首页 / 词典 / good

  • lose

  • funeral;mourning
  • 跟死了人有关的事:~事。~礼。~亡。~假(jià)。~乱。治~。吊~。

  • 丢掉,失去:~失。~生。~偶。~胆。~气(不吉利,倒霉。“气”读轻声)。颓~(情绪低落,精神委靡)。懊~。沮~。~权辱国。~尽天良(良心全部失去了)。


(跟死了人有关的事情) funeral; mourning:

  • 国丧

    national mourning;

  • 治丧

    make funeral arrangements


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 丧左

    Sang Zuo


(丧失) lose:

  • 如丧考妣

    look as if one had lost one's parents -- to look utterly wretched;

  • 他5岁丧父。

    He lost his father at five.

  1. 为什么一日丧你们二人呢?

    Why should I lose both of you in one day ?

  2. 我在年幼时,不幸丧父。

    When I was very young , I had the misfortune to lose my father .

  3. 丧子使他们两人重归于好。

    The loss of their son brought the two of them together .

  4. 她85岁了,三度丧夫。

    She 's 85 and has buried three husbands .

  5. 她深感丧母之痛。

    She felt her mother 's death very deeply .

  6. 丧子之痛是难以体会的。

    It is hard to fathom the pain felt at the death of a child .

  7. 他因丧妻失子而悲痛不已。

    He 's grieving over his dead wife and son

  8. 经受了这种苦难的孩子应该去咨询在排遣丧亲之痛方面有着丰富经验的辅导人员。

    Children who have suffered like this should see a counsellor experienced in bereavement

  9. 玛格丽万分悲痛的家人努力从丧亲之痛中恢复过来。

    Margery 's grieving family battled to come to terms with their loss .

  10. 丧亲和哀悼的悲伤会持续很久。

    The period of mourning and bereavement may be long

  11. 丧妻之痛令我彻底崩溃,几个月之后才恢复过来。

    The loss of my wife hit me for six ; it took me months to recover

  12. 他5岁丧父。

    He lost his father at five .

  13. 她的丧亲之痛已演变成为对痛苦的麻木不仁。

    The agony of her loss had become numb acceptance of it .

  14. 余自伤幼年丧母。

    I grieve that I lost my mother when I was a child .

  15. 尔今死去侬收葬,未卜侬身何日丧?

    Now you are dead I come to bury you ; None has divined the day when I shall die ;

  16. 没有耶稣,你就永远失丧在罪中,不能到天上与神在一起。

    Without the Lord Jesus , you will be lost forever in your sin , never able to be with God in Heaven .

  17. 目前尚不清楚是什么导致了心碎综合征,但据了解,丧亲之痛、车祸、地震甚至婚礼等喜事急性应激引起的肾上腺素急剧飙升,会导致部分心壁运动丧失,进而诱发急性心衰。

    It is unclear what causes takotsubo , but sharp spikes3 in adrenaline caused by acute stress like bereavement4 , car accidents , earthquakes and even happy events such as weddings are understood to drive loss of movement in part of the heart wall , which then precipitates5 the acute heart failure .

  18. 当人们心情悲伤时,人们会说“Ifeelblue”(我觉得心情很混丧)。人们把不愉快和恐惧之类的感觉同蓝色联系在一起。

    When people are sad , they say " I feel blue . " They associate blue with feelings like unhappiness and fear .

  19. 丧亲会才不会让我忘掉Molly

    Some sad bereavement group is not gonna help me get over molly 's death .

  20. 长角苗族丧亲应对方式与SCL-90之间的关系

    The Relationship between the Bereavement Coping Style and the SCL-90 of the " Long Horns Miao " Nationality

  21. 离婚丧婚者、失业或退休者和高中及以上高学历人群患大肠癌的风险增加,差异均有显著性意义(P0.05);家庭经济收入比较显示无统计学意义。

    Divorce or bereavement , Unemployment or retirement and highly educated people suffer from an increased risk of CRC . The difference showed statistical significance ( P 0.05 ) .

  22. 莎拉·莫瑞是“金融时报”的撰稿人。在她的新书“MakinganExit”中,她讲述了自己周游世界发现不同文化下人们如何执行丧仪纪念死者。

    In her new book " Making an Exit ", Sarah Murray , a contributor to the Financial Times , travels the globe to discover how different cultures conduct funeral rites and honour the dead .

  23. 我母亲,Mai,18岁丧父,已经被包办了婚姻,有了两个小女儿。

    My mother , Mai , was 18 when her father died -- already in an arranged marriage , already with two small girls .

  24. 在人生丧到极点的时候,他在飞机上遇到了空姐Claire。无比热情阳光的Claire一步一步改变了Drew对人生和失败的看法。

    On the plane to Elizebethtown , he met Claire Colburn , a hostess who later helped him get through the most desperate period of his life .

  25. 丧失了逻辑思维、讨论问题、发表意见或做出决定的能力,而Stephanie曾经是一个丧亲辅导员。

    The loss of the ability to reason , to debate , to express an opinion , or make a decision – Stephanie used to be a bereavement counsellor .

  26. 他需要照看他的孩子的生活,教年轻人去打比赛,还有一个他和他妻子Karen创办的基金来为失去亲人的孩子们开办丧友宿营。

    He has his children 's lives to watch , youth games to coach and a foundation he and his wife , Karen , run that is creating bereavement camps for children who have lost someone they love .

  27. IanTomlinson在2009年的一次游行中被一名警官推倒在地并且后来丧了命,这一案例便是人们一直询问的主题。

    The case of Ian Tomlinson , who was pushed to the ground by a police officer during a protest in 2009 and later died , is the subject of an ongoing inquiry .

  28. 出售自己手中所持PizzaExpress的股份后,我从该公司董事会退下来,转而投入其他餐饮项目。我当时有一种丧亲之痛。

    After I sold my PizzaExpress shares and stepped down from its board to take on other restaurant projects , I felt a kind of bereavement .

  29. 该组织表示,周日暴力冲突继续,导致至少12名平民死亡,其中大部分丧生于反政府武装活跃的西北部省份伊德利卜(idlib)的一次军事行动中。

    Violence continued on Sunday , the observatory said , with at least 12 civilians killed , most during a military operation in the rebellious north-western province of Idlib .

  30. 论保险受益权的得丧变更

    The Acquisition , Alteration and Extermination of the Insurance Beneficial Right