
  • 网络theme;theme music;theme song;Music
  1. 在教堂里,乐队演奏了《星球大战》中天行者卢克的主题音乐TheBinarySunset。

    Inside the church a brass band played the film 's The Binary Sunset music - known as Luke Skywalker 's theme .

  2. 在美国社会里,杰帕迪的主题音乐已经成了智力竞赛的标志。

    The theme music from Jeopardy has become a symbol of thinking or thought .

  3. 都要有自己的主题音乐。在品牌声音中有8种表现方式。

    There are eight expressions of a brand in sound .

  4. 主题音乐还算不错。

    A bit of cheesy-awesome theme music .

  5. 你可能觉察到了,它正是我们特别英语节目《成语故事》的主题音乐。

    You might recognize it as the theme music for the Special English program Words and Their Stories .

  6. 这对新婚夫妇还雇了一个矮人,他伴随着本尼·希尔德创作的主题音乐围着桌子乱跑。此外,米老鼠米奇和米妮也被邀请过来和宾客们跳舞。

    The newlyweds also hired a dwarf who ran around the tables to the Benny Hill theme music and Mickey and Minnie Mouse were there to dance with guests .

  7. 接着约翰·威廉姆斯的主题音乐响起,正当露易丝脚底一滑摔落下来,底下惊恐的人群纷纷散开之时,克拉克变成了超人。

    The John Williams ' score begins to build and Clark morphs into Superman , just as Lois slips and falls and the horrified crowd resigns itself to her death .

  8. 在音乐分析方面,通过对各个主题音乐素材的剖析,透视了作曲家创作本曲时组织材料与建立音乐形象的过程。

    At the aspect of music analyzing , writer perspective the process that composer organizes material and establishes music image when he compose this piece , through dissect various theme material .

  9. 除了音响设计,及音乐录音工作,也曾参与歌剧,音乐剧,舞蹈,电视主题音乐及广告的音乐创作。

    Besides sound design , and music recording , has also been involved in music compositions for musical theatre , music drama , stage dance , television theme , and commercial advertising .

  10. 爱德华。阿尔比的戏剧《动物园的故事》犹如一支交响曲,它有着主题音乐般的结构,还有标题音乐的一些特点;

    Edward Albee 's play The Zoo Story is compared in the discussion to a symphony , one that bears the structural feature of theme music and some features of program music .

  11. 我们的节目包括历届奥运会乐曲、奥运电影和主题音乐以及世界和平乐曲联奏。

    The program will include music that was particularly written for past Olympic Games , music related to Olympic films and themes , and a Great Medley of Music for Peace in the World .

  12. 这条广告是苏里兹财务服务公司的广告片,在片子里,伴随着电影《633空军中队》主题音乐,小猪们沿着跑道加速快跑,最后飞了起来。它们因此俘获了英国人的心。

    Britons took the porkers to their hearts after seeing them charge down a runway and take off to the theme tune from the film " 633 Squadron " in an ad for Zurich Financial Services .

  13. 他所讲的主题音乐是上帝与人类社会的关系,尤指他们在这里垦荒播种的新英格兰。

    His subject , it appeared , had been the relation between the Deity and the communities of mankind , with a special reference to the New England , which they were here planting in the wilderness .

  14. 第三章则对女性形象塑造的艺术做了一个分析,主要从音乐创作和声音的技巧两个方面,解读了其中的主题音乐、调性曲式、唱腔、演唱技巧、演唱处理等对于人物形象塑造。

    Chapter III of the Portrayal of Women in Art an analysis from the two aspects of music creation and sound techniques , interpretation of the theme music , tonal musical form , singing , singing technique , singing processing Characters in .

  15. 论埃德加·艾伦·坡诗歌的主题与音乐性

    On the Theme and Musical Quality of Edgar Allan Poe 's Poetry

  16. 幼儿教师对如何开展主题性音乐活动存在困惑。

    Kindergarten teachers are confused how to teach the theme music activities . 4 .

  17. 以中国民歌作为钢琴变奏曲主题的音乐作品,融合了民族音乐元素与西方作曲技法。

    The music whose theme is piano variation with Chinese folk blends national music elements with western techniques of composition .

  18. 在洪荒时代,基本主题的音乐表现;脉动的节奏和殴打直接向上诉人类肉感。

    In primitive times , the basic motif of musical expression ; the pulsating rhythm and beat appeal directly to human sensuality .

  19. 研究结果表明:(1)幼儿教师对主题性音乐活动概念的认知尚欠清晰。

    The results show that : 1 . The cognition of kindergarten teachers on theme music activities are not very clearly . 2 .

  20. 世博开幕式选择的音乐人们更加深切地感受到了上海世博的这一主题,音乐是似乎是全世界最流畅的沟通工具。

    The opening ceremony chooses music people felt the Shanghai world abundant this subject , music are sincerely as if are the world smoothest communication tools .

  21. 本论文分四章来探讨《四个四重奏》的音乐性:节奏的音乐性、修辞的音乐性、结构的音乐性、主题的音乐性。

    This thesis sets to explore the musicality of the poem in four aspects : the rhythmic musicality , the rhetorical musicality , the structural musicality and the thematic musicality .

  22. 当第一家庭出现在白宫的时候,数百兴奋地客人向他们欢呼。海军乐队演奏卡通主题的音乐和童谣。

    Hundreds of excited guests had earlier cheered the First Family when they emerged from the White House , after being serenaded by a marine band playing cartoon theme tunes and nursery rhymes .

  23. 文中探讨了以英雄为主题的音乐作品的创作特点,对几部代表性作品作了音乐本体分析与音乐文化意涵的阐释。

    This dissertation shows a research in the creative characteristics of musical pieces which are themed by heroes , and analyzes the noumenon of music and explains the implication of musical culture from several representative works .

  24. 本研究还为该省幼儿园课程的音乐教育活动的选择和组织提供了可供参考的案例,使该课程的主题、音乐分册以及资源库的编写有了一些模板。

    The research also provides referential cases on content selection and organization of courses and educational activities for the provincial kindergarten curriculum , giving some " templates " about the curriculum " theme "," music branch books " and " resources " .

  25. 这些主题使乡村音乐有别于诸如小甜甜与N-Sync的音乐。

    These themes set country music apart from the music of , say , Britney Spears or N-Sync .

  26. 该音乐剧的诸多歌曲,如《雪绒花》、《我的最爱》、《攀越群山》、《Do-Re-Mi》以及主题歌曲《音乐之声》都已成经典。

    Many songs from the musical have become standards , such as Edelweiss , My Favorite Things , Climb Ev'ry Mountain , Do-Re-Mi , and the title song The Sound of Music .

  27. 于是,研究主题便成为音乐分析的首要环节。

    As a result , research of theme has become one of the most important aspects of musical analysis .

  28. 结果是我揭露了他们给在主题的流行音乐照片一次很快对是出版采访的文本。

    The result was that I uncovered the text of a soon-to-be-published interview they gave Pop Photo on the subject .

  29. 其中还包括提供电影与电视剧主题曲背景音乐、数字音乐增值于一体的艺术与商业服务。

    It 's bussiness also include the following service , offering the theme song , background music relevant to movie and TV serial drama , digital music increment integrated to art and commerce .

  30. 只有首先从音乐性主题结构和相关音乐技法切入,才能完整地理解这部作品的审美价值。

    Therefore , only a careful and subtle investigation , first and foremost , both of this works musical thematic structure and its use of music devices can .