
zhōng zhèng
  • just;fair
中正 [zhōng zhèng]
  • [fair] 正直

中正[zhōng zhèng]
  1. “九品官人法”通常被称为九品中正制,此外还有诸多异名、别称。

    The Rule of Nine Ranks of Officials is commonly referred to as the Just System of Nine Ranks besides other different names .

  2. 这一年中,通用汽车公司(GeneralMotors)的高管们参加了一次演习,他们在演习中正是这样做的。

    This past year , General Motors ( GM ) executives participated in an exercise that did just that .

  3. 当时这个政党在其支持者中正遭受信任危机。

    The party was suffering a crisis of confidence among its supporters .

  4. 政府从这些谈判中正取得缓慢的、间断性的进展。

    The government is making slow and fitful progress in these negotiations .

  5. 有迹象表明该党在最新一轮投票中正逐渐领先。

    There are signs that the party is gaining ground in the latest polls

  6. 地震CT成像技术中正演模拟技术的研究与应用

    Study and Application of the Forward Modeling in Seismic Computerized Tomography

  7. RoughSet中正区域的若干性质

    Some properties of positive regions in Rough Set

  8. 目前,GPS定位技术在陆地车辆导航定位系统中正获得了越来越广泛的应用。

    The GPS is now more and more used in vehicle navigation systems .

  9. 复发见于治疗前后PBMCs中正链HCVRNA持续阳性的患者。

    The relapse occurred in patients whose plus strand HCV RNA in PBMCs remained positive before and after treatment .

  10. 通过对外周血单个核细胞(PBMC)中正链及负链HCVRNA的检测来探讨HCV在PBMC中的复制与丙肝慢性化及复发的关系。

    To study the relation of chronic hepatitis C and relapse with HCV RNA in sera and peripheral blood mononuclear cells ( PBMC ) .

  11. 以信息技术产业为先导的新经济在NASDAQ股市的波动中正遭遇尴尬。

    The New Economy guided by the information industry is facing a serious situation inthe fluctuation of the stock market .

  12. 文中正是以C语言考试系统为例,研究如何利用基于RUP思想的开发方法来把握一个B/S系统的整体开发的架构与过程。

    This paper takes a test system for the C language as an example to research how to use idea of RUP to control the whole frame and process of the system .

  13. 对空气中和氮气中正、负、双极性脉冲电晕放电的n2(c~3∏u→b~3∏g)发射光谱相对强度进行了比较,并对实验结果进行了定性解释。

    The N2 ( C3 П u-B3 П g ) emission spectrum relative intensity produced by positive , negative and bipolar pulse corona discharge in the air or in N2 are compared , and the experimental results are explained .

  14. 结果发现治疗前17例患者血清中正链RNA均阳性,13例血清负链RNA亦阳性(反应组8例,无反应组5例)。

    Positive strand RNA of HCV was found in all the 17 patients and negative strand was foun in 13 before interferon treatment . At the end of therapeutic course of interferon for 12 weeks , 9 were responders and 8 were non-responders .

  15. 实验还表明,在固定过饱和度情况下,KTP晶体生长速度将随溶液中正磷酸盐相对含量增加而减少。

    In addition , the experimental results indicate that the steady state growth rate of the interfaces decreases with the increase in relative quantities of orthophosphate in the solutions at the same supersaturation .

  16. 随着当前我国经济的持续高速发展,微电子产业在国民经济发展中正占据着越来越大的比重,同时WTO的加入和国内民营企业的蓬勃发展也加剧了整个微电子行业市场的激烈竞争。

    With China 's sustained economic growth , the microelectronic industry has been occupying an increasingly important position in the national economy . However , China 's entry into the WTO and the prosperous growth of its private enterprises has intensified market competition within the entire microelectronic industry .

  17. 链烷烃中正构烷烃的碳数分布为C20&C38,其中环烷烃的含量低于NMR的检测限,环烷烃的总离子流色谱图显示出其中的链烷烃含量很低。

    The carbon number distribution of normal paraffin in alkane is C_ 20 & C_ 38 . Cycloparaffinic hydrocarbon in alkane is less than the detection limit of NMR , and the total ion chromatogram of cycloparaffinic hydrocarbon shows that the content of alkane in cycloparaffinic hydrocarbon is very little .

  18. 随着真空接触器技术的发展,由真空接触器配以适当的熔断器,即F-C组合电器,用于控制和保护电动机和变压器等电气设备,在电气领域中正得到广泛应用。

    Following the development of vacuum contactor technology , via vacuum contactor fitted with appropriate fuses , to say F-C combination electrical apparatus , to be used in control and protection of motors and transformers etc electrical equipment is now being widely applied in electrical field .

  19. 北朝的九品中正制研究

    Study on the System of Recommending Legates of Northern Dynasties

  20. 兰州市大气飘尘中正构烷烃分布特征

    Characteristics of n - Alkanes in Airborne Particulates in Lanzhou

  21. 巢湖沉积物柱样中正构烷烃初探

    A Preliminary Study of N-alkanes in a Sedimentary Core from Chaohu Lake

  22. 可靠性综合中正态信息折合为二项信息的方法

    A method of converting normal information into binomial information in synthesis reliability

  23. 信息系统中正区域性质的研究与应用

    Research and application of positive region properties in information systems

  24. 磁场中正柱非线性理论的自洽解

    A self-consistent solution for nonlinear theory of positive column in a magnetic field

  25. 共振价键模型中正常态电阻率的讨论

    Discussion on normal state resistivity in a RVB system

  26. 加氢焦化汽油中正、异构烃的吸附分离及优化利用

    Adsorption Separation and Optimizing Utilization of Normal and iso-Hydrocarbons in Hydrotreated Coker Gasoline

  27. 沥青质轻度化学氧化降解产物中正庚烷可溶组分的特征

    Characteristics of n-heptane-soluble components in the mild chemical oxidation degraded products of asphaltene

  28. 在含非良性角点区域中正对称型方程组的可解性

    On the solvability of symmetric positive system in a domain with non-exceptional corners

  29. 气溶胶中正构烷烃单体化合物稳定碳同位素分布特征初步研究

    Preliminary Study on Stable Carbon Isotope Distribution of Individual N Alkanes in Aerosols

  30. 分子筛脱蜡评价实验中正构烷烃含量的测定

    Determination of n-paraffins in test of molecular sieve dewaxing