,谷歌(Google)已将实时竞价列为其广告体系的核心业务。

    Real-time online advertising through such auctions is a rapidly growing business , and Google ( GOOG ) has made it a critical part of its advertising ecosystem .

  5. 这个口号出现在庭院广告牌、T恤、条幅上,也出现在透出警告意味的电视、广播和互联网广告里:“男性禁入女厕(NoMeninWomen’sBathrooms)。”

    It appeared on yard signs , T-shirts , banners , and ominous ads on TV , radio and the Internet : " No Men in Women 's Bathrooms . "

  6. 五个月前,当谷歌(google)同意收购互联网广告公司doubleclick时,它遇到了许多反对之声。

    When Google agreed to buy online advertising outfit doubleclick five months ago , it put a lot of backs up .

  7. 以B2M(BusinesstoMarketing)网络托管服务为核心,致力于为企业提供专家化、个性化的互联网广告定制解决方案。

    With the B2M ( Business to Marketing ) web hosting services as the core , we devote to providing enterprises with expert and personalized custom solutions .

  8. 和以前大型品牌的互联网广告不同,facebook上的广告不是抓人眼球的醒目广告或横幅广告,而是更加低调,与网站的整体设计融为一体。

    Unlike previous big brand advertising on the web , the ads on Facebook are not splashy displays and banners but more discreet , blending into the overall site design .

  9. 投资公司KleinerPerkins的研究表明,仅在美国,弥合这一缺口就可产生约200亿美元的额外互联网广告营收。

    Research from Kleiner Perkins suggests that closing this gap would generate another $ 20bn in internet advertising revenue in the US alone .

  10. 美国互联网广告公司DoubleClick和交互式广告管理局(InteractiveAdvertisingBureau)经调查研究发现尺寸大的网页横幅广告能引起更多的注意;

    DoubleClick , an Internet advertising corporation in US , has found through research that greater size of a web banner obtains more attention from web users , and Interactive Advertising Bureau echoes its discovery .

  11. 制定网络广告标准的行业团体互联网广告局(InternetAdvertisingBureau)的技术实验室总经理斯科特·坎宁安(ScottCunningham)表示,他所在的组织已经开始向下载相关软件的用户作出回应。

    Scott Cunningham , the general manager of the technology lab for the Internet Advertising Bureau , the trade group that comes up with online advertising standards , said his group had already begun to respond to users who are downloading the software ;

  12. 根据研究公司eMarketer公布的数据,去年,Twitter在规模达192亿美元的美国移动互联网广告市场中占据3.6%的份额,而Facebook占18.5%,谷歌(Google)更是以36.9%的份额独占榜首。

    Twitter accounted for 3.6 percent of the $ 19.2 billion mobile Internet ad market in the United States last year , according to eMarketer , while Facebook held an 18.5 percent share and Google dominated with 36.9 percent .

  13. 中国3G牌照正式发放以来,随着无线网络传输速度的增快,手机用户将体验到更多更好的服务内容,这将对中国移动互联网广告市场产生积极的影响。

    Since China Issued 3G Licenses , the wireless data transfer rate has been dramatically increased , all of the Chinese mobile phone subscribers will have new experience when they surfing on the internet , this will have significant influence on the Chinese mobile internet advertising market .

  14. 互联网广告的增速甚至更快,预计今年广告收入将增长65%,2009年增长40%。这是因为中国2.5亿网民对游戏网站的兴趣激增,这促使搜索引擎和游戏内置(In-Game)广告出现大幅增长。

    Internet advertising is accelerating even faster , with revenue growth of 65 per cent forecast this year and 40 per cent in 2009 , as the surge in interest in gaming websites among China 's 250m online audience prompts huge growth in search engine and in-game advertising .

  15. 2007年,微软花了63亿美元收购aQuantive公司,试图进军互联网广告市场,但最终却惨败收场,最后该公司的市值在微软的财务报表上显示为区区1亿美元。

    Its attempts to make inroads in the Internet advertising market with the $ 6.3 billion acquisition of aquantive in 2007 was a rout that ultimately forced the firm to write the value of the company down to a mere $ 100 million .

  16. 中国网络广告将接受第二代互联网广告的洗礼

    China Web AD Industry will Receive Baptism by the Second-generation Web AD

  17. 互联网广告的兴起与发展前景分析

    Analysis on the Development and Prospect of Internet Advertisement

  18. 相对于传统媒体,互联网广告有许多优势。

    In contrast with traditional media , it have a lot of advantages .

  19. 互联网广告艺术形式研究

    Approaches to the Art Form of Internet Advertisements

  20. 互联网广告中的科技信息传播特点初探

    Features of Science Information Communication in Internet Advertising

  21. 传统的基于文本数据挖掘的广告上下文相关性方法已在以多媒体数据为载体的互联网广告上显露出诸多不足之处。

    The traditional text-based contextual advertising reveals a number of shortcomings on multimedia advertising .

  22. 该公司另一大业务是互联网广告销售。

    Its other business is selling internet advertising .

  23. 然而,互联网广告收入预计会在可预见的未来持续增长。

    Online revenue growth , though , is expected to continue for the foreseeable future .

  24. 而报纸广告的接触率只有29.2%,杂志广告19.8%,互联网广告15.8%,远远落后于电视和户外广告。

    Far behind are newspapers at29.2 % , magazines at19.8 % , and Internet at15.8 % .

  25. 这种商业模式有一个不可告人的秘密:互联网广告不值多少钱。

    The dirty secret of this business model is that Internet ads aren 't worth much .

  26. 传统的广告模式为电视广告、户外广告、互联网广告以及报纸、广播等其他媒体承载广告。

    Traditional advertising media platforms include TV , outdoors , Internet , newspaper , radio and more .

  27. 电视和其他一些更加传统的广告手段也对互联网广告营销起到了补充作用。

    Televisions and other more traditional advertising venues also play a complementary role in the digital world .

  28. 互联网广告遭遇尴尬

    Internet Ads Encounter Awkward Situation

  29. 互联网广告的趋势之三:整合线上线下活动到企业的营销销售战略

    Internet Advertising Trend No.3 : Integration of online and offline activities into the marketing and sales strategy

  30. 国家工商行政管理总局(工商总局)日前在其官网上发布了一项互联网广告新规。

    The State Administration for Industry and Commerce released a new internet advertising regulation on its website .