
To set up a credit evaluation system suitable for the current economic development and the individual economy action helps to construct the personal credit honesty system .
The structure of the economic ethics theory is divided into micro-theory ( for personal behavior ) and mid-theory ( for organizations behavior ) and macro-theory ( for institutes ), freedom is the primary question throughout the three sectors .
Credit system could restrain the economic behavior of enterprises and individuals , prompted the formation of the concept of good faith and a good social credit environment .
As a form of institutional arrangement , it can , to some extent , make up for government institutions and market institutions in many fields , influencing the economic behavior of government , firms and individuals through given social environment factors and thus influencing economic development .
Sport consumption of university students is known as the students ' personal consumption engaging sport activities directly or indirectly .
Sports consumption is a kind of economic activity on which people spend money for physical fitness , which plays an important part in their daily consumption seeking for self-enjoyment and self-satisfaction . It is also the economic behavior involving personal consumption via direct or indirect physical activity .