
  • 网络Chinese Regiment
  1. 试论中国团体操的民族特色

    A tentative comment on the national characteristic of group calisthenics of China

  2. 中国团体操作为世界团体操发展的一部分,通过在全国运动会、亚洲运动会、奥运会的开幕式上创造的优秀作品,在世界人民面前展露头脚。

    The group calisthenics in China is considering as a part of the world group calisthenics development , through the National Games , Asian Games , the Olympic Games opening ceremony on the creation of outstanding works , showing off themselves .

  3. 中国代表团原则上同意提案集c。

    The delegation of China agreed in principle to cluster C.

  4. 虽然从旅行团成员统一佩戴的旅行帽和配备扩音器的导游来看,中国旅行团缺少了一些时尚气息,但联合国下属机构世界旅游组织(WorldTourismOrganization)公布的数据显示,中国游客对全球旅游业的贡献最大。

    With their matching hats and bullhorn-equipped tour guides , Chinese tour groups may not win many style points , but according to the United Nations World Tourism Organization they 're doing more than anyone else prop up the global tourism industry .

  5. 向巴黎法院提交紧急请求的中国律师团代表的是法国考古学家高明斯(BernardGomez)。

    The group of Chinese lawyers that filed the emergency request in Paris , represents Bernard Gomez , a French archaeologist .

  6. 英国对华签证联盟(UKChinaVisaAlliance)数据显示,在来欧洲观光的中国旅游团当中,约有90%略过了英国——英国不在欧盟免签申根区内——这使英国每年损失12亿英镑收入。

    According to the UK China Visa Alliance , about 90 per cent of Chinese tour groups visiting Europe omit Britain - which is not part of the EU 's visa-free Schengen zone - resulting in £ 1.2bn of lost revenue each year .

  7. 一个中国代表团将于3月初访问Varsity,就未来5年内培养多达100万名中国啦啦队员一事进行谈判。

    A delegation from China is visiting Varsity in early March to talk about training as many as 1m Chinese cheerleaders over the next five years .

  8. 越南岘港&麦忠程(MaiThanhTrung)进入岘港一家接待中国旅游团的公司不久,对他来说,今年开年的形势很不错。

    DA NANG , Vietnam & The year began well for Mai Thanh Trung , newly employed at a travel company here that caters to Chinese tour groups .

  9. 越南岘港——麦忠程(MaiThanhTrung)进入岘港一家接待中国旅游团的公司不久,对他来说,今年开年的形势很不错。

    DA NANG , Vietnam - The year began well for Mai Thanh Trung , newly employed at a travel company here that caters to Chinese tour groups .

  10. Menendez说Rebelo将加入他的小组,参加作为“武汉第二个城市交通项目”一部分的所有中国考察团。

    Menendez said Rebelo is joining his team on all missions to China as part of the Wuhan second urban transport project .

  11. 但是合作的细节仍有待最终商定。在Ramadoss访华之前,已经有几个中国代表团与印度医学研究理事会进行了会晤,以确定可能的合作领域。

    Before Ramadoss 's visit , several Chinese delegations met with the Indian Council of Medical Research to identify areas for potential collaboration .

  12. 揭秘!东京奥运会开幕式上中国代表团的礼服藏着这些“玄机”

    Behind the uniform design for Chinese athletes at Tokyo Olympics

  13. 中国青年团的夏季活动也是十分受欢迎的。

    The CYC 's summer activities are also quite popular .

  14. 是的。中国代表团昨天又获得了三枚金牌。

    Yes . The Chinese delegation won there more gold medals yesterday .

  15. 你会随中国参展团出发吗?

    Will you join the Chinese exhibitor group go to OFC / NFOEC ?

  16. 第一个中国旅行团将于今年6月抵达美国。

    The first Chinese tour group heads to the United States in June .

  17. 一个多小时前,中国代表团刚刚进入了体育场,

    The Chinese delegation marched onto the grounds more than an hour ago ,

  18. 第29届奥运会中国代表团奖牌榜名次分析

    The analysis of the medal tally of Chinese delegation in the 29th Olympic Games

  19. 成群结队涌入店内的中国旅游团也是如此。

    So too do tour groups , who arrive at the store en masse .

  20. 在英国的中国侨民团每年以他们特殊的方式庆祝春节。

    The Chinese community in Britain celebrates spring festival every tear in special way .

  21. 香港代表以中国代表团成员身分出席这份报告的听证会。

    A Hong Kong team attended the hearing as part of the Chinese delegation .

  22. 今天下午新闻秘书将带领一个中国代表团参观这所大学。

    The Press Secretary is taking a Chinese delegation round the University this afternoon .

  23. 为了欢迎中国代表团整个街道都用彩旗装饰了。

    All the streets were C decorated with flags to welcome the Chinese delegation .

  24. 为中国考察团在日本当过三个月的译员。

    Worked as an interpreter in Japan for a Chinese investigation group for three months .

  25. 中国代表团将积极支持您的工作。

    The Chinese delegation pledges you its full support in the discharge of your duty .

  26. 女子中长跑、竞走、标枪、铅球、链球等项目应为08年北京奥运会中国代表团的重点发展项目。

    Should be the key developing event of the Chinese delegation in 08 Beijing Olympic Games .

  27. 除了这些语言项目,还有中国杂技团的定期巡演。

    In addition to these language items , there are Chinese Acrobatic Troupe 's regular plays .

  28. 但如今,全球各地都能见到大把花钱、背着相机的中国旅游团。

    But big-spending , camera-toting Chinese tour groups can now be seen all over the world .

  29. 中国代表团要求将上述发言作为会议正式文件散发。

    My delegation requests the circulation of this statement as an official document of this session .

  30. 六方会谈的中国代表团团长武大伟也参加了会见。

    China 's envoy to six-nation nuclear talks , Wu Dawei , also attended the meeting .